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Researchers 287 Result(s), Themes 250 Result(s)



Radiological Medical Infomatics

  • PET and SPECT have very high sensitivity to detect molecule by means of radiation detection, and are considered to be excellent tools for molecular imaging. We are studying and developing data analysis techniques for PET and SPECT data. Using our approaches, we can analyze data in quantitative manner, and obtain physiological functions in living organism.

Pharmaceutical companies who are interested in using PET to evaluate efficacy of new drug. Companies which are related to medical informatics, medical equipments.


Research Center for Accelerator and Radioisotope Science

Hiroshi Watabe

Metal complex catalysts for energy devices

  • We have developed a new catalyst for fuel cells and metal-air batteries with using metal azaphthalocyanine unimolecular layer (AZUL) adsorbed on carbon materials. We applied it to variety of applications in the field of energy conversion and next generation energy devices.

Industries relating with energy and mobilities.


Advanced Institute for Materials Research

Hiroshi Yabu

Novel high-throughput screening systems for new antibiotics targeting bacterial virulence factors

  • Chemotherapy toward bacterial infection, which dates back to the discovery of penicillin, opened up the golden era of antibiotics. Thereafter, various clinically important antibiotics were introduced into the clinic, and hence serious bacterial infectious diseases were eradicated. However, this ephemeral hope has been disappearing due to the emergence of antibiotic resistant pathogens toward every new antibiotics launched into the clinic, such as multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). To combat these life-threatening pathogens, there is a pressing need to develop new antibiotics. However, new antibiotics discovered in the future will be nullified by development of resistance to these antibiotics, since their targets are essential for bacterial survival. From this aspect in which inhibitors of the essential functions inevitably select resistant mutants, bacterial virulence could be a fascinating target for developing new antibiotics, because virulence attenuators are thought to be less likely to generate resistance. We focus on a novel protein translocation system, Tat, since this system appears to be involved in several aspects of bacterial virulence and is not present in mammalian cells, and iron-metabolism-associated system as novel targets for development of their inhibitors. We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of this technology in industry.


Graduate School of Agricultural Science

Hiroshi Yoneyama

Economics of Aging

  • I investigate on the economics of aging, the optimal social welfare policy, low fertility and so on not based on the historical and systematic approach but based on the neo-classical economic theory. I also use econometric method and statistical approach. I often estimate the future projections of the population, public finance, magnitude of private markets, the results of public policies.
  • I also research on the comparative studies on East Asia (Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan) and European (especially Scandinavian countries). I provide statistic data and information on the economic and political systems on the aging in Japan.

The future estimation on the financial status , market caused by low fertility and aging. The effective management of the medical institutions, social welfare systems, gender equality societies for the central and local government, research institutions, public enterprises, and financial Institutions.


Graduate School of Economics and Management

Hiroshi Yoshida

Microwave Processing of Functional Inorganic Materials

  • Microwave processing is one of the attractive fields in recent materials processing. We perform various materials processing using non-equilibrium reaction field induced by microwave and/or ultrasonic irradiation. The topic contains powder metallurgy, nitride coatings, synthesis of new functional materials, fabrication of nanoparticles, etc. Recently we have developed a new TiN coating method using our microwave irradiation equipment operated at a frequency of 2.45 GHz. The method is simple but applicable to various substrates with complex shape. This method can be applied to various nitride coatings and will open a new coating technology in many fields of applications.

The major targets of TiN coatings are for cutting tools, ball bearings, dental implants, die and mold for stamping, and ornaments. The newly developed method makes it possible to perform nitride coatings within a short time using a standard microwave heating equipment. We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of these technology.


Administrative Staff

Hirotsugu Takizawa

Bio-inspired engineering for energy and biological applications

  • Our goal is "bio-inspired engineering" to create new functions that exhibit functions beyond the nature systems by learning from their superior functions and incorporating them into creating materials and devices. For example, the development of surface treatment and adhesives learned from mussels, the development of anti-biofouling substrates learned from pitcher plants, the design of non-platinum catalysts for highly active fuel cells (hydrogen, enzymes, microbes, etc.) learned from hemoglobin, and needle-type biosensors learned from biological needles.

