"D" Keywords - 75 Result(s)
The intersection between the skeleton and metabolism | Aseel Marahleh (Assistant Professor) |
[Digital Content]
Interactive Content to Enrich Our Lives | Yoshifumi Kitamura (Professor) |
[digital learning material]
Applying Blended Learning to Special Needs Education | Masayuki Kumai (Professor) |
[Digital signal processsing]
Analysis of Biological Signals and Visualization | Mitsuyuki Nakao (President-Appointed Extraordinary Professor) |
[dimensional metrology]
Development of Sensors and Measuring Systems for Ultra-Precision Manufacturing and Nanomanufacturing | I Ko (Professor) |
Development of a Novel Quantification Method for Diarrhetic Schell Fish Poisoning | Keiichi Konoki (Associate Professor) |
Development of catalytic reaction system for direct synthesis from CO2 and diols | Keiichi Tomishige (Professor) |
[Disaster prevention]
Development of Integration of Science and Technology for Tsunami Disaster Mitigation | Fumihiko Imamura (Professor) |
[Disaster Response]
Research and Development of Space Exploration Robots | Kazuya Yoshida (Professor) |
[disaster science]
Forecasting eruption transition through geologic and petrologic approaches | Michihiko Nakamura (Professor) |
Robot Technology for Achieving Secure Society | Satoshi Tadokoro (Professor) |
[Disease resistance]
Study on Molecular Mechanism for Plant Immune System | Hideki Takahashi (Professor) |
Development and evaluation of various inhibitors and disinfectants for SARS-CoV-2 | Eiichi Kodama (Professor) |
Quantitative analysis of microstructure in nuclear materials by week-beam scanning transmission electron microscopy | Kenta Yoshida (Associate Professor) |
[Dissimilar materials]
Design and control of new weld interface during welding of dissimilar materials | Yutaka Sato (Professor) |
[Distal myopathy with rimmed vacuoles (DMRV)]
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS),Muscular dystrophy,Distal myopathy with rimmed vacuoles (DMRV)/ GNE myopathy | Masashi Aoki (Professor) |
[distance education]
Advanced Educational Environment with Interactive Instruction System IMPRESSION | Takashi Mitsuishi (Associate Professor) |
[DNA analysis]
Construction of Monitoring Systems for Genetic Diversity in Aquatic Organisms | Minoru Ikeda (Professor) |
Testing sperm samples from fathers can predict the incidence of autism spectrum disorder in their children | Noriko Osumi |
[Domestic Students]
Multicultural collaboration and Human Rights Education | Mino Takamatsu (Associate Professor) |