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Researchers 287 Result(s), Themes 250 Result(s)



Quantum and Molecular Dynamic Simulations of Transport Phenomena in Fuel Cell

  • It is necessary to grasp nanoscale transport phenomena of materials in polymer electrolyte fuel cell to improve its performance. In our laboratory, nanoscale transport phenomena are analyzed by large scale molecular dynamics simulations using a supercomputer system. As the present theme, the dependence of the materials or structures of polymer electrolyte membrane on the ability of proton transfer(Fig. 1), the ability of proton transfer or oxygen permeability of ionomer in catalyst layer(Fig. 2), and the mechanism of transport phenomena of a water droplet in a nano pore in gas diffusion layer or micro porous layer(Fig. 3), are analyzed in detail.

These research can be applied to the analysis of flow field in devices which have nanoscale structure, for instance, fabrication process of semiconductor, friction phenomena of such nanoscale devices or next generation batteries, as well as the field of fuel cell.


Institute of Fluid Science

Takashi Tokumasu

Development of Wearable Motion Measurement System for Motor Rehabilitation and Healthcare

  • In order to realize wealthy and vibrant local communities, it is desired that people in the community are healthy. However, the amount of the daily activity decreases as they get older, which increases the risks of the fall by weakened lower limb muscles and of the cerebrovascular disease, and so on. Therefore, for the elderly people, there is increased need of the walking training and the movement assistance in daily life, and of the rehabilitation aid.
  • In this study, focusing on the motor function of the lower limbs that is important for independent activities of daily living and that relates to the health maintenance, development of assistive technologies for decreased gait ability or for dysfunction of lower limbs are performed based on the technologies of electronics and signal processing. Especially, the wearable sensor system using gyroscopes and accelerometers are developed to measure kinetic information, and then the evaluation system for the gait ability and the lower limbs motor function is developed in this study.

The goal of this study is to realize simple and convenient measurement and accumulation of various information of gait, to visualize the obtained data for determination of training effect and evaluation of motor function, and to provide appropriate training program for each subject.


Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering

Takashi Watanabe

Development of the method of Baby Borehole Hydraulic Fracturing, BABHY

  • For the effective measurement of the reopening pressure in hydraulic fracturing, it is necessary to use the testing equipment with sufficiently small compliance. This limitation makes it difficult to apply the hydraulic fracturing for the measurement of the maximum stress, because the compliance of conventional equipments is generally so large. Taking account of this situation, we proposed a new concept which allows us to do the in-situ tests of hydraulic fracturing for stress measurement at so deep depths as more than 1 km. We call the concept the Baby Borehole Hydrofracturing, BABHY for short. In order to put the new concept into practice, we developed the BABHY sonde and finally we succeeded to carry out hydraulic fracturing test by using the tools in a vertical borehole of 811 m depth. We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of this technology in industry.


Institute of Fluid Science

Takatoshi Ito

Synthesis of Biologically Active Cyclodepsipeptide Natural Products

  • Cyclodepsipeptide natural products include optically active hydroxy acids as well as various unnatural amino acids and exhibit a variety of biological activity depending on the peptide sequence, chirality, and selection of the hydroxy acids. Structure-activity relationships of a synthetic library of natural products could give us significant information of not only biologically important moieties but also intact positions in the biologically active small molecules. On the basis of the former information, more potent compounds and/or peptide mimetics can be designed. The latter information can also be important for making a molecular probe that is used for exploration of a target molecule.

We study for combinatorial synthesis of natural product analogues using solid-phase.


Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Takayuki Doi

Development of next-generation sterilization method by a plasma flow at atmospheric pressure

  • Plasma sterilization has been developed as an alternative sterilization method due to its chemical activity, operation at low temperature and atmospheric pressure, low power consumption, low cost and safety. We have studied a mechanism of chemical species generation and transport in a plasma flow and, the sterilization efficacy and mechanism for several plasma sources at atmospheric pressure, such as a microwave plasma flow, a dielectric barrier discharge in a tube and a water vapor plasma flow. We already clarified that the damages of outer membrane and destructions of the cytoplasmic membrane of Escherichia coli by exposure to the microwave plasma flow. Fig. 1 shows the effect of plasma exposure on the E. coli. When the E. coli was exposed to the plasma, the height of the E. coli decreased and the potassium leakage of cytoplasmic material increased. For sterilization in a tube, we also clarified that an induced flow in the narrow tube by DBD transports chemical species and sterilize the whole inside surface of a tube as shown in Fig. 2. We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of this technology in industry.


