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Researchers 287 Result(s), Themes 250 Result(s)



Lymph node metastasis prediction and treatment evaluation system

  • 1. pressure sensor (needle, optical fiber, etc.) can be inserted into the lymph node to evaluate the risk of lymph node metastasis and treatment.
  • 2. domestic patent obtained

Joint research with a medical device manufacturer to develop a diagnosis and treatment system for lymph node metastasis


Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering

Tetsuya Kodama

Development of Recombinant Inbred Mice with a Genetic Predisposition to Collagen Disease

  • Eleven strains of recombinant inbred (RI) mice derived from MRL/lpr and C3H/lpr mice were established. This RI is the only one in the world that randomly develops lesions such as nephritis, arthritis, sialadenitis, vasculitis, and production of autoantibodies in each strain. The genomes of the two strains of mice are randomly held in homozygous condition, and the phenotypes of each strain and the effects of administered drugs could be compared based on their genotype maps. It is possible to identify the regions of gene loci involved in the phenotype and drug sensitivity.

Development of diagnostic and therapeutic agents for autoimmune diseases. It can be applied to the elucidation of the mechanism of onset of immunological adverse events caused by immune checkpoint inhibitors and the development of drugs to prevent the onset of such events, and industry-academia collaboration with pharmaceutical companies, test reagent companies, etc. is possible.


Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering

Tetsuya Kodama

Development of McH-lpr/lpr-RA1 mouse, a study model that spontaneously develops severe autoimmune arthritis, vasculitis, and sialadenitis

  • McH/lpr-RA1 mice are recombinant congenic mice descended from MRL/lpr and C3H/lpr mice and develop arthritis, vasculitis, and sialadenitis with high frequency and severity, with severe pannus formation similar to rheumatoid arthritis, polyarteritis nodosa, and Sjogren's syndrome. On the other hand, McH/lpr-RA1 mice do not develop systemic lymphadenopathy and severe nephritis as seen in MRL/lpr mice, so they are easy to breed and maintain and can be used for long-term drug administration experiments.

Development of diagnostic and therapeutic agents for collagen diseases. It can be applied to the elucidation of the mechanism of onset of immunological adverse events caused by immune checkpoint inhibitors and the development of drugs to prevent the onset of such events, etc. Industry-academia collaboration with pharmaceutical companies, test reagent companies, etc. is possible.


Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering

Tetsuya Kodama

Eco-Material Processing

  • The major subject of our group is ferrous process metallurgy including thermodynamics of metals, alloys and molten slags, high temperature heterogeneous kinetics, phase equilibria of complex oxide systems and so on. We are interested in physic-chemical fundamentals of processing of metals, slags, scrap and waste. Recently our research interests are extended to multidisciplinary area so-called "Industrial Ecology" by the combination of process metallurgy, LCA (life cycle assessment) and social science such as econometrics.

Typically our research group is aggressively working in the area of material flow analysis of critical metals considering the quality of recycled materials. Currently our major research partners are steel and non-ferrous industries, while we do hope to collaborate with waste treatment company, mineral industry and an administrative organ.


New Industry Creation Hatchery Center

Tetsuya Nagasaka

Electronic properties of nanostructures and nanodevices

  • 1) We investigate interesting properties of nanostructures and develop materials and devices utilizing nanostructures.
  • 2) We have techniques and skills on low-noise electric measurements, cryogenics, nanofabrication, and data informatics. We are open to new collaborations.


Advanced Institute for Materials Research

Tomohiro Otsuka

Quantum devices utilizing nanostructures

  • 1) We investigate quantum effects in nanostructures and develop quantum devices like quantum bits and sensors utilizing solid-state nanostructures.
  • 2) We have techniques and skills on electric measurement and control of quantum states and data informatics. We are open to new collaborations.


Advanced Institute for Materials Research

Tomohiro Otsuka

Oxide Electronics

  • Our research group investigates creation of functional oxides and their functionalities. We synthesize thin films by pulsed laser deposition and sputtering methods and bulk specimens, and develop their novel synthetic routes. Recently, we are studying electrically conducting rare earth oxides, transparent room temperature ferromagnetic semiconductors, and layered superconductors with monatomic Bi layer. We will develop our materials design by extending materials range and performing oxide heteroepitaxy.

Collaborative research in fields of oxide electronics with novel electric conducting oxides and oxide spintronics with ferromagnetic semiconductors and novel ferromagnetic oxides.


Graduate School of Science

Tomoteru Fukumura

Synthesis and material characterization of new organic ferroelectric materials, molecular semiconductors, molecular magnets.

