"N" Researcher - 17 Result(s)



Cyber Physical Systems Security and Its Applications

  • Our study focuses on information security technologies for the next-generation ICT society fusing real-world and cyber-space computing. We are now conducting the research and development of ultra-high-speed, ultra-low power LSI computing to perform security functions such as encryption and secure computing, secure implementation technologies to protect systems from various physical attacks (attacks carried out by physical access to the system), and security optimization technologies tailored to the system usage environment and application area.

We can provide collaboration and information exchange services in the fields of information security. In particular, we have experiences of domestic/international collaborative researches on embedded security with some companies, universities, and governmental institutes.


Research Institute of Electrical Communication

Naofumi Homma

Religion, language, society, and life in ancient India



Graduate School of Arts and Letters

Naoko Nishimura

A Novel Process for Continuous Production of High Quality Biodiesel with Ion-Exchange Resin Catalysts

  • We successfully developed a continuous production process for high-quality biodiesel. This production technology is very simple, just passing through the reactors packed with ion-exchange resins without complicated upstream and downstream processes, which provide additional production cost and environmental stress and the entire process is fully automatic. With this technology, you can easily produce high-quality biodiesel from various cheaper oils with fatty acid content up to 100%.

This innovative technology succeeds in solving the serious problems in the current biodiesel production, restriction by shortage of feedstock supply and the unstable quality of biodiesel due to the soap formation. This technology also applies to the production of fatty acid methyl ester, a starting material for surfactant production, which is an important intermediate step in oleochemistry.


Graduate School of Engineering

Naomi Kitakawa

Selective recovery of tocotrienol from vegetable oils using ion-exchange resins

  • Tocotrienol, one of vitamin E, has recovered by the conventional method with molecular distillation from deodrizer distillate discharged from the oil refining processes. However, tocotrienol easily loses its activity due to its low thermal stability, so that its recovery ratio and purity were extremely low. We proposed a novel method to selectively recover tocotrienol by adsorption/desorption using anion-exchange resin at 50 degree C. Tocotrienol is retained on the resin by ion-exchange reaction, and then released and recoverd from the resin by other ion-exchange reaction. Prior to the adsorption/desorption, free fatty acid, a major component of the feed, should be removed by esterification using cation-exchange resin at 50 degree C.

This innovative technology succeeds in solving the serious problems in the current tocotrienol production, the large weight loss due to the thermal decomposition and large amount of remaining impurities. This technology applies to the production of not only tocotrienol but also tocopherol as bioactive compounds s in food chemicals.


Graduate School of Engineering

Naomi Kitakawa

Role of Volatiles on Petit-Spot Volcanoes

  • The new kind of volcanoes, petit-spot, are located off NE Japan and Chile. They erupt at a submarine portion to be far from tectonic plate boundaries (e.g., mid-oceanic ridges and volcanic arcs) of the usual sites of volcanoes, earthquakes, and related geologic activity. The magmas have extremely high carbon dioxide and possibly originate from the base of tectonic plate.

The magma is squeezed upward and erupts in deep submarine environment wherever the tectonic plate flexes and fractures in the world. Collaborating work with business community would be required in order to search the submarine volcanoes and their related mines.


Center for Northeast Asian Studies

Naoto Hirano

Discovery of diagnostic markers by metabolomics

  • Losing cholesterol homeostasis with inborn errors of metabolisms or hepatobiliary diseases makes a change to in vivo cholesterol metabolism profile and causes the emergence of increased metabolites as conjugates in blood and urine. We have developed an LC/ESI-MS/MS method using fragment patterns characteristic of conjugation types for group-specific and comprehensive analysis of conjugated cholesterol metabolites. This method can contribute for an efficient discovery of diagnostic marker candidates toward various diseases.

After availability verification of candidates as diagnostic markers, it will be required screening tests. We have potential to collaborate with company for development of bioassay systems using antibodies or enzymes.