Institute of Fluid Science

Takehiko Sato

Creation of cancer cell specific oligonucleotide therapeutics

  • Focusing our reseach interest mostly on the recognition and complexation behavior control of bioplymrs, such as DNA/RNA, proteines and so on. Another topics are reaction control based on molecular recognition phenomena in both ground and electronically excited states, we are pursuing mechanistic and synthetic studies on asymmetric photochemistry with supramolecular biopolymers as chiral reaction fields.


Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials

Takehiko Wada

Room temperature bonding using thin metal films (Atomic Diffusion Bonding)

  • Atomic diffusion bonding of two flat wafers with thin metal films is a promising process to achieve wafer bonding at room temperature. High surface energies of metal films and a large atomic diffusion coefficient at the grain boundaries and film surfaces enable bonding at room temperature without unusually high loading pressure. This technique, which enables bonding of any mirror-polished wafer, is gaining wider use for fabricating optical and electrical devices. Moreover, bonding of mirror polished metals and polymer sheets can be achieved, which further extends the application of this bonding technique.

Optical, power and electrical devices, MEMS, bonding of polymer sheets, metals, and ceramics for precision mechanical equipments.


Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences

Takehito Shimatsu

Peptide formation under high P and T conditions: new carbon fibers

  • Peptides are formed through the enzymatic actions in living organisms, but difficulty exists to form peptide by non-enzymatic actions. Here we report the success of peptide formation under anhydrous, high P and T conditions. We were successful to form 11-mer of glycine and 5-mer of alanine. They are important constituents of spider silk, which is a candidate of next generation of carbon fibers. Therefore, our techniques have potentials to apply making new carbon fibers without biotechnology.


Graduate School of Science

Takeshi Kakegawa

Development of Fall-Prevention Footwear Based on Mechanical Analysis of Slip-Related Falls

  • The number of fatalities due to falling accidents indoor/outdoor has increased in Japan as well as in other advanced countries. The fatalities due to falling accidents in a year have exceeded those due to traffic accidents in Japan recently. Because more than 80% of the fatalities are elderly people, it is considered an urgent issue to prevent their falling. We have conducted researches on falling during walking due to induced slip, in the contact interface of shoe sole and floor, through tribological and biomechanical approaches. We clarified the required values of static friction coefficient (figure 1), between shoe sole and floor, and how to gait to prevent slipping through kinetic analysis of gait. We also succeeded in the development of a unique footwear outsole having the high-grip property (figure 2) and high slip-resistant concrete pavement blocks (figure 3) through the collaboration with regional companies. We have recently conducted research and development of footwear that is able to prevent falls due to balance loss after slipping.

Products for fall prevention in daily life or in work site. Evaluation of slip resistance of footwear and floor materials.


Graduate School of Engineering

Takeshi Yamaguchi

Biometric Monitor and Therapeutic Apparatus System Mounted Inside Mouth

  • We propose the biometric monitor and therapeutic apparatus system with telemedicine, especially for the elderly and patients with chronic diseases. This system is consisted of the sensor probes gathering biometric information and daily living activities, the signal processing units with wireless telecommunication with telemedicine center, and the therapeutic operation units with drug delivery into the mouth.

This system is embedded in usual dental prosthesis, such as denture or mouthpiece, so that this system can be installed into the mouth with no sense of discomfort. The system provides the necessary means of health support in an aging society, especially for the elderly who live alone and the hospital inpatients.


