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Research Themes - 252 Result(s)


Development of the method of Baby Borehole Hydraulic Fracturing, BABHY

  • For the effective measurement of the reopening pressure in hydraulic fracturing, it is necessary to use the testing equipment with sufficiently small compliance. This limitation makes it difficult to apply the hydraulic fracturing for the measurement of the maximum stress, because the compliance of conventional equipments is generally so large. Taking account of this situation, we proposed a new concept which allows us to do the in-situ tests of hydraulic fracturing for stress measurement at so deep depths as more than 1 km. We call the concept the Baby Borehole Hydrofracturing, BABHY for short. In order to put the new concept into practice, we developed the BABHY sonde and finally we succeeded to carry out hydraulic fracturing test by using the tools in a vertical borehole of 811 m depth. We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of this technology in industry.


Institute of Fluid Science

Takatoshi Ito

Development of the next generation anti-HIV agents

  • HIV infection is one of most serious concern in infectious diseases. We will perform anti-HIV assays for unmet medical needs in control of HIV infections with established novel assays. We have developed reverse transcriptase inhibitor that has novel mechanism of inhibition, translocation-inhibition (J Biol Chem, 2009). Dr Kodama participated in the primary screening and development of a new HIV integrase inhibitor, elvitegravir (J Virol 2009), and a unique reverse transcriptase inhibitor, islatravir, which phase III clinical trials by the Merck & Co., Inc. will complete, soon. We have a representative resistant HIV strain-library for anti-HIV screening and several target oriented high through-put screening systems.

We can establish high through-put screening for new targets, so please consult with us individually. We are open to joint development requiring BSL3/P3 experimental facilities and academic guidance including other microorganisms.


International Research Institute of Disaster Science

Eiichi Kodama

Development of Wearable Motion Measurement System for Motor Rehabilitation and Healthcare

  • In order to realize wealthy and vibrant local communities, it is desired that people in the community are healthy. However, the amount of the daily activity decreases as they get older, which increases the risks of the fall by weakened lower limb muscles and of the cerebrovascular disease, and so on. Therefore, for the elderly people, there is increased need of the walking training and the movement assistance in daily life, and of the rehabilitation aid.
  • In this study, focusing on the motor function of the lower limbs that is important for independent activities of daily living and that relates to the health maintenance, development of assistive technologies for decreased gait ability or for dysfunction of lower limbs are performed based on the technologies of electronics and signal processing. Especially, the wearable sensor system using gyroscopes and accelerometers are developed to measure kinetic information, and then the evaluation system for the gait ability and the lower limbs motor function is developed in this study.

The goal of this study is to realize simple and convenient measurement and accumulation of various information of gait, to visualize the obtained data for determination of training effect and evaluation of motor function, and to provide appropriate training program for each subject.


Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering

Takashi Watanabe


  • The present invention relates to a technique for differentiating iPS cells into target differentiated cells while suppressing tumorigenesis in the iPS cells. In use of a statin and a differentiation inducer, iPS cells are differentiated into target differentiated cells, whereby iPS cells can be differentiated into differentiated cells in which tumorigenesis is suppressed.


Graduate School of Dentistry

Hiroshi Egusa

Digitizing Democracy in Japan

  • The global pandemic is forcing democracies around the world to hold non-contact elections. Internet voting is considered a viable option, but there is little chance of introducing it in Japan. Similarly, while there is an urgent need to implement online parliament to reduce the risk of infection, only a minority of parliaments are willing to do so. In this study, we will identify the factors that hinder the digitalization of democracy and pursue the possibility of social implementation in Japan.

This study can contribute to election commission practices and vendor voting terminal development.


Graduate School of Information Sciences

Kazunori Kawamura

Discovery of diagnostic markers by metabolomics

  • Losing cholesterol homeostasis with inborn errors of metabolisms or hepatobiliary diseases makes a change to in vivo cholesterol metabolism profile and causes the emergence of increased metabolites as conjugates in blood and urine. We have developed an LC/ESI-MS/MS method using fragment patterns characteristic of conjugation types for group-specific and comprehensive analysis of conjugated cholesterol metabolites. This method can contribute for an efficient discovery of diagnostic marker candidates toward various diseases.

After availability verification of candidates as diagnostic markers, it will be required screening tests. We have potential to collaborate with company for development of bioassay systems using antibodies or enzymes.


Tohoku University Hospital

Nariyasu Mano

Dry-Contact Ultrasonic Technique

  • A new dry-contact technique for transduction of broadband, high-frequency ultrasound via a solid layer inserted between water and the sample, whereat the pressure of about 0.1 MPa is applied at the layer/sample interface by evacuating air between them, has been developed. Based on the technique, acoustic imaging of an electronic package is realized under the dry environment (Fig. 1). Typically, the polymer films are used as the intermediate layer for water protection of the sample, and by utilizing the acoustic resonance phenomenon among water, film and the sample, higher quality acoustic image of the testing sample than that for the water immersion case can be recorded without getting the sample wet (Fig. 2). Moreover, thin materials, e.g., polymer film (Fig. 3), etc. can be characterized by analyzing the acoustic resonance phenomenon among the three media. We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of this technology in industry.


