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Researchers 287 Result(s), Themes 250 Result(s)



Advanced Wireless Information Technology

  • Toward the realization of a ubiquitous and broad-band wireless network, we are actively engaged in the research work on dependable and low power consumption advanced wireless IT. We cover the whole technical fields from the lower to higher layers, i.e., signal processing, RF/Mixed signal device, antenna, MODEM and network technologies.As the studies on signal processing, RF/Mixed signal device and antenna technologies, we are developing RF/Millimeter-wave RF CMOS IC's, antenna integrated 3-dimensional system in package (SiP) transceiver modules, digital/RF mixed signal IC's.

If you are interested in a collaborative research work on above topics, please contact us via e-mail.


Research Institute of Electrical Communication

Noriharu Suematsu

Development of anti-fibrotic therapies with a cell line from myofibroblasts of fibrotic kidneys

  • There are serious unmet medical needs in kidney diseases. Since fibrosis is a common terminal pathology of various kidney diseases and closely related to renal failure, anti-fibrotic therapies are plausible strategies for kidney diseases. Kidney fibrosis progresses with the emergence of myofibroblasts which produce extracellular matrix. We demonstrated that myofibroblasts originate from renal interstitial fibroblasts, which produce the erythroid growth factor erythropoietin, and that the transformation is reversible. To elucidate mechanisms of kidney fibrosis, we have established a cell line derived from myofibroblasts of mouse kidneys. It has been demonstrated that epigenetic interventions restore the cells (Replic cells) to their original fibroblastic features.

Replic cells provide useful and precise strategies to identify anti-fibrotic drugs.


New Industry Creation Hatchery Center

Norio Suzuki

Fabrication of Imitative Stress Corrosion Cracking Specimens for the Development of Nondestructive Evaluation Techniques

  • The emergence of stress corrosion cracking is one of the most important issues from the viewpoint of aging management and maintenance of nuclear power plants. There is a large discrepancy between stress corrosion cracking and other cracks such as fatigue cracks from the viewpoint of nondestructive testing and evaluations, which requires suitable specimens containing stress corrosion cracking for the development of nondestructive testing and evaluation techniques and also for personnel training. However, artificially introducing stress corrosion cracking needs large cost and long time. Furthermore, several studies have pointed out that such articial stress corrosion cracking is not always similar to natural ones. On the basis of the background above, we develop a method to fabricate "imitative" stress corrosion cracking specimens using diffusion bonding.

The method enables one to introduce a region whose response is almost identical to actual stress corrosion cracking from the viewpoint of nondestructive testing. Whereas the dimension of the region is accurately controllable, the method requires much less cost and time comparing the conventional ones using corrosive environment. Patent is already applied for.


Graduate School of Engineering

Noritaka Yusa

Regulation of TSLP Production in Keratinocytes

  • Thymic stromal lymphopoietin(TSLP)has been focused as a master switch for allergy. We established a mouse keratinocyte cell line which constitutively and highly produces TSLP. This cell line will be useful to find the inhibitor of TSLP production and to study biochemical features of production and action of TSLP. The inhibitor of TSLP production might be used as an external or an inhalation drug, indicating low probability of causing a decrease in immune competence.

By using this cell line, we expect we can conduct effective collaborative research in medical fields. For examples, the cell line is useful for analysis of TSLP production and functions, development of inhibitors of TSLP production, and detection of immunotoxic compounds.


Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Noriyasu Hirasawa


Development of Novel Bone Substitute Biomaterials Showing Highly Osteoconductive Property

  • Novel bone substitute biomaterials should have a property not only to support cellular attachment on the material surfaces but also activate cellular function of osteoblasts that promote regeneration of bone tissue. Our laboratory successfully developed such materials composed of octacalcium phosphate (OCP) (Suzuki O et al. Dent Mater J 39:187, 2020. doi: 10.4012/dmj.2020-001), obtained by a restricted synthesis condition originally developed, with specific crystal characteristics, and various natural polymers, such as gelatin, collagen, alginate and hyaluronic acid. The materials consist from OCP and these polymers are capable of enhancing new bone formation concomitant with their own biodegradations. The concept to develop such materials is that (1) design of reaction of calcium phosphate ceramics and the synthesis; (2) design of material strength to meet the mechanical stress from living body; (3) selection of natural and synthetic polymer materials for the calcium phosphate ceramics. Furthermore, we are conducting research to improve the ability of OCP itself to replace new bone (Suzuki O et al. Acta Biomater 158:1, 2023).