Based on electrochemistry and polymer chemistry, I provide technologies and expertise in the energy, biotechnology, and electrical and electronic fields, including metal-air batteries, fuel cells, surface treatment, adhesion, biosensors, etc.


Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences

Hiroya Abe

Clinical Applications of Motion Capture System for Living Body

  • We have developed a wireless motion capture system for living body that could non-invasively measure various biological movements without any contact. By utilizing the LC resonant magnetic marker due to the latest magnetic engineering technology, we have achieved a magnetic wireless system which could be used even in a shielded space such as oral cavity by applying a magnetic field from outside the body. By using the infrared reflective markers of small and light, we have also succeeded in developing an optical system capable of synchronous real-time measurement at up to 50 locations at 250 hertz.

This new system can three dimensionally analyze various biological movements and can be applied to such diagnostic and medical equipment that requires a motion analysis non-invasively without any contact. It is possible to specialize this system to suit the required conditions, so I would like to joint research with companies and organizations that want to take advantage of this system.


Graduate School of Dentistry

Hiroyasu Kanetaka

Development of Passive Millimeter-wave Imaging Device for Practical Applications

  • Millimeter wave (MM-wave) which is one of the electromagnetic wave transparent the clothes, the fire and the wall etc. and all natural materials including objects in clothes always radiate the electromagnetic wave as the thermal noise. Using these characteristics of MM-wave, imaging of concealed objects in clothes can be accomplished in a noninvasive and noncontact manner. This technique is called Passive Millimeter Wave (PMMW) Imaging technique and we have developed a PMMW imaging device for security applications.
  • The wave length of MM-wave frequency range is from 1 mm to 10 mm and the spatial resolution of images in MM-wave range is low compared with sub-millimeter (terahertz) range or Infra-Red range, however, higher transmittance through clothes can be obtained compared with higher frequency range. Furthermore, low noise amplifier (LNA) exists which could be the advantage of MM-wave compared with higher frequency ranges.
  • Now the device was developed for the purpose of keeping safe and secure aircrafts and ships etc., we hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of this technology in industrial fields such as the fire rescue, the police equipment and the medical devices.


Graduate School of Engineering

Hiroyasu Sato

High-Temperature Processes and Measurements of Materials

  • Fukuyama laboratory studies novel material processing based on chemical thermodynamics with high-temperature thermophysical property measurements. As examples, we are developing new crystal growth processes to bring a breakthrough in nitride-semiconductor devices, which are promising materials for next-generation optical devices applied in environmental, medical, bio and information technologies fields. Database of thermophysical properties of materials is needed for modeling heat and mass transports in materials processes.

A new thermophysical property measurement system is currently under development, which enables accurate measurements of heat capacity, thermal conductivity, emissivity, density and surface tension of high-temperature melts, utilizing electromagnetic levitation in a dc magnetic field.


Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials

Hiroyuki Fukuyama

Supercomputing for enabling large-scale advanced simulations

  • As modern supercomputers are getting larger and more complicated, it is not so easy to exploit their potential performance. It is necessary to develop a simulation code with considering various factors for both hardware and software reasons, and hence expert knowledge and experiences about supercomputing are often needed to achieve high actual performance. Our research interests focus on shaping future supercomputing systems and their applications, especially system software technologies for effectively using the future supercomputers. Also we are always exploring how to make good use of the state-of-the-art hardware and software technologies in order to enable unprecedented-scale and more advanced simulations.
  • From beginning (apply for use of our supercomputer) to end (get a solution), we can consistently support developing large-scale practical simulation, which is feasible only by using the supercomputer. As a supercomputing center, we have a long history of parallelizing and accelerating a lot of practical simulation programs. In addition, we are looking for research collaborators who are interested in streamlining and/or facilitating large-scale scientific software development.


