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Research Themes - 250 Result(s)


Spintronics device

  • To realize ultralow-power and high-performance integrated circuit and information processing, spintronics physics, material, devices are studied.


Research Institute of Electrical Communication

Shunsuke Fukami

Spintronics Devices and Materials

  • Spintronics is a technology utilizing electron spin which provided magnetic sensor, nonvolatile magnetic memory, and so on. Our studies are as below.
  • Noble & Rare-earth free magnetic films with large perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. We achieved to develop various Mn-bases alloy films exhibiting high perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (Fig.1 ).
  • THz range observation of magnetization motion. We achieved to detect a motion of magnetization using pulse laser in time domain (Fig. 2).
  • Novel organic spin devices. We achieved to fabricate hybrid junction consisting of an organic layer sandwiched by two inorganic magnetic layers and to observe magnetoresistance effect.
  • Tunnel Magnetoresistive devices: We are developing TMR devices with Mn-Ga alloys films (Fig.3 ).

Magnetic memory and storage. Microwave and Terahertz wave. Magnetic sensors.
We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of these devices and materials in industry.


Advanced Institute for Materials Research

Shigemi Mizukami

Study on Land Use Management and Residential Movement in Tsunami Affected Areas

  • The study focused on areas affected by the tsunami caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake, and clarified the impact of reconstruction projects on spatial transformation and residents' residential relocation, as well as residents' satisfaction with the projects. In the boundary area of architecture, urban planning, and landscape architecture, we combine qualitative research, such as participatory observation with sociological and local community perspectives, and quantitative research using data obtained in the field. I would like to explore better relationships between people and nature, and propose methods that lead to sustainable urban development.

I have practical experience in post-disaster land use and workshops with local residents. I believe that they will be able to make use of their knowledge and experience in the pre-disaster reconstruction efforts in the areas that are expected to be affected by the disaster in the future.


Graduate School of Engineering

Shoko Araki

Study on Molecular Mechanism for Plant Immune System

  • Plants have immune system against pathogen infection. In our research group, isolation of disease resistance genes, analysis of signal transduction pathways for disease resistance and characterization of defense-related proteins have been performed so far. In addition, we produced transgenic plants expressing green fluorescent protein under the control of defense-inducible promoter, which will be useful to visualize the induction of defense system.

Our knowledge obtained from the study on the mechanism(s) for plant immune system and the reporter transgenic plants will be available for screening chemical compounds activating plant immune system (so-called "plant activator").


Graduate School of Agricultural Science

Hideki Takahashi

Study on Phase Change Materials for PCRAM Application

  • Phase change random access memory (PCRAM) has attracted attention as next-generation non-volatile memories. A conventional PCM is Ge-Sb-Te which shows a fast crystallization speed and an excellent reversibility of phase transition. However, Ge-Sb-Te has a low crystallization temperature of about 150 ºC and a high melting temperature of over 600 ºC , which limits data retention and causes high power consumption, respectively.
  • We have developed a new phase change materials with high crystallization temperature and low melting point such as Ge-Cu-Te etc, which have high potential as PCRAM materials with high thermal stability and low power consumption (Fig.1,2).

Our materials are developed for PCRAM, DVD recording materials etc. We hope the collaboration research with companies which are interested in our developed phase change materials.


Graduate School of Engineering

Yuji Suto

Study on Tactile/Touch Feeling Sensor

  • Tactile sense and the sense of touch are multiple combinations of fundamental sensations, such as smooth and rough, soft and hard, dry and wet, and hot and cold sensations. These sensations are described with the information on force, distortion, temperature, stickiness and oscillation.
  • A tactile sensor corresponding to several types of human skin sensory receptors and an active tactile sensor system that is an integrated sensor structure imitating human haptic motions have been developed. These sensor systems allowed measurement of "Kansei" words that are extremely vague tactile feelings, and roughness, softness and temperature sensations. However, tactile sense or the sense of touch also includes other sensations and combinations of them. Therefore, to develop a sensor, it is important to define how the sensations and physical information relating to the sensations are obtained and what relationships exist between them.
  • In this research, the relationships between sensations, including fundamental sensations that have already been obtained and other sensations, and the relevant physical information are being investigated. Additionally, on the basis of the knowledge through the investigation, an advanced sensor system that allows obtaining haptic information is being developed.

