"D" Theme - 63 Result(s) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 123 View All View Details D A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 123 View All View All View Details D Data Analytics for Creation of Social Values Tsukasa Ishigaki (Associate Professor) Design and control of new weld interface during welding of dissimilar materials Yutaka Sato (Professor) Design and Development of 50 kg-class Micro Satellites Kazuya Yoshida (Professor) Design and Fabrication of Micro-Optical Devices Based on Optics, Especially Optical MEMS and Sensors Kazuhiro Hane (Specially Appointed Professor(Research)) Design, fabrication and test of high performance miniaturized sensor and actuator systems Froemel Joerg Eckhardt (Associate Professor) Developing energy creation and saving materials Takahisa Omata (Professor) Developing plastic waste sorter using Terahertz waves and social implementation of sustainable recycling technology Jeongsoo Yu (Professor) Development and evaluation of various inhibitors and disinfectants for SARS-CoV-2 Eiichi Kodama (Professor) Development of a Novel Quantification Method for Diarrhetic Schell Fish Poisoning Keiichi Konoki (Associate Professor) Development of a novel therapeutic drug, TMS-007, for acute cerebral infarction Teiji Tominaga Development of a Numerical Prediction System for Sliding Part Wear and Seizure Occurrence Portions Jun Ishimoto (Professor) Development of a reaction process in supercritical water Tadafumi Ajiri (Professor) Development of Advanced Device and Process Technologies and New Image Sensors Shigetoshi Sugawa (Professor) Development of an Industrial Instrument / the Medical Equipment Using the Contactless Power Transmission System Hidetoshi Matsuki (Specially Appointed Research Fellow) Development of an intranodal administration method Tetsuya Kodama (Professor) Development of anti-fibrotic therapies with a cell line from myofibroblasts of fibrotic kidneys Norio Suzuki (Professor) Development of Atom-scale Spectroscopy Measurement for Nano Materials Tadahiro Komeda (Professor) Development of Biomedical Micro/Nano Integrated System Using LSI Technology Tetsu Tanaka (Professor) Development of catalytic reaction system for direct synthesis from CO2 and diols Keiichi Tomishige (Professor) Development of Compound Semiconductor Radiation Detectors Keitaro Hitomi (Associate Professor) 1 2 3 4