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  • Role of Volatiles on Petit-Spot Volcanoes

Role of Volatiles on Petit-Spot Volcanoes

Features and Uniqueness
  • The new kind of volcanoes, petit-spot, are located off NE Japan and Chile. They erupt at a submarine portion to be far from tectonic plate boundaries (e.g., mid-oceanic ridges and volcanic arcs) of the usual sites of volcanoes, earthquakes, and related geologic activity. The magmas have extremely high carbon dioxide and possibly originate from the base of tectonic plate.
Practical Application

The magma is squeezed upward and erupts in deep submarine environment wherever the tectonic plate flexes and fractures in the world. Collaborating work with business community would be required in order to search the submarine volcanoes and their related mines.



Center for Northeast Asian Studies

Naoto Hirano, Associate Professor