Achievement & Evaluation
Japan Open Innovation Prize
List of Tohoku University Awardees
※Affiliations and positions are as of the time of the award.
The 1st (FY 2018)Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications Award
Professor, International Research Institute of Disaster Science
CTO, RTi-cast Inc.Shunichi Koshimura
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Science,
Tohoku University
Technical advisor, RTi-cast Inc.Yusaku Ohta
Development and Utilization of Real-time Tsunami Inundation and Damage Forecast System
The 1st (FY 2018)Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Award
Professor, Tohoku University
Director, Center for Infrastructure Management Research, Tohoku UniversityMakoto Hisada
Professor, Tohoku UniversityHiroshi Kanai
Professor, Tohoku University (Dean, Graduate School of Engineering)Tetsuya Nagasaka
Associate Professor, Tohoku UniversityHiroshi Minagawa
Specially Appointed Associate Professor, Tohoku University
Vice Director, Center for Infrastructure Management Research, Tohoku UniversityKo Kamata
Development and deployment of the Tohoku Infrastructure Management Platform (TIMP)
The 5th (FY 2022)Selection Committee's Special Award
CTO, FonesLife Cor.
Senior Fellow, NEC Solution Innovators, Ltd.
Visiting Professor, Head Office of Enterprise Partnerships, Tohoku UniversityIwao Waga
Professor, Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering,
Tohoku UniversityRyoichi Nagatomi
Specially Appointed Professor, Organization for Research Promotion, University Research Administration (URA) Center, Tohoku UniversityKenichi Inaho
Senior Assistant Professor, Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization, Tohoku UniversityMana Kogure
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, Tohoku UniversityNoriko Himori
Building an Industry-University Collaboration "Daily Health Screening" ecosystem to realize sustainable self-help and mutual-assistance "Distributed Health Production Society"