"U" Theme - 3 Result(s)


Understanding and application of thermoacoustic phenomena

  • Acoustic oscillations of a gas column in narrow flow channels can lead to various thermal phenomena such as production and amplification of acoustic power from heat and generation of low temperatures. We aim at understanding these thermoacoustic phenomena from experimental point of view, and developing heat engines that can operate without any moving parts like solid pistons.

Acoustic prime mover can use various heat sources like industrial waste heat and sunlight. Acoustic cooler is a Helium-gas based heat pump that needs no Freon gases as a coolant.


Graduate School of Engineering

Tetsushi Biwa

Understanding Biological Control Systems and its Application to Development of Life-Like Resilient Systems

  • In contrast to artificial systems, living organisms exhibit astoundingly adaptive and resilient properties. One of the central research goals in our laboratory is to endow artificial systems with similar properties. To this end, we are particularly focusing on the concept of autonomous decentralized control. We have so far successfully developed various types of robots on the basis of decentralized control, including amoeboid robots, snake-like robots, legged robots etc., in collaboration with mathematicians and biologists.

Development of adaptive autonomous robotic system, Control of Large D.O.F. system


Research Institute of Electrical Communication

Akio Ishiguro

Universal Design in Language Use

  • My current research topic is "universal design in language use," with special reference to order in language and thought. In particular, I am investigating (1) similarities and differences in neural processing of languages with different basic word orders, (2) to what extent the order in non-verbal thought is affected by the order in language, and vice versa, and (3) what is the optimal order in human language and human thought, if any.

Although I am conducting basic research, I believe it helps develop (1) effective language teaching/learning methods, (2) rehabilitation programs for aphasia, (3) dynamic preservation of endangered languages/dialects, and so on.


Graduate School of Arts and Letters

Masatoshi Koizumi