Graduate School of Dentistry

Takeyoshi Koseki

Neutron scattering study on macroscopic quantum phenomena

  • In contrast to other scattering techniques, such as x-ray and electron diffractions, neutron scattering has the following advantages: 1) light atoms, such as H and Li, can be detected; 2) electron spins can be detected; 3) low energy excitations can be investigated. Using the neutron scattering technique, we search for macroscopic quantum phenomena in many-body electron systems, such as macroscopic singlet ground states in the quantum frustrated magnets and spin-fluctuation-mediated unconventional superconductors.

As noted above, neutron scattering can be used for investigating magnetic structure, spin dynamics, light atom positions in crystalline materials and their dynamics. Hence, this technique is very useful when those pieces of information are to be known.


Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials

Taku J Sato

Molecular Dynamics Analysis of Coating and Surface Modification

  • Molecular-scale mechanism of solid-liquid affinity, wettability, thermal boundary resistance and molecular deposition are analyzed by molecular dynamics simulations toward its control. With a background of heat and mass transport and interfacial thermodynamics, transport phenomena of various scales ranging from spin coating of photoresist to SAM (self-assembled monolayer) and hydrophobic/hydrophilic treatment by attaching some molecular basis are studied. Futhermore, the molecular-scale mechanisms which determine thermophysical properties and the molecular structure that realizes desired thermophysical properties are studied. We can conduct effective collaboration and provide academic consultations to companies interested in our research.


Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization

Taku Obara

Fuel Cell and Energy Storage Using Ion Conduction in Ceramics

  • Solid oxide fuel cell is a highly efficient power generation system operating at high temperatures using ion conducting ceramics. We conduct basic and multi-aspect research on the electrochemical and mechanical behaviors of the materials for further improving the efficiency, cost, and reliability of solid oxide fuel cells. We are also interested in the reverse operation of fuel cells which enables the storage of the electricity from renewable sources into hydrogen or methane, etc.


Graduate School of Environmental Studies

Tatsuya Kawada

Development of a novel therapeutic drug, TMS-007, for acute cerebral infarction

  • The currently approved fibrynolytic therapy is only alteplase, but the use of it has been limited to 5% of patients with acute cerebral infarction due to possible side effects including hemorrhagic infarction that may be life-threatening. TMS-007 is a novel drug that has both fibrynolytic activity and brain protective effects. The aim of this project is to perform a clinical trial of this drug and to further achieve a commercial-based clinical use. We believe that this drug would contribute significantly in the treatment of acute cerebral infarction.


Administrative Staff

Teiji Tominaga

Clinical application of pulsed jet device to achieve maximal resection of the lesion and functional preservation

  • Maximal resection and functional preservation, are often conflicting, but are both important factors to improve patient’s quality of life. Pulsed jet system is designed to achieve this goal by removing lesions without impairing small diameter vessels (100 μm - ). Standardization and specialization of surgical procedures is expected to achieve more easily compared to conventional surgical device using pulsed jet system. We have already reported significant increase of tumor removal rate, significant reduction of intraoperative blood loss and operation time in difficult lesions in the vicinity of sella turcica and skull base through expanded transsphenoidal approach. The system can eject small amount ( - 2 μl) of high speed liquid (- 50 m/s) for minimally invasive surgery, such as endoscopic, catheter, and microscopic surgery. The system is now under stage to expand clinical application outside the field of neurosurgery, and we are expecting new collaboration who can deal with increasing safety, effectiveness, differentiation from conventional instruments, accessibility.


Administrative Staff

Teiji Tominaga

Image Guided Local Drug Delivery for Central Nervous System Disorders

  • Effective drug delivery to central nervous system is promising as a new therapeutic strategy against various central nervous system disorders. However, it represents a challenge because systemic delivery is always hindered by blood brain barrier, and local delivery cannot be effective because of the restricted distribution. Recently, local drug delivery system that can achieve robust distribution of the infusates by maintaining a pressure gradient at the tip of the infusion catheter during infusion has developed. Although this method is promising, there still exist several problems as loss of infusates by backflow through catheter tract or inconsistent distribution. We recently developed a method to deliver agents with this method under MRI guidance, and now performing clinical trial to treat recurrent gliomas.