  • Multifunctional molecular-assemblies and hybrid organic - inorganic materials are examined from the viewpoint of structural freedom of organic molecules. The spin and electronic states of molecular-assemblies are designed in terms of electrical conductivity, magnetism, and ferroelectricity. Diverse molecular assemblies from single crystal, plastic crystal, liquid crystal, gel, to Langmuir-Blodgett film are our research targets, which were hybridized with inorganic gigantic clusters and metal nanoparticles. We are prepared to provide academic consultations to companies interested in our research.


Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials

Tomoyuki Akutagawa

Converting Food Waste into Valuable Materials with Hot-Compressed Water Treatment

  • Treatment with hot-compressed or subcritical water is an attractive process for converting food waste into valuable materials. Water is an environmentally acceptable solvent and is cost effective; thus, hot-compressed water has recently received attention as a medium for resource recovery from waste. We chose fish gelatin as a model of marine food waste (especially fish skin fraction), and we determined the optimum conditions for the degradation of fish gelatin with hot-compressed water between 160 and 240 °C at 2 MPa. These conditions were optimized in terms of maximizing the concentrations of specific degradation products, such as peptides, and ACE inhibitory.

The disposal of fish waste has become a serious problem in marine food industries because approximately half of the fish mass, including the skin, bones, entrails, and some meat. The feasibility of converting organic waste by hot-compressed water (subcritical water treatment) into useful resources has been demonstrated together with Industry.


Graduate School of Agricultural Science

Tomoyuki Fujii

Quantitative Evaluation of the Baroreflex Sensitivity of the Heart and Artery

  • Metabolic syndrome is an important view point, when we consider the preventive medicine. Hypertension is one of the most important points to prevent the cardiovascular events. However, there is no method to measure the baroreflex sensitivity of the artery in the patients with hypertension. Tohoku University had invented the new method to evaluate the baroreflex sensitivity of the heart and artery (JP Patent No.4789203).

By the use of this machine, the baroreflex sensitivity of an artery in the patients can easily be measured noninvasively. It enables to predict the occurrence of hypertension and evaluate the therapy of hypertension easily, while allowing prevention of the cardiovascular events.


Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer

Tomoyuki Yambe

Chemical Recycling of Problematic Polymeric Wastes

  • The Yoshioka Laboratory works on the recycling of various polymers by thermal and wet processes. Plastics such as poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and high impact polystyrene (HIPS) cause serious problems during their recycling for the recycling process and the environment. However, these materials can also be seen as a resource for new materials. The decarboxylation of PET results in high yields of benzene that can be used as a chemical feedstock. Another important feature is the dehalogenation of flame retarded plastics and PVC. Dechlorinated plastic waste can be an important source for hydrocarbons, which can be used as fuels and chemical feedstock. The chemical modification of PVC offers the possibility of new materials with new properties. Modified PVC can be used as antibacterial material or as a material with ion exchange properties. The removal of brominated flame retardants from HIPS leads to higher recovery rates of styrene during thermal processing. When a wet process is used, the resulting flame retardant free HIPS can be reused.

We are eager to help companies to overcome their problems during recycling and recovery, and provide solutions for the treatment of waste materials.


Graduate School of Environmental Studies

Toshiaki Yoshioka

Integrated Design for Sustainable Energy Systems

  • The concept of LCS (low carbon society) is a unique approach having multi-dimensional considerations such as social, economic and environmental dimensions. The LCS aims at an extensive restructuring of worldwide energy supply/demand network system by not only replacing the conventional parts with the new ones, but also integrating all the necessary components and designing absolutely different energy networks. An energy-economic model is a tool for decision making for a variety of purposes, such as energy security planning, climate policy analysis, and technology innovation assessment.

Provide local governments, participating companies, and consultants with databases related to local energy supply and demand to support data analysis and scenario design in planning smart cities and decarbonized regions.


Graduate School of Engineering

Toshihiko Nakata

Carbon Neutral Design Theory

  • Assist in designing communities to be carbon neutral by 2050. Provide an internationally compatible regional energy supply and demand database under development to support current analysis and rational scenario design for the future. Support the design of regional energy systems based on up-to-date analysis of the renewable energy potential of each region, including hydrogen energy and LCA assessments, to meet regional and industry needs, and provide methods for performance analysis and value assessment.

Those in charge of the implementation plan for a decarbonized society and the carbon neutral plan, which is an extension of the basic environmental plan, at local governments.
Business leaders who provide new energy services, including new local power companies.


Graduate School of Engineering

Toshihiko Nakata

Theory and practice of energy design to drive decarbonization


An indispensable function for decarbonized driving is energy data analysis, an energy car navigation system with both high spatial and temporal resolution. Higher spatial resolution facilitates the recharging and discharging of electric cars and inter-regional energy exchange. With the addition of up-to-the-minute energy data with high temporal resolution, it is possible to rationally and optimally combine the fluctuating output of renewable energy with the consumers. Data analysis, system design, and operation will lead to a carbon-neutral society.