Cyberscience Center

Hiroyuki Takizawa

Fabrication of The Novel Designed Nanodrugs Composed of Poorly Water-Soluble Compounds

  • One of our major research focuses is to design the novel drug nanoparticles, so called “Nano-prodrugs”, and to apply them as anticancer drugs or eye drops with excellent delivery efficiency. Nano-prodrugs are constructed by synthetic prodrugs molecules which contains poorly water-soluble substituent. They could be fabricated to nanoparticles with 100 nm or less in size by our reprecipitation technique, which has been used to create organic nanomaterials. We are aiming at practical application of our Nano-prodrugs in the near future.

Our reprecipitation technique for fabricating organic nanomaterials is a versatile technique that can be applied to various organic molecules as well as drug compounds. We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company on controlling and evaluating properties of the organic nanoparticles.


Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials

Hitoshi Kasai

Biological Application of Scanning Probe Microscope

  • We have invented a unique method to non-invasively evaluate the quality of individual mammalian embryos based on oxygen consumption. A Pt microelectrode was scanned near the single embryo sample to obtain oxygen concentration profile. Respiration activity of single embryo was estimated based on spherical diffusion theory. Further, it was found that the respiration activities of individual embryos corresponded the developmental potential of the embryos. Independently, we have developed a procedure of mRNA quantification from single-cell based on SPM featuring multi-functional probes. Next, we are going to combine the two methods mentioned above for quality control of mammalian embryos and embryonic stem cells.

Our methods will be applied for assisted reprodictive technoloy (ART), pancreatic islet transplantation, or animal breeding.


Graduate School of Engineering

Hitoshi Shiku

Prevention and amelioration of late-onset hypogonadism by food ingredients

  • Late-onset hypogonadism (LOH) is induced by age-related decline of testosterone synthesis, which leads to decrease muscle and sexual nature as well as mental symptoms such as depression. Now great attention is focused on prevention and amelioration of LOH via ingestion of foods and supplements.
  • We developed screening system of functional ingredients from food extracts for anti-LOH using testis-derived cells, and clarified that vitamins, nutraceuticals, and edible plant extracts have potentiating activities for the production of testosterone.


Graduate School of Agricultural Science

Hitoshi Shirakawa

Cavitation Peening

  • Surface modification method to improve fatigue strength has been developed using cavitation impacts, which are normally causes severe damage in hydraulic machineries. The method was called "cavitation peening". In order to make clear the mechanism, a load controlled plate bending fatigue test machine was developed. It was proved by using the test machine that the threshold level of stress intensity factor was improved about 1.9 times by cavitation peening. The mitigation of hydrogen embrittlement by cavitation peening was also improved.

The cavitation peening can apply to component of automobile and forging die. We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of this technology in industry.


Graduate School of Engineering

Hitoshi Soyama

Development of Solid-State-Ionics Materials for Energy Conversion, Storage and Utilization

  • Our focus is on the development of solid-state-ionics materials to be used for a variety of energy conversion systems. To further improve the performance of fuel cells and lithium batteries, novel ionic conductors and mixed conductors with high ionic conductivity and chemical stability are highly demanded. We have been developing such the materials based on defect chemistry and thermodynamics of ceramics, and trying to apply those materials to actual energy conversion devices.

To date, a hydrogen production system utilizing oxygen permeable membranes and an all-solid-state battery have been prepared.


