"S" Researcher - 13 Result(s)
Vision Sciences and Human Interfaces
ResearchersOrganization for Research Promotion Satoshi Shioiri
Magnetic Materials (Permanent Magnets, High Frequency Materials, Microwave Absorbers)
ResearchersGraduate School of Engineering Satoshi Sugimoto
Robot Technology for Achieving Secure Society
ResearchersGraduate School of Information Sciences Satoshi Tadokoro
A novel crystal growth via controlling an energy relationship between crystal and melt with applying an electric field
ResearchersNew Industry Creation Hatchery Center Satoshi Uda
Spintronics Devices and Materials
ResearchersAdvanced Institute for Materials Research Shigemi Mizukami
Hardware Development of Brain Computer and its Application to Visual Information Processing
ResearchersResearch Institute of Electrical Communication Shigeo Sato
Development of Advanced Device and Process Technologies and New Image Sensors
ResearchersNew Industry Creation Hatchery Center Shigetoshi Sugawa
Imaging and photoregulation of biological functions
ResearchersInstitute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials Shin Mizukami
“HYDRIDE" Researches for Energy Applications
ResearchersAdvanced Institute for Materials Research Shin-Ichi Orimo
High-Speed Vision for Real-Time Motion Analysis
ResearchersUnprecedented-scale Data Analytics Center Shingo Kagami
MEMS/Micromachines and Microfabrication Technology
ResearchersGraduate School of Engineering Shuji Tanaka
Simulation, Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics for Disaster Management
ResearchersInternational Research Institute of Disaster Science Shunichi Koshimura
Spintronics device
ResearchersResearch Institute of Electrical Communication Shunsuke Fukami