Japan's first regional energy supply and demand database has been developed, allowing for detailed design of sustainable and resilient regional energy infrastructure layout and operation based on analysis of the current energy status of cities, towns, and villages nationwide.

  • Research experience as a Fulbright Scholar in the U.S. and familiarity with examples of social implementation in Europe.
  • Data-driven innovation research approach based on a vast regional energy supply and demand database.
  • Emphasis on regional fieldwork as a social entrepreneur solving social issues.

Putting Theory into Practice. Helping to build sustainable energy systems for new community development. Including the background of the local community, listening to the opinions of the residents, and guiding them to discussions that are relevant to today's issues. Thinking globally and acting within the community.


Graduate School of Engineering

Toshihiko Nakata

Precipitation Hardened Co-based Alloy

  • The high-temperature strength in Co-based alloys is inferior to that in Ni-based superalloys due to no available ’ phase for strengthening Co-based alloys. We have found a new intermetallic compound Co3(Al,W) ’ phase, and /’ Co-Al-W-based wrought and cast alloys show excellent high-temperature strength. The /’ Ir-Al-W-based alloys are also available for high-temperature uses at over 1100 °C. The Co-based alloys also have good wear resistance. For example, friction stir welding (FSW) of high-softening-temperature materials such as steels and titanium alloys is possible using a Co-based alloy tool. We hope to conduct collaborative research with willing company for a practical application of the Co- or Ir-based alloys for high-temperature uses including FSW applications.


Graduate School of Engineering

Toshihiro Omori

Surface scientific approach for developments in fuel cell's catalysts

  • From catalytic perspective, molecular-level understanding of surface phenomena occurring at nano-sized metal (alloy) particle surfaces is a key for developing highly active and durable catalysts. Our experimental approach for studying catalysis is preparations of well-defined metals or alloy surfaces by using ultra-high vacuum (UHV) and molecular-beam-epitaxy (MBE) techniques. We routinely use UHV-MBE, surface vibrational spectroscopy (IR, Raman), scanning probe microscopy (SPM), electron spectroscopy (XPS), electrochemical (EC) voltammetry, gas-chromatography (GC) etc., and try to clarify the solid surface phenomena on atomic, molecular-levels. We believe our research results directly link to future eco-friendly society.


Graduate School of Environmental Studies

Toshimasa Wadayama

Development of PHD-Targeted Drug for Ischemic Injury

  • All the living organisms generate energy from molecular oxygen to maintain their own lives. Once the concentration of oxygen falls down, life activity gets severely hampered and it could sometimes cause death. Typical examples that are related to local hypoxia are ischemic heart disease, stroke and kidney disease.
  • We focus on the function of prolyl hydroxylase (PHD) as a sensor to detect the hypoxia, and we are developing drugs to treat ischemic injury by controlling hypoxia.

Currently, we have several compounds that inhibit the PHD. We want to commercialize in conjunction with pharmaceutical companies in Japan and overseas, advancing our non-clinical studies for clinical development.


Graduate School of Medicine

Toshio Miyata

Development of Nano-Medical-Agricultural Applied Technology Using Ion-Controlled Plasma

  • Since we have developed the techniques (ion control plasma) to generate and control ions, electrons, reactive species (radicals) in the low temperature non-equilibrium plasmas which I can touch by hand, the composite materials using nanoparticles, nanocarbons, biological molecules are synthesized in the nano-electronics field, the minimally-invasive and highly-efficient drug/gene transfection systems are developed in the medical field, and bacteria and insects are killed by the plasma in place of pesticide in the agricultural field.

The ion-controlled plasmas are applied for the minimally-invasive gene transfection system, next-generation agricultural system, the electrode material of highly-efficient battery, and so on. We hope to conduct the collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of the novel plasma nano-medical-agricultural applied technology in industry.


Graduate School of Engineering

Toshiro Kaneko

Development of High Performance Carbon Nanotube-Alumina Composite

  • One of the important challenges in the development of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) reinforced ceramic composites is uniform dispersion of CNTs in the matrix. The mechanical properties of CNT/ceramics composites have been limited to date due to the formation of CNT agglomerates in the composite. We have successfully produced CNT/alumina composites with world top class strength and toughness, by employing a newly developed CNTs dispersion technique based on a flocculation method. The processing method developed in this study enables us to prepare high performance CNT materials using a pressureless sintering method.

The possible applications of the CNT/alumina composites developed in this study include tribological materials (ball bearing), biomaterials (artificial hip joint), micro-actuator materials utilizing electrostrictive effects, electromagnetic wave absorber, particularly in the frequency range of several GHz and several ten GHz.


New Industry Creation Hatchery Center

Toshiyuki Hashida