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  • Researchers

Researchers 287 Result(s), Themes 250 Result(s)



Study on Land Use Management and Residential Movement in Tsunami Affected Areas

  • The study focused on areas affected by the tsunami caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake, and clarified the impact of reconstruction projects on spatial transformation and residents' residential relocation, as well as residents' satisfaction with the projects. In the boundary area of architecture, urban planning, and landscape architecture, we combine qualitative research, such as participatory observation with sociological and local community perspectives, and quantitative research using data obtained in the field. I would like to explore better relationships between people and nature, and propose methods that lead to sustainable urban development.

I have practical experience in post-disaster land use and workshops with local residents. I believe that they will be able to make use of their knowledge and experience in the pre-disaster reconstruction efforts in the areas that are expected to be affected by the disaster in the future.


Graduate School of Engineering

Shoko Araki

MEMS/Micromachines and Microfabrication Technology

  • We are studying MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) and related technologies, which are typically used for the input/output of information/communication devices, the safety of automobiles etc. Our representative topics include integrated sensors, piezoelectric devices, RF MEMS, micro energy devices and wafer-level packages. Our facilities are open-accessible and well equipped with a lot of tools for lithography, dry/wet etching, thin film deposition, wafer bonding, device mounting and evaluations, which can be operated by each researcher. Using these tools, a variety of MEMS are being prototyped. Also, new microfabrication tools are being developed by ourselves.

We are collaborating with many companies, from which visiting researchers are dispatched to our laboratory. We also accept companies which want to just use specific tools in our facilities. Consultation is always welcome.


Graduate School of Engineering

Shuji Tanaka

Spintronics device

  • To realize ultralow-power and high-performance integrated circuit and information processing, spintronics physics, material, devices are studied.


Research Institute of Electrical Communication

Shunsuke Fukami


Supercritical Hydrothermal Synthesis of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Nanoparticles

  • We invented supercritical hydrothermal synthesis method for the synthesis of organic modified nanoparticles (NPs). Under the supercritical state, the organic molecules and metal salt aqueous solutions are miscible and water molecule works as an acid/base catalyst for the reactions. Organic-inorganic conjugate NPs can be synthesized under this condition. This hybrid NPs show high affinity with the organic solvent or the polymer matrix, which leads to fabricate the organic inorganic hybrid nanomaterials with the trade-off function (super hybird nanomaterials). These hybrid materials of polymer and ceramics fabricated with NPs achieve both high thermal conductivity and easy thin film flexible fabrication, namely trade-off function.

For example, by the surface modification of BN particles by supercritical method, affinity of BN and polymers could be improved, so that high BN content of hybrid materials, thus high thermal conductivity materials, could be synthesized. Also by dispersing high refractive index NPs like TiO2 or ZrO2 into polymers transparently, we can tune the refractive index of the polymers. CeO2 nanoparticles are expected to be used for high performance catalysts. To transfer those supercritical fluid nano technologies, a consortium was launched with more than 70 companies.


Advanced Institute for Materials Research

Tadafumi Ajiri

Development of a reaction process in supercritical water

  • We are developing a new continuous flow type process for supercritical reactions. Under the supercritical state, the organic molecules and metal salt aqueous solutions are miscible and water molecule works as an acid/base catalyst which leads to rapid reactions. In order to apply such new reaction fields to an industrial process, it is necessary to establish the process design basis by understanding phenomena in the reaction fields, on the basis of phase equilibrium, flux and reaction kinetics theory. So while developing a process, we are doing research for the establishment of the process design basis.

Examples are a process for the synthesis of organic modified nanoparticles (MPs), a process for the pretreatment and solubilization of biomass in the supercritical/subcritical water and a process for the refinery of heavy oil in the supercritical water.


Advanced Institute for Materials Research

Tadafumi Ajiri

Polymer-nanoparticle hybrid materials

  • Hybrid materials that show multi-functions of polymer and nanoparticles are expected to be used in future industries, and thus many research and development have been actively conducted. However, since the affinity of polymer and inorganic nanoparticles is very low, in most of the cases, properties of different materials are incompatible in the hybrid materials. To create the hybrid materials with incompatible multi-functions has been considered a difficult task.
  • However, by using supercritical fluid technology, we have succeeded in making hybrid materials with incompatible multi-functions.

