"I" Keywords - 62 Result(s)



Identification of Ignition and Combustion Characteristics by a Micro Flow Rector with a Temperature Gradient

  • We have developed a methodology for identifying general ignition and combustion characteristics of gaseous and liquid fuels including bio and synthetic fuels. It enables identification of ignition and combustion characteristics of new fuels prior to application for practical combustion devices. The reactor system consists of a small diameter channel which has a temperature gradient from room temperature to the auto ignition temperature and thus reaction characteristics in different temperature levels can be easily investigated. Such a measurement had required research level skills and special devices such as rapid compression machine or shock tube which is costly in general, however, the micro flow reactor with temperature gradient enables reaction analysis easily.

It is expected to contribute to the designing of combustion devices, developments of new fuels, and chemical promoter and inhibitor.


Institute of Fluid Science

Kaoru Maruta

[Ignition inhibitor]

Identification of Ignition and Combustion Characteristics by a Micro Flow Rector with a Temperature Gradient

  • We have developed a methodology for identifying general ignition and combustion characteristics of gaseous and liquid fuels including bio and synthetic fuels. It enables identification of ignition and combustion characteristics of new fuels prior to application for practical combustion devices. The reactor system consists of a small diameter channel which has a temperature gradient from room temperature to the auto ignition temperature and thus reaction characteristics in different temperature levels can be easily investigated. Such a measurement had required research level skills and special devices such as rapid compression machine or shock tube which is costly in general, however, the micro flow reactor with temperature gradient enables reaction analysis easily.

It is expected to contribute to the designing of combustion devices, developments of new fuels, and chemical promoter and inhibitor.


Institute of Fluid Science

Kaoru Maruta

[Ignition promoter]

Identification of Ignition and Combustion Characteristics by a Micro Flow Rector with a Temperature Gradient

  • We have developed a methodology for identifying general ignition and combustion characteristics of gaseous and liquid fuels including bio and synthetic fuels. It enables identification of ignition and combustion characteristics of new fuels prior to application for practical combustion devices. The reactor system consists of a small diameter channel which has a temperature gradient from room temperature to the auto ignition temperature and thus reaction characteristics in different temperature levels can be easily investigated. Such a measurement had required research level skills and special devices such as rapid compression machine or shock tube which is costly in general, however, the micro flow reactor with temperature gradient enables reaction analysis easily.

It is expected to contribute to the designing of combustion devices, developments of new fuels, and chemical promoter and inhibitor.


Institute of Fluid Science

Kaoru Maruta

[image processing]

Visual Computing with Secure ICT in the Big Data Era

  • Our study focuses on sensing, processing, recognition, understanding, and analysis of enormous visual data collected in real-world environments. We have invented a set of advanced techniques of sub-pixel image analysis using phase-based image matching. Potential applications include personal recognition using various biometric traits (e.g., face, fingerprint, palm print, finger knuckle print, iris, and medical radiographs), machine vision, multi-view 3D reconstruction, image database search, and medical image computing. We are also studying fundamental techniques for building secure ICT infrastructure for the big data era; our research interests include tamper-resistant cryptographic processing and biometrics-based secure remote authentication.

We can provide collaboration and information exchange services for industries and other research organizations in the fields of image processing, computer vision, information security, biometrics, LSI design, and embedded system technologies. Many researchers and engineers from various companies, universities, and research institutions have visited our laboratory regardless of their technology fields. Our staff at the Intelligent Information System (IIS) Research Center will welcome potential collaborators: info@iisrc.ecei.tohoku.ac.jp


Administrative Staff

Takafumi Aoki

[Image Recognition]

Visual Computing with Secure ICT in the Big Data Era

  • Our study focuses on sensing, processing, recognition, understanding, and analysis of enormous visual data collected in real-world environments. We have invented a set of advanced techniques of sub-pixel image analysis using phase-based image matching. Potential applications include personal recognition using various biometric traits (e.g., face, fingerprint, palm print, finger knuckle print, iris, and medical radiographs), machine vision, multi-view 3D reconstruction, image database search, and medical image computing. We are also studying fundamental techniques for building secure ICT infrastructure for the big data era; our research interests include tamper-resistant cryptographic processing and biometrics-based secure remote authentication.