Tohoku University Hospital

Nariyasu Mano

Message Transmission without Cellular Coverage, “Relay-by-Smartphone"

  • Our technology provides the necessary method for sending messages even when the physical infrastructure is not available. The technology utilizes common smartphone WiFi functionality to send message in a multi-hop fashion. Thus it is possible to send message to people further away. Our technology has been designed to be based on Delay-Tolerant Networks (DTN), but the technical key idea is the combination of DTN and Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET), which can improve the message delivery in an area with high population density or where mobility are fixed such as evacuation center.

This technology can be used to distribute information during emergency situation such as after disaster. In addition, it is possible to provide additional services such as advertisement within shopping areas, distribution of coupons, exchange of information within small group during public events or uses as transceiver during group hiking. There is also possibility of using this technology to provide communications service in developing nations.


Graduate School of Information Sciences

Nei Kato

Internet video streams have identities like fingerprints

  • According to recent studies, each video that is streamed online has its own unique characteristic. The pattern of data that are sent through the network can vary from one encoding method to another and the change from scene to scene, which is a unique characteristic of each video. This research aims to identify video content in the network without looking at the data itself.

This research would be especially useful in preventing illegal distribution of television program such as illegal channel without violating user privacy. Another application would be to prevent confidential online meeting from leaking outside local enterprise network. In addition, it is also possible to investigate the circulation of a video content using method introduced by this work.


Graduate School of Information Sciences

Nei Kato

Glass that conducts heat well


We aim to give high thermal conductivity to glass, which is known as a material that does not conduct heat well, and to apply it to new fields.


If mixed with a high thermal conductive material, glass can be a good conductor of heat. However, all the advantages of glass, such as transparency and freedom of molding, are lost. In this research, we succeeded in developing a transparent glass with high thermal conductivity that retains its glassiness by adopting the strategies of high thermal conductivity MgO deposition and refractive index matching.

  • Transparent
  • Free molding
  • Thermal conductivity ~ 3 W/(m K) [300% of that of window glass]

Heat dissipation management using glass [heat dissipating glass substrates, lenses, fibers, etc.]


Graduate School of Engineering

Nobuaki Terakado

Oral Biofilm Functional Analysis: from “What Are They?" to “What Are They Doing?"

  • A large number of microorganisms inhabit the oral cavity, such as the teeth, gingiva and tongue, in the form of oral biofilm. The oral cavity forms an ecosystem where the host (humans) and parasites (microorganisms) coexist. Disruption of the balance of this oral ecosystem leads to dental caries, periodontal diseases and oral malodor, and even deterioration of dental materials.
  • Using leading-edge techniques of anaerobic experimental systems including original and unique devices, as well as the notion of "omics" such as metagenomics and metabolomics, we conduct research on oral biofilm functions. Knowledge of oral biofilms, from "what are they?" to "what are they doing?", enables us to address their control, that is, prevention of and therapy for oral biofilm-associated diseases.

Risk assessment of oral biofilm-associated diseases, such as dental caries, periodontal disease, oral malodor and aspiration pneumonia
Effects of medicine and food ingredients on oral biofilm function
Evaluation of biofilm-mediated material deterioration


Graduate School of Dentistry

Nobuhiro Takahashi

Food Palatability, Product Usability, and Preference; An Approach from Psychology and Neuroscience.

  • My research interest is peoples' perception of external stimulus. Based on these researches and our knowledge, I can offer you an idea of the products that give consumers satisfaction. Also on the basis of psychological and neuro-scientifc experiences and knowledges, I can offer you a transdisciplinary approaches on human perception, cognition, emotion and decision making.

Marketing and developing of the products such as foods, beverages, fabric softeners, perfumes, body deodorants etc. The knowledges and research tools are also useful in regulating the malodor in the air pollution, in developing the public services and in elevating public quality of life.


Graduate School of Arts and Letters

Nobuyuki Sakai

Advanced Wireless Information Technology

  • Toward the realization of a ubiquitous and broad-band wireless network, we are actively engaged in the research work on dependable and low power consumption advanced wireless IT. We cover the whole technical fields from the lower to higher layers, i.e., signal processing, RF/Mixed signal device, antenna, MODEM and network technologies.As the studies on signal processing, RF/Mixed signal device and antenna technologies, we are developing RF/Millimeter-wave RF CMOS IC's, antenna integrated 3-dimensional system in package (SiP) transceiver modules, digital/RF mixed signal IC's.