We are prepared to provide academic consultations to companies interested in our research.


Graduate School of Dentistry

Osamu Suzuki


Process development using chemical reactions in high temperature/high pressure water; Super/subcritical fluid extraction technology

  • Most of my research to date have been related to hydrothermal technology (e.g., super/subcritical water technologies), supercritical fluid (CO₂) and subcritical fluid (DME) extraction technologies, inorganic materials synthesis, coal chemistry, biomass conversion, microalgae extraction, and waste recycling. And I have a lot of experimence on the practial application of chemical engineering. The current research themes include spent lithium-ion battery recycling, waste plastic recycling, and automation and intelligence of chemical experiments.

Spent lithium-ion battery recycling and waste plastic recycling


Graduate School of Engineering

Qingxin Zheng


Assessment of Physical Activities Using Wearable Sensors

  • Maintaining appropriate amount of physical activity is essential for health and disease prevention. Gait is the most common type of physical activity in everyday life. Monitoring the amount of physical activity in everyday lives may benefit mainly those who are at threat of metabolic syndrome and overweight. Towards better estimation of the amount of physical activity utilizing wearable sensors, we focused on taking running and walking economy into account. The relationship between step length and oxygen uptake was first determined. Step length estimation with moderate accuracy was accomplished using acceleration signals during walking. Step length was then taken into energy expenditure calculation as one of the variables.

Together with the basic version of the current locomotion monitoring system capable of counting staircase climbing up & down, we managed to upgrade our locomotion monitoring system into 3 dimensional.


Head Office of Enterprise Partnerships

Ryoichi Nagatomi

Novel Cu-Based Shape Memory Alloy with High Ductility

  • Recently, we have developed a novel Cu-Al-Mn based shape memory alloy with high SM properties and with a ductility twice higher than that in Nitinol . Furthermore, this novel SM alloy needs no die for the shape setting and is fabricated with relatively low cost. Very recently, we have successfully developed a device to cure ingrown toenail by using this SM alloy.

Very recently, we established a fabrication process for the Cu-Al-Mn sheet, wire and bar with 0.1 - 20mm in thickness or diameter. We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application with this new SM alloy.


Graduate School of Engineering

Ryosuke Kainuma

Resarch and development for maintaining and improving brain and mental health

  • The Smart Aging International Research Center (SAIRC) was founded on 1 October 2009. This Center proposes the creation of a new field to produce well-rounded personnel who have gained “totally comprehensive intelligence” from their experience, in order to cope with various problems associated with the diverse and complex super-aging society. To this end, the Center will promote interdisciplinary cooperative research, international collaborative research projects, and research collaborations with industry, as well as disseminate and exchange information by holding international conferences and symposia.  The SAIRC is designed to develop an approach for maintaining and improving brain and mental health in a diverse and complex society from the standpoints of brain science, with the aim of maintaining and improving brain functions; cognitive neuroscience and psychology, with the aim of maintaining a healthy and tranquil state of mind at each aging stage; and philosophy, phenomenology and ethics that provide a radical reconsideration of the concept of the “mind.” We welcome collaborative researches with companies, and academic consultations.


Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer

Ryuta Kawashima

Smart Ageing Initiative

  • In Japan, the percentage of elderly people aged 65 years or over was 23.1% in 2010. It is no doubt that Japan is the world's first super-aging society. In such a super-aging environment, it is necessary to form a society in which each individual can play an active role even as one becomes older in order to maintain and improve the quality of life of all people and to maintain a healthy society. In advanced brain science, research from the fields of brain function imaging, cognitive science, and psychology has been utilized with the aim of realizing a healthy aging society. Up to date information on various new technologies and related discoveries has been disseminated so that individuals can live a healthy life with peace of mind at every stage of aging, while maintaining and improving the health of their brain and mind in a diverse and complex society.

