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  • Testing sperm samples from fathers can predict the incidence of autism spectrum disorder in their children

Testing sperm samples from fathers can predict the incidence of autism spectrum disorder in their children

Overview of Technology

Autism spectrum markers:
Measuring histone modifications in sperm may be able to predict the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders in the next generation.

Comparison with Conventional Technology

It is known that the highest risks with regard to the development of developmental disorders in children are ageing and premature birth in both parents, and it has been repeatedly epidemiologically reported that the risk is higher in ageing fathers than in ageing mothers among the parents. Conventionally, sperm are only examined under a microscope to check sperm count, morphology and motility, but not at the molecular level. The present invention is an innovative method that focuses on epigenetic molecular markers.

Features and Uniqueness
  • While birthrates are falling rapidly, developmental disorders are on the rise
  • Focus on plastic epigenetic molecules as a successional effect of paternal ageing.
  • Sperm testing can be performed non-invasively.
  • Suitable as a quality check for sperm donors etc.
Practical Application

The combination of sperm histone modifications and relevant epigenetic factors (DNA methylation, microRNAs) in combination with the sperm panel test will enable highly accurate sperm quality testing.



Graduate School of Medicine

Noriko Osumi,

With the declining birthrate, there is an urgent need to test and improve sperm quality, which is also proven to be linked to offspring’s health and disease.