We can provide collaboration and information exchange services for industries and other research organizations in the fields of image processing, computer vision, information security, biometrics, LSI design, and embedded system technologies. Many researchers and engineers from various companies, universities, and research institutions have visited our laboratory regardless of their technology fields. Our staff at the Intelligent Information System (IIS) Research Center will welcome potential collaborators: info@iisrc.ecei.tohoku.ac.jp


Administrative Staff

Takafumi Aoki

[Image sensor]

Development of Advanced Device and Process Technologies and New Image Sensors

  • Toward the ultimate performances of image sensors, advanced research activities are being conducted that cover a wide range of technology fields from cleanroom infrastructure, materials, process equipment, process, device, circuit, assembly, signal processing, measurement/evaluation and reliability. Following technologies have been successfully commercialized:
  • A fast and accurate measurement technology of electrical characteristics for over 1 million transistors
  • A wide dynamic range CMOS image sensor technology capturing images over five decade brightness ranges
  • An ultra-fast CMOS image sensor technology with 10 million frames/sec

Followings are available for industry collaborators:
A. 200mm-diameter-wafer silicon device fabrication utilizing the ultra-clean facility including wafer mutual fabrication processing between device manufacturers.
B. Process technology development and various kinds of analyses.
C. Development of new image sensors.


New Industry Creation Hatchery Center

Shigetoshi Sugawa


Development of Passive Millimeter-wave Imaging Device for Practical Applications

  • Millimeter wave (MM-wave) which is one of the electromagnetic wave transparent the clothes, the fire and the wall etc. and all natural materials including objects in clothes always radiate the electromagnetic wave as the thermal noise. Using these characteristics of MM-wave, imaging of concealed objects in clothes can be accomplished in a noninvasive and noncontact manner. This technique is called Passive Millimeter Wave (PMMW) Imaging technique and we have developed a PMMW imaging device for security applications.
  • The wave length of MM-wave frequency range is from 1 mm to 10 mm and the spatial resolution of images in MM-wave range is low compared with sub-millimeter (terahertz) range or Infra-Red range, however, higher transmittance through clothes can be obtained compared with higher frequency range. Furthermore, low noise amplifier (LNA) exists which could be the advantage of MM-wave compared with higher frequency ranges.
  • Now the device was developed for the purpose of keeping safe and secure aircrafts and ships etc., we hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of this technology in industrial fields such as the fire rescue, the police equipment and the medical devices.


Graduate School of Engineering

Hiroyasu Sato

X-Ray Phase Imaging for High-Sensitive Non-Destructive Testing

  • Conventional X-ray imaging methods that rely on X-ray attenuation cannot generate clear contrast in the observation of low-density materials such as polymers consisting of low-Z elements. However, the sensitivity to the materials can be improved drastically by X-ray phase imaging that detects X-ray refraction caused by the materials. X-ray Talbot or Talbot-Lau interferometry consisting of X-ray transmission gratings is now constructed in laboratories for X-ray phase imaging. X-ray phase tomography is also realized, enabling high-sensitive three-dimensional observation.
  • X-ray phase imaging can be utilized for X-ray non-destructive testing of industrial products and baggage that cannot be checked conventionally.

We aim at appending a phase-contrast mode to micro-CT apparatuses and developing screening apparatuses in production lines.


Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials

Atsushi Momose

High-speed X-ray phase tomography with a millisecond-order temporal resolution

  • We successfully realized millisecond-order X-ray phase tomography using a fringe-scanning method in grating-based X-ray interferometry. We obtained phase tomograms with a measurement time of 4.43 ms using a white synchrotron X-ray beam. The use of a fringe-scanning method enables us to achieve not only a higher spatial resolution but also a higher signal-to-noise ratio than that attained by the Fourier transform method. In addition, our approach can be applied to realize four-dimensional or high-throughput X-ray tomography for samples that can be rotated at a high speed.


International Center for Synchrotron Radiation Innovation Smart

Wataru Yashiro

Imaging and photoregulation of biological functions

  • To properly understand the functions of biomolecules, it is essential to observe them under physiological conditions where the interactions with other biomolecules are preserved. Therefore, we are developing new functional molecules using both organic chemistry and protein science approaches, and working on the visualization and optical control of biomolecules and their functions. Especially, we have developed fluorescent probes that quantitate the concentration of biomolecules or ions in subcellular regions such as organelles and caged compounds and photoswitches that optically manipulate the biomolecular functions.


Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials

Shin Mizukami


Development of an intranodal administration method

  • (1) The amount of anticancer drug required to treat one metastatic lymph node is 1/1,000 to 1/10,000 of the systemic dose.
  • (2) The drug can be administered into the lymph node under ultrasound guidance.
  • (3) An international patent has been filed for the solvent of the administered drug.

1. Treatment and prophylactic therapy of affiliated lymph nodes in head and neck cancer, breast cancer, etc.
2. Pharmaceutical companies aiming to develop drugs by drug repositioning and generics
3. Medical device manufacturers aiming to develop a dosing system


Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering

Tetsuya Kodama


Development of Immunobiotic Evaluation System for Functional Feeds as a Livestock Animal Model

  • Pattern recognition receptor (PRR) family plays an important role in the defense through recognition of pathogen-associated molecular patterns or microorganisms-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs/MAMPs).
  • Some functional feed materials are thought to regulate intestinal immunity by contact and stimulation of epithelial cells and immunocompetent cells via PRRs in the gastrointestinal tract and induction of cytokine production. In this "new world" of feed immunology, however, much remains unknown about the underlying mechanisms of intestinal immunity because of lack of appropriate intestinal immunoassay system for livestock animals.
  • We have advanced application of originally established porcine and bovine intestinal epitheliocytes (PIE, BIE) cell lines (see photo) for evaluation of immunobiotics and immunogenics exerting anti-inflammatory responses both in PIE cell monolayer and co-culture system with porcine peyer's patch immune cells as a peyer's patch culture model (see illustration).

This evaluation system may also contribute to elucidate immunoregulatory mechanism of immunobiotics and immunogenics mediated by pattern recognition receptors essential to future development of not only immunobiotic feeds but also vaccines using immunobiotics to prevent specific diseases. This can benefit mankind by offering immunobiotic feeds as a safer alternative to conventional antibiotic drug therapy.


Graduate School of Agricultural Science

Haruki Kitazawa


Development of Immunobiotic Evaluation System for Functional Feeds as a Livestock Animal Model

  • Pattern recognition receptor (PRR) family plays an important role in the defense through recognition of pathogen-associated molecular patterns or microorganisms-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs/MAMPs).
  • Some functional feed materials are thought to regulate intestinal immunity by contact and stimulation of epithelial cells and immunocompetent cells via PRRs in the gastrointestinal tract and induction of cytokine production. In this "new world" of feed immunology, however, much remains unknown about the underlying mechanisms of intestinal immunity because of lack of appropriate intestinal immunoassay system for livestock animals.
  • We have advanced application of originally established porcine and bovine intestinal epitheliocytes (PIE, BIE) cell lines (see photo) for evaluation of immunobiotics and immunogenics exerting anti-inflammatory responses both in PIE cell monolayer and co-culture system with porcine peyer's patch immune cells as a peyer's patch culture model (see illustration).

