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Research Themes - 250 Result(s)


Production of Tumor-Specific Monoclonal Antibodies

  • Podoplanin (PDPN/Aggrus/T1α), a platelet aggregation-inducing mucin-like sialoglycoprotein, is highly expressed in many cancers and normal tissues. A neutralizing monoclonal antibody (mAb; NZ-1) can block the association between podoplanin and C-type lectin-like receptor-2 (CLEC-2) and inhibit podoplanin-induced cancer metastasis, but NZ-1 reacts with podoplanin-expressing normal cells such as lymphatic endothelial cells. Recently, we established a platform to produce cancer-specific mAbs (CasMabs). The newly established LpMab-2 mAb reacted with podoplanin-expressing cancer cells but not with normal cells, as shown by flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry; therefore, LpMab-2 is an anti-podoplanin CasMab that is expected to be useful for molecular targeting therapy against podoplanin-expressing cancers.

We can produce cancer-specific mAbs (CasMabs) against all membranous proteins. CasMabs are expected to be useful for molecular targeting therapy without side effects.


Graduate School of Medicine

Yukinari Kato

Programming Language Theory and Computation Models

  • Our laboratory conducts leading research on programming language theory and high-level computation models. In particular, we focus on research and application of (general proof methods for) program equivalence, functional programing, and type systems (also known as lightweight formal methods), which are attracting revived interests in recent years. Our Japanese translation of "Types and Programming Languages" (Benjamin C. Pierce, University of Pennsylvania)---compiled in cooperation with engineers from top-level electronics and software companies in Japan---has become the 42nd bestseller (rather exceptional as an academic Publications) among new books in Amazon.co.jp. For more information, please see the Web page: http://www.kb.ecei.tohoku.ac.jp/~sumii

Our technology can be used for design and development of software artifacts, especially programming languages and tools including DSL (domain specific languages), as well as application of functional programming, type systems, or formal methods.


Graduate School of Information Sciences

Eijiro Sumii

PVT-Variation-Aware VLSI System Based on Nonvolatile-Device/MOS-Hybrid Circuitry

  • Nonvolatile devices, which can remain stored data without power supply, are generally used for ROM (Read-Only Memory) to store boot programs (the information to start up the computer and the basic instructions that operate it) in computers. One attractive feature is that it does not consume any static power while it remains stored data. ‘Nonvolatile logic' is a novel logic style that a nonvolatile device is used for not only a nonvolatile storage element such as ROM but also a logic-circuit element which is the basic component of a CPU and an entire system. By using the nonvolatile devices as storage elements of circuit-configuration information, we can realize a process-variation- aware logic circuit with small hardware overhead.

The proposed technique is effective for implementing high-performance and highly-reliable LSI fabricated with cutting-edge process technology. We expect we can conduct effective collaborative research in highly reliable VLSI-systems fields.


Research Institute of Electrical Communication

Takahiro Hanyu


Quantitative analysis of microstructure in nuclear materials by week-beam scanning transmission electron microscopy


We have developed a technique for quantitative analysis of microstructures (e.g., dislocations and irradiation defect aggregates) of activated and nuclear-burned specimens in the context of the Week Beam Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (WB-STEM) method, which boasts extremely high measurement accuracy as a quantitative analysis method for lattice defects.
In combination with a dedicated heated sample holder with fully automated temperature measurement and current control in a cartridge-type heating furnace, changes in dislocation microstructure can be dynamically measured in-situ along with a highly reliable temperature history.


Conventional TEM methods require expertise in reciprocal space and dislocation theory, but our WB-STEM method is equipped with automatic analysis software for film thickness measurement and dislocation loop feature extraction, making it possible to analyze irradiation defects easily and precisely.

  • Since its design, the WB-STEM method has been developed for implementation and on-site repair in radiation controlled areas where nuclear materials are handled, with special aperture and diffraction disc selection equipment, control and analysis software.
  • WB-STEM accepts irradiation defect analysis of activated specimens from all over the world, including RPV monitoring specimens from European reactors and neutron-irradiated materials from US research reactors.
  • It is also used to analyze the properties of iron-containing nuclear fuel simulated debris in decommissioning projects.

We support research organizations that currently use transmission electron microscopy to observe microstructures to introduce the WB-STEM method by special modification. We will instruct researchers who have no experience using transmission electron microscopy in the procedure for dislocation analysis.