Now, variety of hybrid materials are being developed, including
・Transparent, flexible, high reflective index, and high fabricability,
・Flexible, high heat conductivity, low electric resistivity, and high fabricability.


Advanced Institute for Materials Research

Tadafumi Ajiri

Low temperature reforming of hydrocarbons using metal oxide nanoparticles synthesized by supercritical method

  • Our research group has succeeded in synthesizing various metal oxide nanoparticles with controlled size and exposure crystal planes by using organic modifiers under supercritical water conditions. The oxygen storage/release capacity of those materials in the low-temperature region is very high, and the reforming reaction of oxidative hydrocarbon proceeds at a significant rate. Besides, by combining the supercritical CO2 drying method, we have succeeded in forming a complex in which oxide nanoparticles are dispersed at a high concentration on the surface of the porous material, realizing both high oxygen storage/release capability and stability.

Low-temperature reforming reaction of biomass wastes, heavy oils, and methane. In the future, it is expected to be a technology that will lead to the construction of a low-carbon society, including CO2-free complete recycling of waste plastics.


Advanced Institute for Materials Research

Tadafumi Ajiri

Development of Atom-scale Spectroscopy Measurement for Nano Materials

  • Scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and atomic force microscope (AFM) are among a few microscopes which enable a direct observation of atomic scale structures of materials. If compared with other electron microscope like transmission electron microscope (TEM), the energy of the electron used for STM is very low that has a big advantage of low damage for sample. Thus STM and AFM are regarded as the most important tools to characterize materials in nanotechnology. The research is now developing from a mere observation of the shape of material to the characterization specific properties of materials with an atomic scale resolution. These properties include spin and molecule vibration; well established techniques like ESR/NMR and infrared-spectroscopy requires more than billions of molecules to obtain data, while STM can obtain these data for a single molecule.
  • We are interested following issues and like to have a collaboration with industrial companies.
  • 1. Molecule-scale morphological characterization of soft-material, polymers and bio material.
  • 2. Site specific vibration spectroscopy of molecules with an atomic resolution.
  • 3. Single spin detection with ESR-STM method
  • 4. Developing atom-scale characterization tool


Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials

Tadahiro Komeda

Advanced Control of Microstructure and Property of Structural Metallic Materials

  • Microstructure represents various kinds of heterogeneities in the metallic materials, i.e., grains, component phase, lattice defects and chemical inhomogeneity such as impurity/alloying elements. It can be modified through control of phase transformation/precipitation and deformation/recrystallization by adjusting compositions of materials and/or through processing routes (heat treatment, deformation). Such expertise in micro/nanostructure control is very important in production of current materials from viewpoints of energy saving and recycling in structural materials such as steels and titanium alloys.
  • We attempt to apply more advanced control of micro/nanostructures, such as atomic structures of crystalline interfaces, chemistory in an atomic scale (e.g., segregation) and so on. Fundamentals of microstructure formation (thermodynamics, kinetics, crystallography) are examined both theoretically and experimentally to clarify key factors for microstructure control. Another important aspect in our research is the improvement of mechanical property by microstructure manipulation.

Possibilities to establish new functions (e.g., superplasticity, shape memory/superelasticity) as well as superior mechanical properties (e.g., ultrahigh strength with high toughness/ductility) is also explored.


Institute for Materials Research

Tadashi Furuhara

Development of Terahertz Semiconductor Devices Using Novel Nano-Heterostructures and Materials and their ICT Applications

