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Researchers 287 Result(s), Themes 250 Result(s)



Functional and Molecular Imaging with Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

  • Using positron emission tomography (PET), we can measure the regional metabolism, perfusion and signal transmission between neurotransmitters and receptors in various organ systems of living humans and animals, such as the brain and heart. Recent technical developments have shown that the mind, or at least some parts of it, can be demonstrated by "imaging".

Our group has had considerable achievements in clinical research on drug effects and side effects, elucidation of underlying mechanism of alternative and complementary therapies, as well as exercise physiology.


Research Center for Accelerator and Radioisotope Science

Manabu Tashiro

Induction of Schwann cells from human mesenchymal stem cells and their application to spinal cord injury and demyelinating diseases

  • Bone marrow stromal cells have great advantages since they are already applied to patients either by auto- or allo-transplantations, can be harvested in large numbers (10 million cells within several weeks) as adherent cells from bone marrow aspirates, and are with low risk of tumorigenesis. Furthermore, marrow bank is available. Likewise, mesenchymal cells harvested from umbilical cord are also easily accessible from cord bank and are a good source of mesenchymal stem cells. We have established a system to induce functional Schwann cells (peripheral glia) from human bone marrow stromal cells and umbilical cord mesenchymal cells by treating cells with a series of reagents and cytokines. This induction system successfully generates Schwann cells with very high efficiency (~97%). They were confirmed to elicit neural regeneration in peripheral nerve damages and spinal cord injury (Eur, J. Neurosci, 2001; J. Neurosurg, 2004, J. Neuropathol. Exp. Neurol, 2005, Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2007; Tissue Eng., 2011). The efficiency and safety of induced Schwann cells were demonstrated in monkey by 1 year follow up (Exp. Neurol., 2010). Importantly, induced cells not only elicited neural regeneration in both peripheral and central nervous system, but also contributed to functional recovery by restoring myelin and saltatory conduction. Therefore, these cells are expected to be effective to demyelinating diseases as well. We hope to collaborate with companies and research groups who are willing to utilize our system.


Graduate School of Medicine

Mari Dezawa

Induction of skeletal muscle cells from human mesenchymal stem cells and their application to muscle degeneration

  • Bone marrow stromal cells have great advantages since they are already applied to patients either by auto- or allo-transplantations, can be harvested in large numbers (10 million cells within several weeks) as adherent cells from bone marrow aspirates, and are with low risk of tumorigenesis. We have established a system to induce skeletal muscle cells from human bone marrow stromal cells by treating cells with cytokines followed by Notch intracellular domain gene plasmid introduction. This induction system successfully generates skeletal muscle lineage cells comprised of muscle stem cells, namely, satellite cells, as well as myoblasts and myotubes. Transplantation of satellite cells and myoblasts were effective for muscle regeneration (Science, 2005). Importantly, induced satellite cells integrated into satellite cell location and continuously contributed to muscle regeneration. Our research team is now pursuing the safety and efficiency of these induced cells by using canine muscle degeneration models. We hope to collaborate with companies and research groups who are willing to utilize our system.


Graduate School of Medicine

Mari Dezawa

Induction of Neural Cells from Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells and their Application to Neurodegenerations

  • Bone marrow stromal cells have great advantages since they are already applied to patients either by auto- or allo-transplantations, can be harvested in large numbers (10 million cells within several weeks) as adherent cells from bone marrow aspirates, and are with low risk of tumorigenesis. We have established a system to induce neural precursor cells from human bone marrow stromal cells by introducing cells with Notch intracellular domain gene plasmid followed by culturing in neurosphere method. This induction system successfully generates neural precursors which were effective for stroke (J. Neuropathol. Exp. Neurol. , 2005; J Cereb Blood Flow Metab, 2009). They could be further developed into dopamine producing neurons by treating them with cytokines including GDNF (J. Clin. Invest, 2004). The efficiency and safety of induced dopamine neurons were confirmed by rat and monkey model of Parkinson's disease. Importantly, long-term survival of auto-transplanted induced dopamine neurons were verified by 11C-CFT PET scan (J. Clin. Invest, 2013).

We hope to collaborate with companies and research groups who are willing to utilize our system.