Institute for Materials Research

Kenta Yoshida

Quantitative Evaluation of the Baroreflex Sensitivity of the Heart and Artery

  • Metabolic syndrome is an important view point, when we consider the preventive medicine. Hypertension is one of the most important points to prevent the cardiovascular events. However, there is no method to measure the baroreflex sensitivity of the artery in the patients with hypertension. Tohoku University had invented the new method to evaluate the baroreflex sensitivity of the heart and artery (JP Patent No.4789203).

By the use of this machine, the baroreflex sensitivity of an artery in the patients can easily be measured noninvasively. It enables to predict the occurrence of hypertension and evaluate the therapy of hypertension easily, while allowing prevention of the cardiovascular events.


Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer

Tomoyuki Yambe

Quantum and Molecular Dynamic Simulations of Transport Phenomena in Fuel Cell

  • It is necessary to grasp nanoscale transport phenomena of materials in polymer electrolyte fuel cell to improve its performance. In our laboratory, nanoscale transport phenomena are analyzed by large scale molecular dynamics simulations using a supercomputer system. As the present theme, the dependence of the materials or structures of polymer electrolyte membrane on the ability of proton transfer(Fig. 1), the ability of proton transfer or oxygen permeability of ionomer in catalyst layer(Fig. 2), and the mechanism of transport phenomena of a water droplet in a nano pore in gas diffusion layer or micro porous layer(Fig. 3), are analyzed in detail.

These research can be applied to the analysis of flow field in devices which have nanoscale structure, for instance, fabrication process of semiconductor, friction phenomena of such nanoscale devices or next generation batteries, as well as the field of fuel cell.


Institute of Fluid Science

Takashi Tokumasu

Quantum devices utilizing nanostructures

  • 1) We investigate quantum effects in nanostructures and develop quantum devices like quantum bits and sensors utilizing solid-state nanostructures.
  • 2) We have techniques and skills on electric measurement and control of quantum states and data informatics. We are open to new collaborations.


Advanced Institute for Materials Research

Tomohiro Otsuka


Radiological Medical Infomatics

  • PET and SPECT have very high sensitivity to detect molecule by means of radiation detection, and are considered to be excellent tools for molecular imaging. We are studying and developing data analysis techniques for PET and SPECT data. Using our approaches, we can analyze data in quantitative manner, and obtain physiological functions in living organism.

Pharmaceutical companies who are interested in using PET to evaluate efficacy of new drug. Companies which are related to medical informatics, medical equipments.


Research Center for Accelerator and Radioisotope Science

Hiroshi Watabe

Regulation of ABC Transporters in Colorectal Cancer

  • Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common types of cancer worldwide. Surgical resection is the only curative treatment available for primary CRC. We determined the gene expression profiles for ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporters by RNA sequencing in matched colon cancer and normal colon tissue specimens in order to provide insight into the regulatory mechanisms underlying expression of transporters related to colon carcinogenesis. The expression of ABCC3 was repressed by Wnt signaling pathway, suggesting downregulation of ABCC3 might contribute oncogenesis.

Recently, we easily obtain comprehensive data including transcriptome and other omics data. These data are expected to help find a target for drug development, expecting that pharmaceutical industry interpret and extract new knowledge from them.


Graduate School of Medicine

Keiko Nakayama

Regulation of TSLP Production in Keratinocytes

  • Thymic stromal lymphopoietin(TSLP)has been focused as a master switch for allergy. We established a mouse keratinocyte cell line which constitutively and highly produces TSLP. This cell line will be useful to find the inhibitor of TSLP production and to study biochemical features of production and action of TSLP. The inhibitor of TSLP production might be used as an external or an inhalation drug, indicating low probability of causing a decrease in immune competence.

By using this cell line, we expect we can conduct effective collaborative research in medical fields. For examples, the cell line is useful for analysis of TSLP production and functions, development of inhibitors of TSLP production, and detection of immunotoxic compounds.


Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Noriyasu Hirasawa

Religion, language, society, and life in ancient India



Graduate School of Arts and Letters

Naoko Nishimura

Resarch and development for maintaining and improving brain and mental health

  • The Smart Aging International Research Center (SAIRC) was founded on 1 October 2009. This Center proposes the creation of a new field to produce well-rounded personnel who have gained “totally comprehensive intelligence” from their experience, in order to cope with various problems associated with the diverse and complex super-aging society. To this end, the Center will promote interdisciplinary cooperative research, international collaborative research projects, and research collaborations with industry, as well as disseminate and exchange information by holding international conferences and symposia.  The SAIRC is designed to develop an approach for maintaining and improving brain and mental health in a diverse and complex society from the standpoints of brain science, with the aim of maintaining and improving brain functions; cognitive neuroscience and psychology, with the aim of maintaining a healthy and tranquil state of mind at each aging stage; and philosophy, phenomenology and ethics that provide a radical reconsideration of the concept of the “mind.” We welcome collaborative researches with companies, and academic consultations.


Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer

Ryuta Kawashima

Research and Development of Space Exploration Robots

  • We study and develop mobile robotics technology for lunar and planetary exploration. Our technology is featured by rich experience in locomotion mechanisms for highly rough terrain and advanced slippage control in loose soil environment. Also by 3D map building technology using a laser scanner for autonomous collision avoidance and for operator assistance in remote control/tele-operation. We also contributed to the design and development of Hayabusa and Hayabusa-2, which are sample-return probes developed and operated by Japanese space agency JAXA.

These technologies are also applied to terrestrial robots for such as surveillance or disaster response.


Graduate School of Engineering

Kazuya Yoshida

Robot Technology for Achieving Secure Society

  • Tadokoro Laboratory developed ‘Active Scope Camera,' a world-unique rescue robot that can search deep in rubble piles of collapsed structures through a gap of a few cm wide. It also developed ‘Quince,' a world-unique unmanned ground vehicle that could survey the second to fifth floors of Nuclear Reactor Buildings of Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Its technologies was applied industries, including unmanned transfer vehicle for outdoors under ice and snow environment being actually used in a factory of Toyota Motor East Japan, and ‘Robo-Scope' for debris inspection in collaboration with Shimizu Corporation.

We have a policy of education through and research for solution to actual problems. Current nearly ten collaborative researches focuses on outdoor investigation, infrastructure/plant inspection, and remote/autonomous task execution by robots.


Graduate School of Information Sciences

Satoshi Tadokoro

Room temperature bonding using thin metal films (Atomic Diffusion Bonding)

  • Atomic diffusion bonding of two flat wafers with thin metal films is a promising process to achieve wafer bonding at room temperature. High surface energies of metal films and a large atomic diffusion coefficient at the grain boundaries and film surfaces enable bonding at room temperature without unusually high loading pressure. This technique, which enables bonding of any mirror-polished wafer, is gaining wider use for fabricating optical and electrical devices. Moreover, bonding of mirror polished metals and polymer sheets can be achieved, which further extends the application of this bonding technique.

Optical, power and electrical devices, MEMS, bonding of polymer sheets, metals, and ceramics for precision mechanical equipments.


Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences

Takehito Shimatsu


Selective recovery of tocotrienol from vegetable oils using ion-exchange resins

  • Tocotrienol, one of vitamin E, has recovered by the conventional method with molecular distillation from deodrizer distillate discharged from the oil refining processes. However, tocotrienol easily loses its activity due to its low thermal stability, so that its recovery ratio and purity were extremely low. We proposed a novel method to selectively recover tocotrienol by adsorption/desorption using anion-exchange resin at 50 degree C. Tocotrienol is retained on the resin by ion-exchange reaction, and then released and recoverd from the resin by other ion-exchange reaction. Prior to the adsorption/desorption, free fatty acid, a major component of the feed, should be removed by esterification using cation-exchange resin at 50 degree C.

This innovative technology succeeds in solving the serious problems in the current tocotrienol production, the large weight loss due to the thermal decomposition and large amount of remaining impurities. This technology applies to the production of not only tocotrienol but also tocopherol as bioactive compounds s in food chemicals.


Graduate School of Engineering

Naomi Kitakawa

Skeletal Regulation of Energy Metabolism

  • This project studies the influence of bone on energy metabolism in the body through health and disease.

This project may come up with new tools for metabolic syndrome prediction, therapy and diagnosis .


Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences

Aseel Mahmoud Suleiman Marahleh

Smart Ageing Initiative

  • In Japan, the percentage of elderly people aged 65 years or over was 23.1% in 2010. It is no doubt that Japan is the world's first super-aging society. In such a super-aging environment, it is necessary to form a society in which each individual can play an active role even as one becomes older in order to maintain and improve the quality of life of all people and to maintain a healthy society. In advanced brain science, research from the fields of brain function imaging, cognitive science, and psychology has been utilized with the aim of realizing a healthy aging society. Up to date information on various new technologies and related discoveries has been disseminated so that individuals can live a healthy life with peace of mind at every stage of aging, while maintaining and improving the health of their brain and mind in a diverse and complex society.

We believe to overcome super-aging environments is not only an object of public concern but also big business chances to create new industries.


Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer

Ryuta Kawashima