This evaluation system may also contribute to elucidate immunoregulatory mechanism of immunobiotics and immunogenics mediated by pattern recognition receptors essential to future development of not only immunobiotic feeds but also vaccines using immunobiotics to prevent specific diseases. This can benefit mankind by offering immunobiotic feeds as a safer alternative to conventional antibiotic drug therapy.


Graduate School of Agricultural Science

Haruki Kitazawa


Hormone Actions in Human Breast Carcinoma

  • Breast cancer is one of the most common malignancies in women worldwide. Therefore, it is very important to investigate biological features of breast carcinoma in order to improve clinical outcome of the patients. It is well known that estrogens play important roles in the development of human breast carcinomas, and endocrine therapies are frequently used in these patients to block the intratumoral estrogen actions. In the Division of Pathology and Histotechnology, we analyze hormone actions in breast carcinoma by pathological methods as well as various molecular biological techniques.

It will be possible to newly develop diagnostic techniques regarding prediction of prognosis and/or effectiveness of treatment in breast cancer patients.


Graduate School of Medicine

Takashi Suzuki

[Immunosssay system]

Development of Immunobiotic Evaluation System for Functional Feeds as a Livestock Animal Model

  • Pattern recognition receptor (PRR) family plays an important role in the defense through recognition of pathogen-associated molecular patterns or microorganisms-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs/MAMPs).
  • Some functional feed materials are thought to regulate intestinal immunity by contact and stimulation of epithelial cells and immunocompetent cells via PRRs in the gastrointestinal tract and induction of cytokine production. In this "new world" of feed immunology, however, much remains unknown about the underlying mechanisms of intestinal immunity because of lack of appropriate intestinal immunoassay system for livestock animals.
  • We have advanced application of originally established porcine and bovine intestinal epitheliocytes (PIE, BIE) cell lines (see photo) for evaluation of immunobiotics and immunogenics exerting anti-inflammatory responses both in PIE cell monolayer and co-culture system with porcine peyer's patch immune cells as a peyer's patch culture model (see illustration).

This evaluation system may also contribute to elucidate immunoregulatory mechanism of immunobiotics and immunogenics mediated by pattern recognition receptors essential to future development of not only immunobiotic feeds but also vaccines using immunobiotics to prevent specific diseases. This can benefit mankind by offering immunobiotic feeds as a safer alternative to conventional antibiotic drug therapy.


Graduate School of Agricultural Science

Haruki Kitazawa

[impedance, instrument]


  • AIMS: The invention is to analyze metabolic condition, especially in oxygen consumption and energy production in the adipose tissues of human (Patent: JP 3848818).
  • PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide an instrument and method for analyzing the metabolism condition of a living body which is constructed in such a manner that it can measure the metabolism condition of a living body correctly and easily, and a recording medium.
  • SOLUTION: A metabolism condition analyzer is provided with an input means for inputting information about the body of a subject, a control means for processing this information and an output means for outputting results of the processing. The information consists of name, age, sex, race, height, weight, bioelectric resistance value and the date and time of measurement. A data file consisting the control means stores evaluation data of a metabolic condition which is previously determined by medical judgment based on a combination of an internal respiration index and oxygen consumption and energy production in adipose tissues. These are computed by calculating the value obtained by subtracting one from a body density calculated from the height, weight of the subject and the bioelectric resistance value and then multiplying the value. Welcome to your investment or co-operation.


Research Center for Accelerator and Radioisotope Science

Katsunori Nonogaki

[Implant Device for Human Body]

Development of an Industrial Instrument / the Medical Equipment Using the Contactless Power Transmission System

  • Using a non-contact power transmission technique, we develop an industrial instrument and the medical equipment. In the industrial instrument, we deal with the wide non-contact electricity transmission of the dozens of kW class from mW class from a small size electric apparatus represented by a cell-phone to the factory carrier device. In addition, we develop the contactless electricity transmission to an artificial heart (TETS) and a functional electrical stimulator (FES) aiming at the exercise of limbs inconvenience person function rebuilding mainly in the medical equipment.

