"W" Keywords - 24 Result(s)



Advanced Wireless Information Technology

  • Toward the realization of a ubiquitous and broad-band wireless network, we are actively engaged in the research work on dependable and low power consumption advanced wireless IT. We cover the whole technical fields from the lower to higher layers, i.e., signal processing, RF/Mixed signal device, antenna, MODEM and network technologies.As the studies on signal processing, RF/Mixed signal device and antenna technologies, we are developing RF/Millimeter-wave RF CMOS IC's, antenna integrated 3-dimensional system in package (SiP) transceiver modules, digital/RF mixed signal IC's.

If you are interested in a collaborative research work on above topics, please contact us via e-mail.


Research Institute of Electrical Communication

Noriharu Suematsu

[wireless LAN roaming]

Network Roaming System with Flexible Access Control

  • The laboratory works on development of authentication wireless LAN systems which refer user attribute to realize flexible access control capability.Improvement and evaluation of new access control is devised based on experience of operation of an international wireless lan roaming service ‘eduroam' which is based on 802.1x authorization protocol.

The development contains application of OpenFlow technology to select a connecting network depending on user affiliation, as well as access control based on pre-defined attribute information.


Organization for Innovations in Data Synergy

Hideaki Sone

[wireless sensor]

Magnetic Applications and Magnetic Materials

  • The aim of our research are to obtain the high accuracy sensor system for the signals from the human body or electric devices and to obtain the system for approaching action to the human body by using the nano-scale controlled magnetic materials and by the development of the devices under the functions of the magnetics.
  • We studied the mechanism of obtaining the magnetic anisotropy of the magnetic thin films for the sensitive magnetic sensors. We obtained a non-metal probe for high frequency magnetic field, and confirmed the probe can measure the high frequency magnetic field with its phase information. In addition, 3D position detecting system using magnetic markers was studied to improve its position accuracy. The study about the magnetic actuator driven by the external magnetic field was carried out for biomimetic robots using the rotational magnetic field, and small wireless pumps were obtained and clarified for their application for an artificial heart-support pump.

<Medical Applications>
Motion system for capsule endoscope, Support system for endoscopic surgery, Position detecting system (motion capture), Wireless pump for artificial heart
Magnetic field sensors, Strain sensors, Wireless sensors
Electrical steels of ultra low loss, Electrochemicaly produced materials (structure controlled in nano-scale)


Research Institute of Electrical Communication

Kazushi Ishiyama

[word order]

Universal Design in Language Use


My current research topic is "universal design in language use," with special reference to order in language and thought. In particular, I am investigating (1) similarities and differences in neural processing of languages with different basic word orders, (2) to what extent the order in non-verbal thought is affected by the order in language, and vice versa, and (3) what is the optimal order in human language and human thought, if any.


Many studies have reported that subject-object (SO) word order, where the subject (S) precedes the object (O), tends to have lower processing costs and is preferred by native speakers compared to object-subject (OS) word order. However, traditional studies have primarily focused on SO languages, such as Japanese and English, where SO word order is the grammatical default. As a result, it remains unclear whether the preference for SO word order reflects the basic word order of individual languages or more universal cognitive characteristics of humans.

  • To address this, we are conducting research on the cognitive processing of minority languages that use object-subject (OS) word order as their basic word order—specifically Kaqchikel and Truku, which have not been studied before. This research focuses on the relationship between “word order in language” and “order of thought.” The findings are then compared to the cognitive processing of Japanese and English.
  • For this purpose, experimental equipment is brought to the speakers’ regions (Guatemala and Taiwan) to conduct a variety of investigations and experiments, including behavioral experiments, eye-tracking, and brain function measurements. Additionally, for experiments requiring large, non-portable equipment such as MRI scanners, the speakers are invited to Japan for the studies.

Although I am conducting basic research, I believe it helps develop (1) effective language teaching/learning methods, (2) rehabilitation programs for aphasia, (3) dynamic preservation of endangered languages/dialects, and so on.


Graduate School of Arts and Letters

Masatoshi Koizumi

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