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Support and FAQ

Contact Us

 Head Office of Enterprise Partnerships, Tohoku University,
 6-6-10 Aramaki Aza Aoba, Aoba-ku Sendai, Miyagi, JAPAN, 980-8579
 Phone: +81-(0)22-795-5269
 E-mail: tu-seeds@grp.tohoku.ac.jp



 Q: How long does it take to get the response for my inquiry?
 A: Usually, we respond within 4 working days after receiving the inquiry. We may arrange your meeting with a researcher afterwards if necessary.


 Q: Where does the meeting with the researcher take place?
 A: Usually, the meeting takes place in the researcher’s laboratory. Other meeting venues, video/tel. conferences, e-mail exchanges etc. also can be considered for your convenience.


 Q: Do I need to pay for the meeting?
 A: No. The first time meeting is free of charge.


 Q: Will the information provided in my inquiry kept confidential?
 A: It will only be disclosed to the personnel of the Office of Cooperative Research and other relevant personnel of the laboratory to whom your inquiry may be directed.

Printed materials

 Q: Are these Research Profiles only available in this website?
 A: We also have the printed booklet. If you would like to get some, please let us know by e-mail how many you need and where to send them.

Patent Information

 Q: How can I obtain the information for available patents?
 A: You can browse the list of available patents at the following website" "Tohoku Techno Arch Co.". We will work with "Tohoku Techno Arch Co." for further information.


 Q: I could not find any Research Profiles to match my needs.
 A: Our Coordinator will listen to your technical needs and introduce other researchers who may not be listed in the website. Please let us know your specific needs by e-mail.