The research is beneficial not only to life science but also to manufacturing fields.


Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering

Mami Tanaka

Supercomputing for enabling large-scale advanced simulations

  • As modern supercomputers are getting larger and more complicated, it is not so easy to exploit their potential performance. It is necessary to develop a simulation code with considering various factors for both hardware and software reasons, and hence expert knowledge and experiences about supercomputing are often needed to achieve high actual performance. Our research interests focus on shaping future supercomputing systems and their applications, especially system software technologies for effectively using the future supercomputers. Also we are always exploring how to make good use of the state-of-the-art hardware and software technologies in order to enable unprecedented-scale and more advanced simulations.
  • From beginning (apply for use of our supercomputer) to end (get a solution), we can consistently support developing large-scale practical simulation, which is feasible only by using the supercomputer. As a supercomputing center, we have a long history of parallelizing and accelerating a lot of practical simulation programs. In addition, we are looking for research collaborators who are interested in streamlining and/or facilitating large-scale scientific software development.


Cyberscience Center

Hiroyuki Takizawa

Supercritical Fluid Technology Based on its Unique Properties

  • We have investigated various physical properties of supercritical fluids and their mixture. The properties studied are density, viscosity, phase equilibria, solubility, etc. under high temperatures and pressures. Using these suprecritical fluid features, we have proposed their application technologies; such as extraction of natural resources, cleaning, drying, catalyst preparation, polymer processing, polymer recycling, biomass conversion and controlled delivery. The methodologies used are experiments, simulation and theretical ones.

Cleaning Technology: precision machinery component, optical component, etc.
Extraction of Natural Resources: food, supplements, aroma.
Polymer Processing: functional resin, electronic component, etc.


New Industry Creation Hatchery Center

Hiroshi Inomata

Supercritical Hydrothermal Synthesis of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Nanoparticles

  • We invented supercritical hydrothermal synthesis method for the synthesis of organic modified nanoparticles (NPs). Under the supercritical state, the organic molecules and metal salt aqueous solutions are miscible and water molecule works as an acid/base catalyst for the reactions. Organic-inorganic conjugate NPs can be synthesized under this condition. This hybrid NPs show high affinity with the organic solvent or the polymer matrix, which leads to fabricate the organic inorganic hybrid nanomaterials with the trade-off function (super hybird nanomaterials). These hybrid materials of polymer and ceramics fabricated with NPs achieve both high thermal conductivity and easy thin film flexible fabrication, namely trade-off function.

For example, by the surface modification of BN particles by supercritical method, affinity of BN and polymers could be improved, so that high BN content of hybrid materials, thus high thermal conductivity materials, could be synthesized. Also by dispersing high refractive index NPs like TiO2 or ZrO2 into polymers transparently, we can tune the refractive index of the polymers. CeO2 nanoparticles are expected to be used for high performance catalysts. To transfer those supercritical fluid nano technologies, a consortium was launched with more than 70 companies.


Advanced Institute for Materials Research

Tadafumi Ajiri

Suppression of Intergranular Degradation of Polycrystalline Materials by Grain Boundary Engineering

  • Intergranular degradation often results in decreased lifetime, reliability and economical efficiency of polycrystalline materials. In spite of persistent efforts to prevent such degradation, its complete suppression has not yet been achieved. Grain boundary studies have revealed that coincidence-site-lattice (CSL) boundaries have stronger resistance to intergranular degradations than random boundaries. The concept of ‘grain boundary design and control' has been refined as grain boundary engineering (GBE). GBEed materials which are characterized by high frequencies of CSL boundaries are resistant to intergranular degradations. Our group has achieved very high frequencies of CSL boundaries in commercial stainless steels by GBE. GBEed stainless steels showed significantly stronger resistance to intergranular corrosion (see Figs. 1 and 2), weld-decay, knife-line attack, stress corrosion cracking, liquid-metal embrittlement, radiation damage, etc. and much longer creep life (see Fig. 3) than the unGBEed ones.