  • Terahertz coherent electromagnetic waves are expected to explore the potential application fields of future information and communications technologies. We are developing novel, ultra-broadband integrated signal-processing devices/systems operating in the terahertz frequency regime employing novel semiconductor nano-heterostructures and materials. We are challenging to develop room-temperature operating coherent and intense laser transistors and fast-response and highly sensitive detectors working for the next-generation beyond-5G terahertz wireless communications as well as safety and security terahertz imaging applications.
  • A. Ultimately-fast terahertz transistors utilizing graphene, carbon-based new material, and compound semiconductor heterojunction material systems:
  • Graphene-based novel terahertz photonics devices, breaking through the limit on conventional technology. Recently we have succeeded in single-mode terahertz lasing in a dual-gate graphene-channel laser transistor device at 100K. Moreover, we have succeeded in room-temperature terahertz coherent amplification in a dual-grating-gate graphene channel transistor promoted by current-driven graphene Dirac plasmon instability. The obtained maximal gain of 9% is four times as high as the quantum efficiency limit when terahertz photons interact directly with graphene electrons without excitation of graphene plasmons. These will be big steps towards realization of an intense, room-temperature operating graphene plasmonic terahertz laser transistors.
  • B. Frequency-tunable plasmon-resonant terahertz emitter and detectors and metamaterial circuits:
  • By using an original dual-grating-gate high-electron mobility transistor (DGG-HEMT) structure with InP-based material systems record-breaking ultrahigh-sensitive detection of terahertz radiation have been realized at room temperature.

By making full use of these world-leading device/circuit technologies, we are exploring future ultra-broadband 6G- and 7G-class wireless communication systems as well as spectroscopic/imaging systems for safety and security. We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of this technology in industry.


Research Institute of Electrical Communication

Taiichi Otsuji

Changing Corporate In-Service Training

  • We have developed a system named PF-NOTE that the system uses video cameras, clickers and a computer to bookmark an audience's clicker feedback into simultaneously recorded video. We are also doing research for creating effective education or learning programs by using the developed system. The system has been mainly used for reflective learning, and we have found that this system is effective in various situations for both teacher and learners, such as practice teaching for early career teachers, developing presentation skills, and developing discussion skills.

We offer PF-NOTE system(s) and education/learning program(s) to companies that are of particular interest with respect to communication skills training, passing skills to the younger generation of employees, observation skill training and job interview training.


Graduate School of Education

Taira Nakajima

Visual Computing with Secure ICT in the Big Data Era

  • Our study focuses on sensing, processing, recognition, understanding, and analysis of enormous visual data collected in real-world environments. We have invented a set of advanced techniques of sub-pixel image analysis using phase-based image matching. Potential applications include personal recognition using various biometric traits (e.g., face, fingerprint, palm print, finger knuckle print, iris, and medical radiographs), machine vision, multi-view 3D reconstruction, image database search, and medical image computing. We are also studying fundamental techniques for building secure ICT infrastructure for the big data era; our research interests include tamper-resistant cryptographic processing and biometrics-based secure remote authentication.

We can provide collaboration and information exchange services for industries and other research organizations in the fields of image processing, computer vision, information security, biometrics, LSI design, and embedded system technologies. Many researchers and engineers from various companies, universities, and research institutions have visited our laboratory regardless of their technology fields. Our staff at the Intelligent Information System (IIS) Research Center will welcome potential collaborators: info@iisrc.ecei.tohoku.ac.jp


Administrative Staff

Takafumi Aoki

Emergence in collective electrons in organic molecular materials

  • The main research subjects in this group are the experimental investigations of the organic molecular conductors. The characteristic properties of the organic materials are multiple flexibilities owing to the assemble structure of nanometer-size molecules. This flexbility comes up recently for developing the organic electronic devices. We explore the fundamental electronic properties of the organic molecular materials which have wide range of the ground states from superconductivity to insulating states resulting from the strongly correlated electrons in the molecular pi-orbital. Such features are closely connected to flexible and multiple degrees of freedom in charge, spin, molecular latticeand molecules themselves. We are actively studying on the interesting and important issues in the condensed matter physics from the viewpoints of the characteristic flexbility of the organic molecular materials. We are prepared to provide academic consultations to companies interested in our research.


Institute for Materials Research

Takahiko Sasaki

PVT-Variation-Aware VLSI System Based on Nonvolatile-Device/MOS-Hybrid Circuitry

  • Nonvolatile devices, which can remain stored data without power supply, are generally used for ROM (Read-Only Memory) to store boot programs (the information to start up the computer and the basic instructions that operate it) in computers. One attractive feature is that it does not consume any static power while it remains stored data. ‘Nonvolatile logic' is a novel logic style that a nonvolatile device is used for not only a nonvolatile storage element such as ROM but also a logic-circuit element which is the basic component of a CPU and an entire system. By using the nonvolatile devices as storage elements of circuit-configuration information, we can realize a process-variation- aware logic circuit with small hardware overhead.

