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Research Themes - 246 Result(s)


Visualization of Biological Microstructure with High Frequency Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Imaging

  • "Features"
  • High-resolution imaging of biological tissue is non-invasively obtained with high frequency ultrasound. We have developed some ultrasound microscope systems which realized the resolution of 15-micron with 100 MHz and resolution to visualize a single cell with GHz range ultrasound. Ultrasonic imaging provides not only tissue morphology but also information on tissue elasticity. Recently, we have developed a real-time three-dimensional photoacoustic imaging system for visualization of subcutaneous micro vasculature and oxygen saturation.
  • "Targeted Application(s)/Industry"
  • High frequency ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging is repeatedly and non-invasively applied for early diagnosis of atherosclerosis, skin aging and tissue metabolism. They are useful for efficacy assessment of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. High frequency ultrasound is also applied in the industrial areas where thickness measurement of opaque film or bilayer thin coating with the precision of 0.1 micron is required.


Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering

Yoshifumi Saijo

Visualization of Electron Motion in Matter by Means of Electron Compton Scattering

  • Properties of matter, such as reactivity and functionality, are determined by the motion of the constituent electrons. For this reason we aim at developing new spectroscopic methods, by using electron Compton scattering, that would visualize the electron motion for stable species and most importantly the change of electron motion in transient species, which is the driving force behind any chemical reactions;
  • (1) development of molecular frame electron momentum spectroscopy for momentum-space imaging of molecular orbitals in the three-dimensional form,
  • (2) developments of multiparameter coincidence techniques for studies on stereo-dynamics in electron-molecule collisions,
  • (3) development of time-resolved electron momentum spectroscopy for visualization of the change of electron motion in transient species.
  • We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of this technology in industry, and we are also prepared to provide academic consultations to companies interested in our research.


Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials

Masahiko Takahashi

Visualization of supply chain risks from the resource logistics perspective

  • With the increased global concerns of resource and environmental constraints of recent years, the role of mining, as a constituent of social responsibility associated with resource extraction and usage, is becoming increasingly important in the science, technology, and innovation policy. Under increasing public and shareholders' concerns of social and environmental sustainability, the fabrication industries require careful attention owing to their own risks related to the resources and materials that are used in their products and services. The Material Flow Analysis tool and Input output technique provide useful perspectives and valuable evidences for avoiding or minimizing the social and environmental risks related to the demand of resources.

Our developed model evaluates the risk weighted flow analysis by combining the resource logistics database and Global Link Input Output model. The estimated results shed light on how resource logistics prepares policy makers and R&D engineers to confront the risks behind resource usage and how the information should be shared among the stakeholders.


Graduate School of Environmental Studies

Kazuyo Matsubae


X-Ray Phase Imaging for High-Sensitive Non-Destructive Testing

  • Conventional X-ray imaging methods that rely on X-ray attenuation cannot generate clear contrast in the observation of low-density materials such as polymers consisting of low-Z elements. However, the sensitivity to the materials can be improved drastically by X-ray phase imaging that detects X-ray refraction caused by the materials. X-ray Talbot or Talbot-Lau interferometry consisting of X-ray transmission gratings is now constructed in laboratories for X-ray phase imaging. X-ray phase tomography is also realized, enabling high-sensitive three-dimensional observation.
  • X-ray phase imaging can be utilized for X-ray non-destructive testing of industrial products and baggage that cannot be checked conventionally.

We aim at appending a phase-contrast mode to micro-CT apparatuses and developing screening apparatuses in production lines.


Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials

Atsushi Momose


Yeast models of familial Alzheimer disease to screen for gamma-secretase inhibitors and modulators

  • Using the yeast transcriptional activator Gal4 system, we reconstituted the production of amyloid beta (Aβ), responsible for Alzheimer disease. Aβ production could be monitored by the positive growth in the selection media or by the reporter enzyme (β-Gal). Utilizing familial Alzheimer disease mutants, we established a system to screen for mutations and chemicals that modulate gamma secretase activity and reduce toxic Aβ42.

Our yeast system can be used to screen for chemicals, natural products, food ingredients, genes, and mutations that modulate γ-secretase activity and block Aβ42 production specifically. We hope to conduct collaboration research with a willing company for a practical application of this technology in industry.


Graduate School of Agricultural Science

Eugene Futai


“HYDRIDE" Researches for Energy Applications

  • This group is engaged in basic and applied researches of "hydrides" for practical use in hydrogen energy system. The main subject is the exploration of advanced hydrogen storage materials which support hydrogen energy technologies such as fuel cells. Currently, we synthesize a wide variety of novel hydrides composed of lightweight metals with specific nano-structures using advanced techniques for crystal and electronic structure analyses. In addition to the hydrogen storage, we develop the wide research fields related to hydrides, such as fast lithium ionic conductors.

Besides the contributions in industrial progress through the material development for future hydrogen energy system and next-generation secondary battery, we positively provide technical assistance to organizations and companies concerned about our findings.


Advanced Institute for Materials Research

Shin-Ichi Orimo