Dry-Contact Ultrasonic Technique

Features and Uniqueness
  • A new dry-contact technique for transduction of broadband, high-frequency ultrasound via a solid layer inserted between water and the sample, whereat the pressure of about 0.1 MPa is applied at the layer/sample interface by evacuating air between them, has been developed. Based on the technique, acoustic imaging of an electronic package is realized under the dry environment (Fig. 1). Typically, the polymer films are used as the intermediate layer for water protection of the sample, and by utilizing the acoustic resonance phenomenon among water, film and the sample, higher quality acoustic image of the testing sample than that for the water immersion case can be recorded without getting the sample wet (Fig. 2). Moreover, thin materials, e.g., polymer film (Fig. 3), etc. can be characterized by analyzing the acoustic resonance phenomenon among the three media. We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of this technology in industry.


Graduate School of Engineering

Hironori Tohmyoh, Professor
Doctor of Engineering