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  • Development of Recycling Technology for High-Water Content Sludge by Using Fiber Materials

Development of Recycling Technology for High-Water Content Sludge by Using Fiber Materials

Features and Uniqueness
  • The recycling rate of construction muds and sludge is very low because the water content of these muds is very high and direct reuse of them is very difficult. Therefore, a new recycling technology for high-water content sludge has been developed in this laboratory. This technology is called "Fiber-Cement-Stabilized Soil Method", and it uses fiber materials and cement. The main feature of this method is to mix the fiber materials with the sludge, and the fiber materials included in the soil produce several geotechnical merits.
Practical Application

The modified soils produced by this method can be used as ground materials for reinforced embankment of the river bank and soil structures because they have several features such as high failure strength, high failure strain high durability for drying and wetting and high dynamic strength.



Graduate School of Environmental Studies

Hiroshi Takahashi, Specially Appointed Professor(Research)
Doctor of Engineering