If you are interested in a collaborative research work on above topics, please contact us via e-mail.


Research Institute of Electrical Communication

Noriharu Suematsu

Testing sperm samples from fathers can predict the incidence of autism spectrum disorder in their children


Autism spectrum markers:
Measuring histone modifications in sperm may be able to predict the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders in the next generation.


It is known that the highest risks with regard to the development of developmental disorders in children are ageing and premature birth in both parents, and it has been repeatedly epidemiologically reported that the risk is higher in ageing fathers than in ageing mothers among the parents. Conventionally, sperm are only examined under a microscope to check sperm count, morphology and motility, but not at the molecular level. The present invention is an innovative method that focuses on epigenetic molecular markers.

  • While birthrates are falling rapidly, developmental disorders are on the rise
  • Focus on plastic epigenetic molecules as a successional effect of paternal ageing.
  • Sperm testing can be performed non-invasively.
  • Suitable as a quality check for sperm donors etc.

The combination of sperm histone modifications and relevant epigenetic factors (DNA methylation, microRNAs) in combination with the sperm panel test will enable highly accurate sperm quality testing.


Graduate School of Medicine

Noriko Osumi

Development of anti-fibrotic therapies with a cell line from myofibroblasts of fibrotic kidneys

  • There are serious unmet medical needs in kidney diseases. Since fibrosis is a common terminal pathology of various kidney diseases and closely related to renal failure, anti-fibrotic therapies are plausible strategies for kidney diseases. Kidney fibrosis progresses with the emergence of myofibroblasts which produce extracellular matrix. We demonstrated that myofibroblasts originate from renal interstitial fibroblasts, which produce the erythroid growth factor erythropoietin, and that the transformation is reversible. To elucidate mechanisms of kidney fibrosis, we have established a cell line derived from myofibroblasts of mouse kidneys. It has been demonstrated that epigenetic interventions restore the cells (Replic cells) to their original fibroblastic features.

Replic cells provide useful and precise strategies to identify anti-fibrotic drugs.


New Industry Creation Hatchery Center

Norio Suzuki

Fabrication of Imitative Stress Corrosion Cracking Specimens for the Development of Nondestructive Evaluation Techniques

  • The emergence of stress corrosion cracking is one of the most important issues from the viewpoint of aging management and maintenance of nuclear power plants. There is a large discrepancy between stress corrosion cracking and other cracks such as fatigue cracks from the viewpoint of nondestructive testing and evaluations, which requires suitable specimens containing stress corrosion cracking for the development of nondestructive testing and evaluation techniques and also for personnel training. However, artificially introducing stress corrosion cracking needs large cost and long time. Furthermore, several studies have pointed out that such articial stress corrosion cracking is not always similar to natural ones. On the basis of the background above, we develop a method to fabricate "imitative" stress corrosion cracking specimens using diffusion bonding.

The method enables one to introduce a region whose response is almost identical to actual stress corrosion cracking from the viewpoint of nondestructive testing. Whereas the dimension of the region is accurately controllable, the method requires much less cost and time comparing the conventional ones using corrosive environment. Patent is already applied for.


Graduate School of Engineering

Noritaka Yusa

Regulation of TSLP Production in Keratinocytes

  • Thymic stromal lymphopoietin(TSLP)has been focused as a master switch for allergy. We established a mouse keratinocyte cell line which constitutively and highly produces TSLP. This cell line will be useful to find the inhibitor of TSLP production and to study biochemical features of production and action of TSLP. The inhibitor of TSLP production might be used as an external or an inhalation drug, indicating low probability of causing a decrease in immune competence.

By using this cell line, we expect we can conduct effective collaborative research in medical fields. For examples, the cell line is useful for analysis of TSLP production and functions, development of inhibitors of TSLP production, and detection of immunotoxic compounds.


Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Noriyasu Hirasawa