The proposed technique is effective for implementing high-performance and highly-reliable LSI fabricated with cutting-edge process technology. We expect we can conduct effective collaborative research in highly reliable VLSI-systems fields.


Research Institute of Electrical Communication

Takahiro Hanyu

High-speed and low-power asynchronous Network-on-Chip system based multiple-valued current-mode logic

  • Global intra-chip interconnection complexity not only limits the clock frequency, but causes clock-skew problems in synchronous system. Asynchronous control-based circuit design, where timing is managed locally, is one of the possible approaches to solve the above serious interconnection problem because the asynchronous design has many features which are low power dissipation, high speed and robustness. However, communication-steps overhead caused by handshaking much would generally affect the cycle time.
  • In our approach, a high-speed asynchronous data-transfer scheme is proposed based on multiple-valued encoding and current-mode circuits. The multiple-valued encoding enables to improve communication protocol essentially. Moreover, the current-mode circuits which has high-driving capability makes it possible to perform high-speed intra- and inter-chip network. By using this method, we expect that we can conduct effective collaborative research in high-speed and low-power communication LSIs such as a many-core LSI and a multi-module NoC.


Research Institute of Electrical Communication

Takahiro Hanyu

Development of the high-quality and low-power display system for ultra-realistic communications

  • Recently, with a spread of high definition video streaming services and ubiquitous network, development of high-quality, ultra-realistic and low-power display systems has been demanded. We have been studying physical properties of liquid crystal materials, precise control technique of polarization, high performance liquid crystal display (LCD) devices and its application to the advanced display systems for the realization of new media such as electric paper display and digital signage display, and low-energy society. We established a polarization control technology which realizes a precise control of polarization with liquid crystal materials. By using this world-leading technology, we have been studying the control of the surface alignment of liquid crystal molecules and developed a wide-viewing angle and fast switching liquid crystal display, ultra-high definition field-sequential-color display (Fig. 1), ultra-low power reflective full-color display (Fig. 2) and large-size high-quality display system.
  • We are also studying the ultra-realistic display systems such as a spatial 3D display and a multiple directional viewing display based on the precise light control technique as a next generation interactive communication technologies (Fig.3). We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of this technology in industry.


Graduate School of Engineering

Takahiro Ishinabe

Developing energy creation and saving materials

  • Most innovations have been triggered by advent of new materials. We focus on to explore new inorganic materials and their synthesis routes on the basis of our knowledge about the material design and various materials processing technologies. We develop proton conducting phosphate glasses working at intermediate temperatures and narrow gap oxide semiconductors applicable in visible and NIR regions. Thin-film solar cells, fuel cells using those materials are also developing.

We focus on oxide semiconductors and proton conducting electrolytes and electrodes in order to apply them in solar cells, fuel cells, light-emitting devices. But, applicable area of our technologies is not limited in those applications.


Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials

Takahisa Omata

Advanced Educational Environment with Interactive Instruction System IMPRESSION

  • IMPRESSION is an interactive instruction system for both face-to-face lesson and distance education.
  • It was designed to facilitate teachers to plan and perform effective and attractive lessons with various multimedia materials, and help to evaluate performed lessons and improve them based on the double loop instructional design process, which is focusing on interaction between a teacher and students.

It could be used to perform advanced education with multimedia materials in schools, and also to design and implement training for employees at branch offices.


Center for Data-driven Science and Artificial Intelligence

Takashi Mitsuishi

Hormone Actions in Human Breast Carcinoma

  • Breast cancer is one of the most common malignancies in women worldwide. Therefore, it is very important to investigate biological features of breast carcinoma in order to improve clinical outcome of the patients. It is well known that estrogens play important roles in the development of human breast carcinomas, and endocrine therapies are frequently used in these patients to block the intratumoral estrogen actions. In the Division of Pathology and Histotechnology, we analyze hormone actions in breast carcinoma by pathological methods as well as various molecular biological techniques.

It will be possible to newly develop diagnostic techniques regarding prediction of prognosis and/or effectiveness of treatment in breast cancer patients.


Graduate School of Medicine

Takashi Suzuki