By using this GBE processing, we expect to conduct effective collaborative research in related fields.


Graduate School of Engineering

Yutaka Sato

Surface scientific approach for developments in fuel cell's catalysts

  • From catalytic perspective, molecular-level understanding of surface phenomena occurring at nano-sized metal (alloy) particle surfaces is a key for developing highly active and durable catalysts. Our experimental approach for studying catalysis is preparations of well-defined metals or alloy surfaces by using ultra-high vacuum (UHV) and molecular-beam-epitaxy (MBE) techniques. We routinely use UHV-MBE, surface vibrational spectroscopy (IR, Raman), scanning probe microscopy (SPM), electron spectroscopy (XPS), electrochemical (EC) voltammetry, gas-chromatography (GC) etc., and try to clarify the solid surface phenomena on atomic, molecular-levels. We believe our research results directly link to future eco-friendly society.


Graduate School of Environmental Studies

Toshimasa Wadayama

Synthesis and material characterization of new organic ferroelectric materials, molecular semiconductors, molecular magnets.

  • Multifunctional molecular-assemblies and hybrid organic - inorganic materials are examined from the viewpoint of structural freedom of organic molecules. The spin and electronic states of molecular-assemblies are designed in terms of electrical conductivity, magnetism, and ferroelectricity. Diverse molecular assemblies from single crystal, plastic crystal, liquid crystal, gel, to Langmuir-Blodgett film are our research targets, which were hybridized with inorganic gigantic clusters and metal nanoparticles. We are prepared to provide academic consultations to companies interested in our research.


Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials

Tomoyuki Akutagawa

Synthesis of Biologically Active Cyclodepsipeptide Natural Products

  • Cyclodepsipeptide natural products include optically active hydroxy acids as well as various unnatural amino acids and exhibit a variety of biological activity depending on the peptide sequence, chirality, and selection of the hydroxy acids. Structure-activity relationships of a synthetic library of natural products could give us significant information of not only biologically important moieties but also intact positions in the biologically active small molecules. On the basis of the former information, more potent compounds and/or peptide mimetics can be designed. The latter information can also be important for making a molecular probe that is used for exploration of a target molecule.

We study for combinatorial synthesis of natural product analogues using solid-phase.


Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Takayuki Doi


The Construction of a Decentralized Energy Production System Using Small Methane Fermentation Systems That Utilize Exhaust Heat or Hot Springs and a Local Circulation System

  • In this project, we reduce the costs of energy production via anaerobic digestion by utilizing exhaust heat from a factory, which resulted in a positive energy balance, although the methane fermentation system tested was on a small scale.
  • Using small-scale methane fermentation with a positive energy balance, the initial investment is small, enabling a company to invest in, and install, such a system. This would decentralize energy production within an area. Moreover, this system not only produces energy, but is a basis for resource recycling.

Food factory, hotel, restaurant, where food garbage or organic waste was produced much.


Graduate School of Agricultural Science

Chika Tada

The Novel Ultrasound Irradiation Device

  • Dr. Katsunori Nonogaki has developed the novel ultrasound irradiation device, which can improve the autonomic nervous system activity and peripheral circulation. In addition, the ultrasoud device can improve hypertension and hyperglycemia within 20 min in subjects with drug-resistant hypertension and diabetes. Our initial device was approved in Japan (226AIBZX00028000). This device will be avaliable for the treatment of 1) muscle pain, 2) the autonomic neural dysfunction and stress-related disorders, 3) hypertention, and 4) diabetes. Moreover, the device will be usefull for your healthy life and aging care.

Our aims are to export the device internationally. We seek the investment and international business partners.


