"L" Keywords - 34 Result(s)


[Land Use Management]

Study on Land Use Management and Residential Movement in Tsunami Affected Areas Shoko Araki (Assistant Professor)


Study on Land Use Management and Residential Movement in Tsunami Affected Areas Shoko Araki (Assistant Professor)


Universal Design in Language Use Masatoshi Koizumi (Professor)

[language acquisition]

Universal Design in Language Use Masatoshi Koizumi (Professor)

[language disorder]

Universal Design in Language Use Masatoshi Koizumi (Professor)


Development of Terahertz Semiconductor Devices Using Novel Nano-Heterostructures and Materials and their ICT Applications Taiichi Otsuji (Professor)

[Laser diagnostics]

Combustion and Atomization Technology in High-Pressure Gas Turbine Conditions Hideaki Kobayashi (Professor)

[Laser fabrication]

Creation of a high functional bio-interface using laser fabrication Masayoshi Mizutani (Professor)

[Laser measurement]

Design and Fabrication of Micro-Optical Devices Based on Optics, Especially Optical MEMS and Sensors Kazuhiro Hane (Specially Appointed Professor(Research))

[laser treatment]

Development of Optical Sysytems for Noninvasive Treatment and Diagnosis Yuji Matsuura (Professor)

[laser-drilled screen printing]

Photo-Functional Advanced Materials for Nanofabrication by Nanoimprint Lithography Masaru Nakagawa (Professor)

[late-onset hypogonadism ]

Prevention and amelioration of late-onset hypogonadism by food ingredients Hitoshi Shirakawa (Professor)


Discovery of diagnostic markers by metabolomics Nariyasu Mano (Professor)


Development of integrated safety management technology for hydrogen energy systems Jun Ishimoto (Professor)


Lethal effects of blue light on insects Masatoshi Hori (Professor)

[lethal effect]

Lethal effects of blue light on insects Masatoshi Hori (Professor)

[Life Cycle Analysis]

Visualization of supply chain risks from the resource logistics perspective Kazuyo Matsubae (Professor)

[liquid crystal]

Advanced Technology on Flexible Liquid Crystal Displays Hideo Fujikake (Professor)

[Liquid Crystal Display]

Development of the high-quality and low-power display system for ultra-realistic communications Takahiro Ishinabe (Professor)


“HYDRIDE" Researches for Energy Applications Shin-Ichi Orimo (Professor)
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