Graduate School of Engineering

Hitoshi Takamura


Development of Sensors and Measuring Systems for Ultra-Precision Manufacturing and Nanomanufacturing

  • The research is being focused on measurement of surface forms of precision workpieces and stage motions of precision machines, which are important items for ultra-precision manufacturing and nanomanufacturing. Optical sensors are being developed for measurement of angle and displacement, which are fundamental quantities for manufacturing. Technologies for improvement of the sensor sensitivity and bandwidth, reduction of the sensor size as well as new multi-axis sensing methods are being The research is being focused on measurement of surface forms of precision workpieces and stage motions of precision machines. Optical sensors are being developed for measurement of angle and displacement. A number of scanning-type measuring systems for precision measurement of surface forms and stage motions are also being developed. Error separation algorithms and systems for straightness and roundness, which are the most fundamental geometries treated in ultra-precision manufacturing, are being investigated. Novel systems based on scanning probe microscopy are under development for micro- and nano-structures as well as freeform optics in responding to new and important challenges from ultra-precision manufacturing and nanomanufacturing.

The multi-axis optical displacement and angle sensors developed in the laboratory are expected to measure motions of semiconductor/IC manufacturing and inspection equipment, precision machine tools, ultra-precision measuring instrument. The surface profile measurement systems are expected t play an important role in ultra-precision manufacturing and nanomanufacturing industries.


Graduate School of Engineering

I Ko

Advanced Nanotechnology for Critical metal free secondary battery

  • Monoatomic layered materials of Graphene, Transition metal sulfide nanosheet, nanocrystalline active materials, nanoparticles and nanoporous materials are investigated for realizing high capacity, high power, high safety and low cost energy storage devices as a post- Lithium ion battery. Advanced chemistry of functional materials and device processes for All solid state battery, Magnesium battery, fuel cells, supercapacitor and wearable batteries are investigated.

Academia – Industry collaboration with manufacturing companies of functional materials, batteries, and also smart grid, renewable energy, electrical power companies are encouraged for developments of advanced energy materials and post-Lithium ion battery.


Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials

Itaru Homma

Chemical imaging devices which operate in severe environments

  • We developed both pH and Cl- imaging plates, which can visualize the pH and Cl- concentration on metal surfaces in acidic environments. The pH range is from 3.0 to 0.5, and Cl- concentration up to 4 M can be measured. Fluorescent dyes are successively used for pH and Cl- imaging in the field of biology, but their sensitivity tends to be insufficient in acidic and/or highly concentrated chloride solutions. A glass plate with a sol-gel sensing layer, which contains a pH indicator or a Cl- sensitive florescent dye was fabricated and validated using the solutions with various pH values and Cl- concentrations. Changes in the pH and Cl- distribution on stainless surface in an acidic environment were measured quantitatively.

The newly developed imaging plates can be used to investigate the mechanism of various chemical reactions, such as corrosion, which occurs in an acidic environment. Micro-flow imaging using our sensing technique will be a promising approach to understand the catalytic chemistry of metal surfaces.


Graduate School of Engineering

Izumi Muto


A Study on the Proper Waste Management and Urban Mining Project in Asian Countries; International Resources Recycling and Cross-Border Pollution

  • The objective of this research is to maximize international resource recycling efficiency through a feasibility assessment of urban mining project in East Asia. It is not only focused on valuable materials but also on less valuable materials like waste plastics. The merit of this approach is its consideration of social, economic and environmental systems in each country.

This research is envisioned to support the establishment of resource recycling systems, developing new business models, people-to-people exchange and information sharing.


Graduate School of International Cultural Studies

Jeongsoo Yu

Development of Sustainable Integrated Multiphase Energy System

  • Our laboratory is focusing in the development of innovative multiphase fluid dynamic methods based on the multiscale integration of massively parallel supercomputing and advanced measurements, and research related to creation of environmentally conscious energy systems. Furthermore, we promote basic research for the creation of risk management science and associated new multiphase flow system directly linked to sustainable energy represented by a high-density hydrogen storage technology.

P2P Hydrogen supply chain, Elastohydrodynamic lubrication, Supercomputing of Laser melting and sputter particle formation, High pressure diecast computing / Automotive industry, Additive manufacturing


Institute of Fluid Science

Jun Ishimoto