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  • Development of rocking isolation bearing system (RIBS) and fundamental study of application to bridges

Development of rocking isolation bearing system (RIBS) and fundamental study of application to bridges

Features and Uniqueness
  • As an idea motivated by the damage mode of the conventional pin bearing that actually occurred, we propose "a new seismic isolation bearing system". In order to clarify the reasonable implementation methodology and structural details that can drastically improve the seismic performance of bridge structures, a fundamental study will be conducted on the dynamic characteristics of bridges featuring such a RIBS by using an idealized mathematical model.
Practical Application

We aim to develop a new type of seismic isolation bearing used in bridge structures. For example, the bearing can be used to replace a damaged bearing after a strong earthquake or to build a new bridge.



Graduate School of Engineering

Xinhao He, Assistant Professor
Ph.D (Eng.)

From the perspective of structural dynamics and data assimilation, my interests include data-based structural dynamic performance evaluation and creation of 'damage-free' structures.