"D" Keywords - 72 Result(s)


[Damage Concentration]

[data analysis]

Theory and practice of energy design to drive decarbonization Toshihiko Nakata (Professor)

[Data Analytics]

Data Analytics for Creation of Social Values Tsukasa Ishigaki (Associate Professor)

[Data Science]

Data Analytics for Creation of Social Values Tsukasa Ishigaki (Associate Professor)


Brain Development and Aging Using Large Brain MRI Database Yasuyuki Taki (Professor)


Development of Open Nanoporous Base and Half Metals, Metalloids and their Alloys Hidemi Kato (Professor)


Developing plastic waste sorter using Terahertz waves and social implementation of sustainable recycling technology Jeongsoo Yu (Professor)
Theory and practice of energy design to drive decarbonization Toshihiko Nakata (Professor)


Development of anti-fibrotic therapies with a cell line from myofibroblasts of fibrotic kidneys Norio Suzuki (Professor)

[Deep depth]

Development of the method of Baby Borehole Hydraulic Fracturing, BABHY Takatoshi Ito (Professor)

[deep learning]

Natural Language Processing for Semantic Analysis of Big Data Kentaro Inui (Professor)

[deep-sea floor]

Role of Volatiles on Petit-Spot Volcanoes Naoto Hirano (Associate Professor)


Analysis and Function Elucidation of Fine Clusters and Defects in Materials Invisible by Electron Microscopy Yasuyoshi Nagai (Professor)


Quantitative analysis of microstructure in nuclear materials by week-beam scanning transmission electron microscopy Kenta Yoshida (Associate Professor)


Innovative Preparing and Thick Coating Technique without Heat Affected Zone and Phase Transformation Kazuhiro Ogawa (Professor)

[Delay Tolerant Network]

Message Transmission without Cellular Coverage, “Relay-by-Smartphone" Nei Kato (Professor)

[delayed fracture]

Hydrogen embrittlement of high strength steels Eiji Akiyama (Professor)

[demand analysis]

Advanced Analysis of Socio-Economical Data for Capturing Social Needs Makoto Okumura (Professor)


Brain Development and Aging Using Large Brain MRI Database Yasuyuki Taki (Professor)


Digitizing Democracy in Japan Kazunori Kawamura (Associate Professor)