Material Design for Solution of Energy and Environmental Problems by Multi-Physics and Multi-Scale Simulation
- Features and Uniqueness
- In order to solve the energy and environmental problems, the development of the high-functional and high-performance materials is required in a wide variety of research fields such as fuel cell, Li-ion battery, tribology etc. Especially, the recent material technologies constitute of multi-physics and multi-scale phenomena including chemical reaction, friction, impact, stress, fluid, photon, electron, heat, electric and magnetic fields etc. on nano- and macro-scales. Therefore, Kubo laboratory is pioneering the development of multi-physics and multi-scale simulator on the basis of quantum chemistry and is utilizing supercomputers "Fugaku" and "MASAMUNE-IMR" for realizing the theoretical material design with high-accuracy.
- Practical Application
We utilize our developed multi-physics and multi-scale simulation technology on the basis of quantum chemistry for acceelerating the material development in a wide variety of private companies of automotive, machinery, power, electronics, material, metal, chemistry etc. and then contribute to solving the energy and environmental problems.
- Keywords
Institute for Materials Research
Momoji Kubo, Professor
Doctor of Engineering