Research Center for Accelerator and Radioisotope Science

Katsunori Nonogaki

Theoretical Design of New Materials and Device Functionality based on First-principles Calculations

  • We are doing theoretical research on electrical conductivity in magnetoresistive devices using highly spin-polarized materials. The aim is to achieve very functional spintronics devices such as read-out heads for ultrahigh-density magnetic recording and non-volatile spin memories. We also investigate magnetoresistive devices using perpendicularly magnetized materials to ensure endurance against thermal fluctuations of the magnetization. We successfully achieve a guideline for improvement of the magnetoresistive performance by designing the crystal structure at the interface between ferromagnets and oxides theoretically.
  • We believe that first-principles calculations, which need no empirical parameter, play a very important role in research and development of various materials. Please contact us if you want to collaborate with us.


Research Institute of Electrical Communication

Masafumi Shirai

Theory and practice of energy design to drive decarbonization


An indispensable function for decarbonized driving is energy data analysis, an energy car navigation system with both high spatial and temporal resolution. Higher spatial resolution facilitates the recharging and discharging of electric cars and inter-regional energy exchange. With the addition of up-to-the-minute energy data with high temporal resolution, it is possible to rationally and optimally combine the fluctuating output of renewable energy with the consumers. Data analysis, system design, and operation will lead to a carbon-neutral society.


Japan's first regional energy supply and demand database has been developed, allowing for detailed design of sustainable and resilient regional energy infrastructure layout and operation based on analysis of the current energy status of cities, towns, and villages nationwide.

  • Research experience as a Fulbright Scholar in the U.S. and familiarity with examples of social implementation in Europe.
  • Data-driven innovation research approach based on a vast regional energy supply and demand database.
  • Emphasis on regional fieldwork as a social entrepreneur solving social issues.

Putting Theory into Practice. Helping to build sustainable energy systems for new community development. Including the background of the local community, listening to the opinions of the residents, and guiding them to discussions that are relevant to today's issues. Thinking globally and acting within the community.


Graduate School of Engineering

Toshihiko Nakata

Transport Control of Semiconductor Quantum Structures and Highly Sensitive NMR

  • Highly-sensitive NMR technique has been developed by manipulation polarization of nuclear spins via control of transport characteristics in GaAs and InSb quantum structures. This highly-sensitive NMR can be applied to two-dimensional and nanostructures. Furthermore, ideal gate controllability has been demonstrated in InSb quantum structures with Al2 O3 dielectrics. More importantly, the concept of generalized coherence time was introduced, where noise characteristics felt by nuclear spins can be measured including their frequency dependence. This concept will bring about a change in all nuclear-spin related measurements.

Next generation InSb devices based on good gate controllability. Various nuclear-spin based measurements and NMR utilizing the concept of generalized coherence time. Highly-sensitive NMR is now important for fundamental physics studies. In the future, it will contribute to quantum information processing.


Center for Science and Innovation in Spintronics

Yoshiro Hirayama


Understanding and application of thermoacoustic phenomena

  • Acoustic oscillations of a gas column in narrow flow channels can lead to various thermal phenomena such as production and amplification of acoustic power from heat and generation of low temperatures. We aim at understanding these thermoacoustic phenomena from experimental point of view, and developing heat engines that can operate without any moving parts like solid pistons.

Acoustic prime mover can use various heat sources like industrial waste heat and sunlight. Acoustic cooler is a Helium-gas based heat pump that needs no Freon gases as a coolant.


Graduate School of Engineering

Tetsushi Biwa

Understanding Biological Control Systems and its Application to Development of Life-Like Resilient Systems

  • In contrast to artificial systems, living organisms exhibit astoundingly adaptive and resilient properties. One of the central research goals in our laboratory is to endow artificial systems with similar properties. To this end, we are particularly focusing on the concept of autonomous decentralized control. We have so far successfully developed various types of robots on the basis of decentralized control, including amoeboid robots, snake-like robots, legged robots etc., in collaboration with mathematicians and biologists.

Development of adaptive autonomous robotic system, Control of Large D.O.F. system


Research Institute of Electrical Communication

Akio Ishiguro