We believe to overcome super-aging environments is not only an object of public concern but also big business chances to create new industries.


Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer

Ryuta Kawashima


Vision Sciences and Human Interfaces

  • We study human vision and use the knowledge of the vision system for image sciences. Our research focuses on vision sciences from early to high level processes. Target processes include early passive visual processes such as motion, depth and color perception, and high level processes such as attention, interaction between vision and haptic perception and implicit effect of the perception. Our approach includes visual psychophysics, brain activity measurements, and computer modeling.

We apply the knowledge obtained from the basic research to propose methods to evaluation of displays, image contents, visual environments, and so on.


Organization for Research Promotion

Satoshi Shioiri

Magnetic Materials (Permanent Magnets, High Frequency Materials, Microwave Absorbers)

  • The objectives of my researches are the development of high performance magnets and improvement of their magnetic properties. I have already developed following high performance magnets, such as Nd-Fe-B magnets using didymium, Sm-Fe-N high coercive powders prepared by HDDR and Fe-Cr-Co magnets. Recently, I have studied about the reduction of Dy content in Nd-Fe-B magnets for the use of HEV and have succeeded to develop high coercive Dy-free Nd-Fe-B sintered magnets by decreasing the grain size. I have also developed new kinds of microwave absorbers for the use in the frequencies of GHz range using permanent magnetic materials or nanoparticles.

High performance magnetic materials can be used in many applications in automobile, home electronics, IT and medical industries. We hope to conduct collaborative researches with companies producing magnetic materials for the use in these applications, which aims to improve magnetic properties or to develop new magnetic materials.


Graduate School of Engineering

Satoshi Sugimoto

Robot Technology for Achieving Secure Society

  • Tadokoro Laboratory developed ‘Active Scope Camera,' a world-unique rescue robot that can search deep in rubble piles of collapsed structures through a gap of a few cm wide. It also developed ‘Quince,' a world-unique unmanned ground vehicle that could survey the second to fifth floors of Nuclear Reactor Buildings of Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Its technologies was applied industries, including unmanned transfer vehicle for outdoors under ice and snow environment being actually used in a factory of Toyota Motor East Japan, and ‘Robo-Scope' for debris inspection in collaboration with Shimizu Corporation.

We have a policy of education through and research for solution to actual problems. Current nearly ten collaborative researches focuses on outdoor investigation, infrastructure/plant inspection, and remote/autonomous task execution by robots.


Graduate School of Information Sciences

Satoshi Tadokoro

A novel crystal growth via controlling an energy relationship between crystal and melt with applying an electric field

  • This lab is concerned with the novel approach mainly for the growth from melt by studying the relationship between the interface dynamics during growth and properties of grown crystals. Special interests lie in the growth of new crystals via the imposition of an interface-electric field. Nano-scaled control of crystal growth is executed in an electric double layer of ~nm thickness that is induced by applying an external electric field on the growth interface. Some of our growth results brought by applying an electric field are;
  • 1. Growth of Langasite-type crystals for the pressure sensor at high temperature by manipulating the energy relationship between crystal and melt.
  • 2. Easy nucleation of protein crystals that are normally hard to crystallize.
  • 3. Formation of Si crystals with desired structure by manipulating the interface instability of Si.
  • Crystals developed this way will widen an opportunity to collaborate with industries in the field of the piezoelectric, magnetic, optic and other fields related to the highly-networked information society.