Graduate School of Medicine

Mari Dezawa

Establishment of Minimally Invasive Cell Therapy for Diabetes by Introducing Interdisciplinary Approach

  • The islet transplantation is the ideal "minimum invasive" cell transplant therapy for the severe diabetic patients who are suffering with controlling the blood glucose levels. In this project, we try to have a cross organization among the advanced technologies in islet transplantation as one of the typical cases. Our chief objective is to construct the center of medical cell-engineering therapy as successful examples in Tohoku University. We are convinced that technical innovation through this project could contribute much more to the activation of medical industry based upon cell therapy.

We have already established effective academic-industrial alliances regarding our several projects including a development of new type of cell-isolation enzyme. However, we are still looking for possible candidates concerning a special device for cell transplantation and medical grade-pathogen free animals.


Graduate School of Medicine

Masafumi Goto

Theoretical Design of New Materials and Device Functionality based on First-principles Calculations

  • We are doing theoretical research on electrical conductivity in magnetoresistive devices using highly spin-polarized materials. The aim is to achieve very functional spintronics devices such as read-out heads for ultrahigh-density magnetic recording and non-volatile spin memories. We also investigate magnetoresistive devices using perpendicularly magnetized materials to ensure endurance against thermal fluctuations of the magnetization. We successfully achieve a guideline for improvement of the magnetoresistive performance by designing the crystal structure at the interface between ferromagnets and oxides theoretically.
  • We believe that first-principles calculations, which need no empirical parameter, play a very important role in research and development of various materials. Please contact us if you want to collaborate with us.


Research Institute of Electrical Communication

Masafumi Shirai

Visualization of Electron Motion in Matter by Means of Electron Compton Scattering

  • Properties of matter, such as reactivity and functionality, are determined by the motion of the constituent electrons. For this reason we aim at developing new spectroscopic methods, by using electron Compton scattering, that would visualize the electron motion for stable species and most importantly the change of electron motion in transient species, which is the driving force behind any chemical reactions;
  • (1) development of molecular frame electron momentum spectroscopy for momentum-space imaging of molecular orbitals in the three-dimensional form,
  • (2) developments of multiparameter coincidence techniques for studies on stereo-dynamics in electron-molecule collisions,
  • (3) development of time-resolved electron momentum spectroscopy for visualization of the change of electron motion in transient species.
  • We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of this technology in industry, and we are also prepared to provide academic consultations to companies interested in our research.


Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials

Masahiko Takahashi

Development of preventive medicine for aortic aneurysm and dissection of Marfan syndrome

  • Marfan’s syndrome (MF) is a severe, systemic disorder of connective tissue formation. A variety of MFS therapies have been developed, including surgical therapy for aortic root aneurysm and dissection (AAD) that are life-threatening, traditional medical therapies such as β-adrenergic receptor or angiotensin II receptor blockers for slow aortic growth and to decrease the risk of AAD. However these treatments did not prevent tissue destruction in the AAD of MF. To develop preventive strategy for AAD, it will be necessary to identify molecular mechanisms of microfibril formation and an appropriate fibrillin-1 microfibril associated molecule. Recently, ADAMTSL6β, which is a microfibril-associated extracellular matrix protein contributes the regeneration of microfibril by promoting fibrillin-microfibril assembly. We try to develop ADAMTSL6β as a preventive medicine for AAD of MF by regeneration of fibrillin-1 microfibril assembly.


Graduate School of Dentistry

Masahiro Saito

Advanced Molecular Transformations by Organocatalysts

  • The development of organic molecules which function as a catalyst has been extensively investigated to achieve selective and efficient transformation of organic molecules. Brønsted acids and bases are commonly employed as the catalyst in synthetic organic chemistry. To aim at their functionalization, axially chiral phosphoric acids and axially chiral guanidine bases have been developed as chiral Brønsted acid and base catalysts, respectively. A variety of optically active compounds has been synthesized through the development of highly stereoselective reactions using these catalysts.

The development of chiral Brønsted acid and base catalysts has been accomplished as recoverable and reusable organocatalysts and highly stereoselective molecular transformations have been established using these catalysts. The present methodology is applicable to process chemistry in preparing medicines and relevant compounds on the basis of the selective and efficient molecular transformations thus developed with reduction of the waste material.


