Sorted by Keyword - 1976 word(s), 252 profile(s)


[Solar cells]

Development of Interconnect Materials and Processes for High Performance and High Reliability Electric Devices Junichi Koike (Specially Appointed Professor(Research))

[Solar thermal power]

Development of Renewable Energy Systems for Sustainable Development Society Hiroo Yugami

[Solid electrolytes]

Developing energy creation and saving materials Takahisa Omata (Professor)

[Solid state physics]

Electronic properties of nanostructures and nanodevices Tomohiro Otsuka (Associate Professor)

[Solid-Liquid Interfaces]

Development of Nano-Interface Chemistry for Materials Sciences Using Surface Forces Measurement Kazue Kurihara (Professor)

[solid-phase synthesis]

Synthesis of Biologically Active Cyclodepsipeptide Natural Products Takayuki Doi (Professor)

[Solid-state welding processes]

Design and control of new weld interface during welding of dissimilar materials Yutaka Sato (Professor)


Advanced die casting process computing with solidification phenomena Jun Ishimoto (Professor)

[Solution chemistry]

Chemical imaging devices which operate in severe environments Izumi Muto (Professor)

[solvent property]

Supercritical Fluid Technology Based on its Unique Properties Hiroshi Inomata (Specially Appointed Professor(Research))


Developing plastic waste sorter using Terahertz waves and social implementation of sustainable recycling technology Jeongsoo Yu (Professor)

[Spacecraft Onboard Avionics and Mission Instruments]

Design and Development of 50 kg-class Micro Satellites Kazuya Yoshida (Professor)

[Sparse Modeling]

Optimizing everything / Optimal Society Masayuki Ohzeki (Professor)

[special needs education]

Applying Blended Learning to Special Needs Education Masayuki Kumai (Professor)


Development of Compound Semiconductor Radiation Detectors Keitaro Hitomi (Associate Professor)
Radiological Medical Infomatics Hiroshi Watabe (Professor)

[Sperm test]

Testing sperm samples from fathers can predict the incidence of autism spectrum disorder in their children Noriko Osumi

[spin dynamics]

Spintronics Devices and Materials Shigemi Mizukami (Professor)

[spinal cord injury]

Induction of Schwann cells from human mesenchymal stem cells and their application to spinal cord injury and demyelinating diseases Mari Dezawa (Professor)


Electrical Spin Generation and Manipulation in Semiconductors Makoto Koda (Professor)