Focal central nervous system disorders such as tumor, epilepsy, and parkinson's disease can be the target for application of this technique. Developments of the new catheters and pre-infusional similation systems are on their way. We are searching for effective collaborative research in this field.


Administrative Staff

Teiji Tominaga

Development of Biomedical Micro/Nano Integrated System Using LSI Technology

  • Semiconductor neural engineering is a discipline that uses semiconductor process/device/circuit technologies to further understand properties of neural systems and to create novel fusion systems of living body and machine.

One of the goals in this laboratory is to establish semiconductor neural engineering and develop biomedical micro/nano integrated systems.
Another goal is to educate the next generation of leaders in biomedical engineering through research including:
1. Intelligent Si neural probe and biomedical signal processing LSI
2. Fully-implantable retinal prosthesis system
3. Bio/nano technology and novel Bio-FET sensor
4. 3-dimensional integration technology and analog/digital LSI design


Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering

Tetsu Tanaka

Novel-Concept Silicon Integrated Circuits Derived from the 3-Dimensional Device, Circuit and Architecture

  • In recent year, facing the age of nanoscale engineering, the new technologies of device, circuit and architecture supported by novel physical guidance principles are highly expected, just as the similar situation as the predawn of semiconductor technology when Bardeen and Shockley discovered the secret of transistors. Therefore, in our research approach, the architectures, circuits, devices and CAD design tools for nanoscale LSI are systematically investigated in the following three main research subjects.
  • 1. Study on nanoscale device and circuit
  • Aiming at the nanoscale silicon semiconductor integrated circuit, we are mainly working on the following directions for new devices and circuits:
  • ①Analysis for novel physical phenomenon based on nanostructural effects
  • ②Device and circuit technology with new operating principle
  • ③Restraint technology for increasing variability of device characteristics
  • ④Architecture and circuit technology for robust information processing
  • 2. Study on the 3-dimention-structual device and circuit
  • The elementary element of recent LSI with planar-structural devices is coming close to the physical limitation of scaling. In order to break the limit and sustain the evolution of future LSI performance, we have started the research on the novel 3-dimension-structural devices and circuits.
  • 3. research on wireless integrated circuit (IC) based on information transmission
  • The ultracompact lightweight wireless IC is one of essential technologies for realizing the ubiquitous society which has the network available in anywhere, at anytime and from any surrounding items. For example, the IC tags for receiving information with reading function are getting close to the practical applications. In our laboratory, aiming at the automatic operating wireless IC with embedded power supply, we are systematically working on the following directions:
  • ①The electrical power generation and storage devices
  • ②Devices and circuits with Ultralow power consumption
  • ③Sensing devices
  • For all above subjects, We hope to conduct collaborative researches with companies interested in our research.


Graduate School of Engineering

Tetsuo Endoh

Understanding and application of thermoacoustic phenomena

  • Acoustic oscillations of a gas column in narrow flow channels can lead to various thermal phenomena such as production and amplification of acoustic power from heat and generation of low temperatures. We aim at understanding these thermoacoustic phenomena from experimental point of view, and developing heat engines that can operate without any moving parts like solid pistons.

Acoustic prime mover can use various heat sources like industrial waste heat and sunlight. Acoustic cooler is a Helium-gas based heat pump that needs no Freon gases as a coolant.


Graduate School of Engineering

Tetsushi Biwa

Development of an intranodal administration method

  • (1) The amount of anticancer drug required to treat one metastatic lymph node is 1/1,000 to 1/10,000 of the systemic dose.
  • (2) The drug can be administered into the lymph node under ultrasound guidance.
  • (3) An international patent has been filed for the solvent of the administered drug.

1. Treatment and prophylactic therapy of affiliated lymph nodes in head and neck cancer, breast cancer, etc.
2. Pharmaceutical companies aiming to develop drugs by drug repositioning and generics
3. Medical device manufacturers aiming to develop a dosing system


Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering

Tetsuya Kodama