"E" Keywords - 75 Result(s)


[eruption dybamics]

Forecasting eruption transition through geologic and petrologic approaches Michihiko Nakamura (Professor)


Innovative anemia therapy: Development of new anemia drugs targeting the novel mechanism of erythropoiesis Kazuhiko Igarashi (Professor)
Development of anti-fibrotic therapies with a cell line from myofibroblasts of fibrotic kidneys Norio Suzuki (Professor)


Monomer-Recycle System of Biodegradable Plastics by Industrial Fungal Fermentation and Application of Fungal Biosurfactant Proteins to Nanoparticles for Medical Use Keietsu Abe (Professor)


Hormone Actions in Human Breast Carcinoma Takashi Suzuki (Professor)


Hands-On Access Fabrication Facility –Open Facility for MEMS and Semiconductor Prototyping– Kentaro Totsu (Professor)

[Ethics of Design]

Philosophy of Science and Technology, Science and Technology Studies (STS) Kiyotaka Naoe (Professor)


Development and evaluation of various inhibitors and disinfectants for SARS-CoV-2 Eiichi Kodama (Professor)
Lymph node metastasis prediction and treatment evaluation system Tetsuya KODAMA (Professor)
Development of the next generation anti-HIV agents Eiichi Kodama (Professor)

[evolutionary instructional design]

Advanced Educational Environment with Interactive Instruction System IMPRESSION Takashi Mitsuishi (Associate Professor)


Exercising "Cultured" Myotubes! Makoto Kanzaki (Professor)

[exercise physiology]

Functional and Molecular Imaging with Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Manabu Tashiro (Professor)


Electronic properties of nanostructures and nanodevices Tomohiro Otsuka (Associate Professor)

[Extracellular matrix]

Development of preventive medicine for aortic aneurysm and dissection of Marfan syndrome Masahiro Saito (Professor)