Graduate School of Science

Masahiro Terada

Nano-Scale Total-Analysis Based on TEM

  • Our lab develops accurate nanometer scale characterization methods of crystal structures by convergent-beam electron diffraction (<strong>CBED</strong>) and electronic structures by electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) and soft-X-ray emission spectroscopy (<strong>SXES</strong>) for evaluating new functional materials. For performing crystal structure studies, we developed a new Ω-filter electron microscope and a refinement soft-ware, which can perform not only atom positions but also electrostatic potential and charge distributions. For electronic structure studies, a high-resolution EELS microscope and SXES instruments were developed.

Collaborated research of Local structures (symmetry, polarity, lattice defects) by CBED and electronic structures (bandgap, dielectric property and chemical state) by EELS and SXES on semiconductors, metals and dielectric materials are acceptable. Instructions of those analysis methods are also acceptable.


Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials

Masami Terauchi

Blockchain-based Approachs for High Secure P2P-type Decentralized Cloud Storage and Practical Smart Contract for Trading Personal Data

  • We are developing a decentralized P2P (Peer to Peer) type cloud storage that realizes innovative level of security by use of surplus storages of P2P nodes with the Blockchain technology. The developed storage can avoid the risk of large-scale information leakage of stored data due to the weakness of the central server. By using our cryptographic currency for rewards and usage fees in the storage, fair storage usage of all users can also be achieved.
  • In addition, We are developing a unique smart contract technology for practical decentralized trading of personal data among an unspecified number of users.

We hope to conduct collaborative researches with companies developing Bitcoin 2.0 type application (e.g. smart contract, Fintech) based on the Blockchain technology, the Internet of Things (IoT) technology, Medical Database for practical use.


Center for Data-driven Science and Artificial Intelligence

Masao Sakai

Improvement of Seed Production by Using Reproductive Trait in Crops, Especially, Rice and Cruciferous Crops


The recent spate of extreme weather events is threatening to reduce crop seed and fruit production. We have identified a catalog of genes that respond under low and high temperature stress, and will construct a system that enables production under temperature stress through genome editing and other methods.


In addition to conventionally used genetic recombination methods, genome editing technology has made it possible to modify genes that can be used for practical purposes.

  • Crops are important for food, environment recovery, energy production, and amenity activity for human being. For improvement of crop seed production, the breeding of crops having environmental stress, is important. Especially the developmental stage from pollination to fertilization is quite weak for these environmental stresses. Thus, by breeding of reproductive trait, we will establish the high productivity and quality of crop seeds. From our research, we found several stress-tolerant genes. We already started the research by both basic and applied level.

For application, we evaluated by taking prize for application in 2001. And our basic data has been published in international Journal, "Nature" and "Science". If anyone is interested in these genes, we hope to conduct to collaborative research for establishing the useful breeding lines.


Graduate School of Life Sciences

Masao Watanabe

Photo-Functional Advanced Materials for Nanofabrication by Nanoimprint Lithography

  • Nakagawa group has dedicated to pursue scientific principles for molecular control of interface function occurring at polymer/other material interfaces and to put them into practice in nanoimprint lithography promising as a next generation nanofabrication tool. We are developing advanced photo-functional materials such as sticking molecular layers for "fix by light", UV-curable resins and antisticking molecular layers for "preparation by light", fluorescent resist materials for "inspection by light", and hybrid optical materials "available to light" and new research tools such as mechanical measurement systems to evaluate release property of UV-curable resins.

Our research aims at creating new devices to control photon, electron, and magnetism.


Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials

Masaru Nakagawa

Indentation modulus 8.4 GPa! Resin replica mold more solid than polyimide


Light curing high strength resin mold



Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials

Masaru Nakagawa

Development of a Novel Therapy for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Using Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF)

  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is an adult-onset neurodegenerative disease characterized by systematic motor neuron degeneration. Approximately 20% cases of familial ALS are caused by mutations in the superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) gene. We developed transgenic rats that express a human SOD1 gene with two different ALS-linked mutations (G93A or H46R) showing progressive motor neuron degeneration and paralysis. The larger size of the rat ALS models as compared with existing mouse models will facilitate studies on neuroprotective and neuro-regenerative strategy involving manipulations of cerebrospinal fluid and spinal cord.

Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is one of the most potent survival-promoting factors for motor neurons. Continuous intrathecal infusion of human recombinant HGF (hrHGF) attenuated loss of spinal motor neurons, astrocytosis, and microglial activation, leading to prolonged survival in the ALS rats. Safety and toxicology testing of the hrHGF protein in non-human primates should prompt further clinical trials in human ALS patients.


Graduate School of Medicine

Masashi Aoki

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS),Muscular dystrophy,Distal myopathy with rimmed vacuoles (DMRV)/ hereditary inclusion body myopathy (hIBM)

  • Distal myopathy with rimmed vaculoles (DMRV) / hereditary inclusion body myopathy (hIBM) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized clinically by the preferential involvement of the tibialis anterior muscle. It is known that the disease gene underlying DMRV is GNE, encoding glucosamine (UDP-N-acetyl)-2- epimerase and N-acetylmannosamine kinase, two essential enzymes in sialic acid biosynthesis. Decreased sialic acid production causes muscle degeneration. Muscle atrophy and weakness are completely prevented in a mouse model of DMRV after treatment with sialic acid metabolites orally.
  • The aim of this study is to investigate pharmacokinetics and safety of N-acetylneuraminic acid (figure) in patients with DMRV. N-acetylneuraminic acid and N-glycolylneuraminic acid in serum and urine are measured before and after oral administration of N-acetylneuraminic acid. We are prepared to provide academic consultations to companies interested in our research.


Graduate School of Medicine

Masashi Aoki

Lethal effects of blue light on insects

  • We revealed the strong lethal effect of short-wavelength visible light (blue light: 400–500 nm) on insects. That is, we found that blue light irradiation by using a common light-emitting diode (LED) can kill the eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults of various orders of insects. Our findings will provide clean and safe pest-control technique as well as important information on the hazards of exposure to visible light.


Graduate School of Agricultural Science

Masatoshi Hori

Development of the cyclotron accelerator and its application

  • We develop technology of the cyclotron accelerator and its application as follows. 1)Ion source (particularly heavy ion source), 2)design of ion optics, 3)device control system for the cyclotron, 4)RF system, 5)detectors for charged particles, gamma ray, and neutron, 6) radiation test by ion and neutron beam.

We have beam lines dedicated to the neutron irradiation and the ion irradiation, respectively. We can provide fast neutron beam (20-70 MeV), and various ion beam such as p, alpha, and heavy ions up to Xe. We also develop a neutron imaging technique using fast neutron.


Research Center for Accelerator and Radioisotope Science

Masatoshi Itoh

Universal Design in Language Use

  • My current research topic is "universal design in language use," with special reference to order in language and thought. In particular, I am investigating (1) similarities and differences in neural processing of languages with different basic word orders, (2) to what extent the order in non-verbal thought is affected by the order in language, and vice versa, and (3) what is the optimal order in human language and human thought, if any.

Although I am conducting basic research, I believe it helps develop (1) effective language teaching/learning methods, (2) rehabilitation programs for aphasia, (3) dynamic preservation of endangered languages/dialects, and so on.


Graduate School of Arts and Letters

Masatoshi Koizumi

Creation of a high functional bio-interface using laser fabrication

  •  Using laser fabrication, we are developing techniques to enhance material surface properties and functionality. For example, to create a functional interface, we aim to clarify, by way of simulation and experimentation, the phenomenon that occurs when the surface of a material is irradiated using a laser beam.
  •  We expect that the results of our research will be widely applicable, including biomedical devices.
  • ■ Creation of biocompatible surfaces
  •  Materials used for artificial organs, vessels, and other bio-implants require excellent tissue and cell biocompatibility. Therefore, we are exploring the creation of biocompatible surfaces using a new laser irradiation process in this study.
  •  We have succeeded in imparting a biologically active function to titanium-based materials by applying the laser irradiation technique. When such a material that has a biologically active function is inserted in a living body, hydroxyapatite (the principal constituent of bones and teeth) precipitates on the surface. Using the laser irradiation technique, we can manufacture bone-adherent implants, and we envisage their application to artificial joints or dental implants.
  •  This research aims to discover such breakthrough solutions for biomedical applications using the laser irradiation technique.


Green Goals Initiative

Masayoshi Mizutani