New Industry Creation Hatchery Center

Satoshi Uda

Spintronics Devices and Materials

  • Spintronics is a technology utilizing electron spin which provided magnetic sensor, nonvolatile magnetic memory, and so on. Our studies are as below.
  • Noble & Rare-earth free magnetic films with large perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. We achieved to develop various Mn-bases alloy films exhibiting high perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (Fig.1 ).
  • THz range observation of magnetization motion. We achieved to detect a motion of magnetization using pulse laser in time domain (Fig. 2).
  • Novel organic spin devices. We achieved to fabricate hybrid junction consisting of an organic layer sandwiched by two inorganic magnetic layers and to observe magnetoresistance effect.
  • Tunnel Magnetoresistive devices: We are developing TMR devices with Mn-Ga alloys films (Fig.3 ).

Magnetic memory and storage. Microwave and Terahertz wave. Magnetic sensors.
We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of these devices and materials in industry.


Advanced Institute for Materials Research

Shigemi Mizukami

Hardware Development of Brain Computer and its Application to Visual Information Processing

  • Toward realizing a high-performance neuromorphic vision processing system, our research involves a neural network model of spatial perception based on motion-stereo vision and its implementation on a very large scale integrated circuit (VLSI). Important parameters for spatial perception such as time-to-contact, orientation, and the shortest distance to plane surfaces of a target object are recognized by using the model without knowing moving direction and velocity of the object. We have developed a VLSI capable of performing visual perception based on the model with low power consumption, reduced less than 1/100 compared with a commercial CPU.

Targeted applications include a drone flying autonomously equipped with collision avoidance system by visual perception. Targeted industry includes infrastructure inspection, agriculture, logistics, and so on.


Research Institute of Electrical Communication

Shigeo Sato

Development of Advanced Device and Process Technologies and New Image Sensors

  • Toward the ultimate performances of image sensors, advanced research activities are being conducted that cover a wide range of technology fields from cleanroom infrastructure, materials, process equipment, process, device, circuit, assembly, signal processing, measurement/evaluation and reliability. Following technologies have been successfully commercialized:
  • A fast and accurate measurement technology of electrical characteristics for over 1 million transistors
  • A wide dynamic range CMOS image sensor technology capturing images over five decade brightness ranges
  • An ultra-fast CMOS image sensor technology with 10 million frames/sec

Followings are available for industry collaborators:
A. 200mm-diameter-wafer silicon device fabrication utilizing the ultra-clean facility including wafer mutual fabrication processing between device manufacturers.
B. Process technology development and various kinds of analyses.
C. Development of new image sensors.


New Industry Creation Hatchery Center

Shigetoshi Sugawa

Imaging and photoregulation of biological functions

  • To properly understand the functions of biomolecules, it is essential to observe them under physiological conditions where the interactions with other biomolecules are preserved. Therefore, we are developing new functional molecules using both organic chemistry and protein science approaches, and working on the visualization and optical control of biomolecules and their functions. Especially, we have developed fluorescent probes that quantitate the concentration of biomolecules or ions in subcellular regions such as organelles and caged compounds and photoswitches that optically manipulate the biomolecular functions.


Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials

Shin Mizukami

“HYDRIDE" Researches for Energy Applications

  • This group is engaged in basic and applied researches of "hydrides" for practical use in hydrogen energy system. The main subject is the exploration of advanced hydrogen storage materials which support hydrogen energy technologies such as fuel cells. Currently, we synthesize a wide variety of novel hydrides composed of lightweight metals with specific nano-structures using advanced techniques for crystal and electronic structure analyses. In addition to the hydrogen storage, we develop the wide research fields related to hydrides, such as fast lithium ionic conductors.

Besides the contributions in industrial progress through the material development for future hydrogen energy system and next-generation secondary battery, we positively provide technical assistance to organizations and companies concerned about our findings.


Advanced Institute for Materials Research

Shin-Ichi Orimo

High-Speed Vision for Real-Time Motion Analysis

  • We are investigating high-speed vision systems that enable real-time image acquisition and visual processing at frame rates substantially higher than the standard video rate.

High-speed vision systems are useful for fast measurement and control of dynamic systems in general. When combined with external facilities such as high-speed projectors or acceleration sensors, they enable further wider applications including fast 3D measurement or object identification.


Unprecedented-scale Data Analytics Center

Shingo Kagami