We develop soft-heating hyperthermia using the small implantation element which does not need an internal temperature measurement as cancer treatment.


International Research Institute of Disaster Science

Hidetoshi Matsuki

[improvement of crop seed production]

Improvement of Seed Production by Using Reproductive Trait in Crops, Especially, Rice and Cruciferous Crops


The recent spate of extreme weather events is threatening to reduce crop seed and fruit production. We have identified a catalog of genes that respond under low and high temperature stress, and will construct a system that enables production under temperature stress through genome editing and other methods.


In addition to conventionally used genetic recombination methods, genome editing technology has made it possible to modify genes that can be used for practical purposes.

  • Crops are important for food, environment recovery, energy production, and amenity activity for human being. For improvement of crop seed production, the breeding of crops having environmental stress, is important. Especially the developmental stage from pollination to fertilization is quite weak for these environmental stresses. Thus, by breeding of reproductive trait, we will establish the high productivity and quality of crop seeds. From our research, we found several stress-tolerant genes. We already started the research by both basic and applied level.

For application, we evaluated by taking prize for application in 2001. And our basic data has been published in international Journal, "Nature" and "Science". If anyone is interested in these genes, we hope to conduct to collaborative research for establishing the useful breeding lines.


Graduate School of Life Sciences

Masao Watanabe

[impurity cluster]

Analysis and Function Elucidation of Fine Clusters and Defects in Materials Invisible by Electron Microscopy

  • It is well known that nano-scale impurity/solute clusters, defects, defect clusters and their complexes affect the mechanical and electrical properties in materials. However, it is very difficult to observe these objects even by state-of-the-art electron microscopes. We overcome the difficulty by employing noble two techniques: laser three-dimensional atom probe (3D-AP) technique and positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS). Laser 3D-AP can map out each atom in various materials (metals, semiconductors, insulators) in three-dimensional real space with nearly atomic scale resolution. PAS can detect vacancy-type defects and defect-impurity complexes very sensitively.

By combining these methods, we are going to reveal the functions of the fine impurity clusters and defects to the materials: developments of new nano-structured materials, the mechanism of degradation of aged structural materials, the fall in the yield of semiconductor device production, and developments of quantum devices etc.


Institute for Materials Research

Yasuyoshi Nagai


Quantitative analysis of microstructure in nuclear materials by week-beam scanning transmission electron microscopy


We have developed a technique for quantitative analysis of microstructures (e.g., dislocations and irradiation defect aggregates) of activated and nuclear-burned specimens in the context of the Week Beam Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (WB-STEM) method, which boasts extremely high measurement accuracy as a quantitative analysis method for lattice defects.
In combination with a dedicated heated sample holder with fully automated temperature measurement and current control in a cartridge-type heating furnace, changes in dislocation microstructure can be dynamically measured in-situ along with a highly reliable temperature history.


Conventional TEM methods require expertise in reciprocal space and dislocation theory, but our WB-STEM method is equipped with automatic analysis software for film thickness measurement and dislocation loop feature extraction, making it possible to analyze irradiation defects easily and precisely.

  • Since its design, the WB-STEM method has been developed for implementation and on-site repair in radiation controlled areas where nuclear materials are handled, with special aperture and diffraction disc selection equipment, control and analysis software.
  • WB-STEM accepts irradiation defect analysis of activated specimens from all over the world, including RPV monitoring specimens from European reactors and neutron-irradiated materials from US research reactors.
  • It is also used to analyze the properties of iron-containing nuclear fuel simulated debris in decommissioning projects.

We support research organizations that currently use transmission electron microscopy to observe microstructures to introduce the WB-STEM method by special modification. We will instruct researchers who have no experience using transmission electron microscopy in the procedure for dislocation analysis.


Institute for Materials Research

Kenta Yoshida