Graduate School of Engineering

Hironori Tohmyoh


Eco-Material Processing

  • The major subject of our group is ferrous process metallurgy including thermodynamics of metals, alloys and molten slags, high temperature heterogeneous kinetics, phase equilibria of complex oxide systems and so on. We are interested in physic-chemical fundamentals of processing of metals, slags, scrap and waste. Recently our research interests are extended to multidisciplinary area so-called "Industrial Ecology" by the combination of process metallurgy, LCA (life cycle assessment) and social science such as econometrics.

Typically our research group is aggressively working in the area of material flow analysis of critical metals considering the quality of recycled materials. Currently our major research partners are steel and non-ferrous industries, while we do hope to collaborate with waste treatment company, mineral industry and an administrative organ.


New Industry Creation Hatchery Center

Tetsuya Nagasaka

Economics of Aging

  • I investigate on the economics of aging, the optimal social welfare policy, low fertility and so on not based on the historical and systematic approach but based on the neo-classical economic theory. I also use econometric method and statistical approach. I often estimate the future projections of the population, public finance, magnitude of private markets, the results of public policies.
  • I also research on the comparative studies on East Asia (Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan) and European (especially Scandinavian countries). I provide statistic data and information on the economic and political systems on the aging in Japan.

The future estimation on the financial status , market caused by low fertility and aging. The effective management of the medical institutions, social welfare systems, gender equality societies for the central and local government, research institutions, public enterprises, and financial Institutions.


Graduate School of Economics and Management

Hiroshi Yoshida

Electrical Spin Generation and Manipulation in Semiconductors

  • Since spin orbit interactions caused by the structural inversion asymmetry and the bulk inversion asymmetry induce an effective magnetic field in III-Vsemiconductor heterostructures, it is possible to realize the new functional devices based on the electrical control of the spin precession. We study the electrical spin generation by using spatial modulation of spin orbit interaction, which demonstrates Stern-Gerlach spin filter in semiconductors, and research ultra-fast spin dynamics by using time resolved Kerr rotation microscopy. We also investigate a spin MOSFET based on the perpendicular magnetic materials and electric-field induced magnetization control. We can reduce the leak current and the signal delay in the logic circuit. With the non-volatility of the ferromagnetic source and drain electrodes, random access memory is also enabled by using the spin MOSFET structure.

Target application will be low power logic devices and non-volatile memory based on electron spins and also future metal-based spintronic devices.


Graduate School of Engineering

Makoto Koda

Electronic properties of nanostructures and nanodevices

  • 1) We investigate interesting properties of nanostructures and develop materials and devices utilizing nanostructures.
  • 2) We have techniques and skills on low-noise electric measurements, cryogenics, nanofabrication, and data informatics. We are open to new collaborations.


Advanced Institute for Materials Research

Tomohiro Otsuka

Elucidation of oncogenesis by Fbxw7

  • In life science research field, it is noteworthy issue how information in genome is interpreted and is transferred to functional molecules. However, during these 10 years, we convinced that the amount of proteins, final functional molecules was regulated by not only by production but also by degradation. For examples, the amount of c-Myc, which promotes cell cycle and inhibits cell death, increase in many types of cancer by failure of protein degradation.
  • We have generated model mice in which function of Fbxw7, inducer of c-Myc degradation is suppressed. We observed promotion of oncogenesis in these mice, suggesting that Fbxw7 is oncosuppressor gene. In other words, Fbxw7 has a great potential to regulate oncogenesis or progress of cancer. These molecules specified the target proteins for proteolysis suggesting that modification of these molecules leads to develop oncosuppressive therapy. We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of this knowledge in industry.


Graduate School of Medicine

Keiko Nakayama

Emergence in collective electrons in organic molecular materials

  • The main research subjects in this group are the experimental investigations of the organic molecular conductors. The characteristic properties of the organic materials are multiple flexibilities owing to the assemble structure of nanometer-size molecules. This flexbility comes up recently for developing the organic electronic devices. We explore the fundamental electronic properties of the organic molecular materials which have wide range of the ground states from superconductivity to insulating states resulting from the strongly correlated electrons in the molecular pi-orbital. Such features are closely connected to flexible and multiple degrees of freedom in charge, spin, molecular latticeand molecules themselves. We are actively studying on the interesting and important issues in the condensed matter physics from the viewpoints of the characteristic flexbility of the organic molecular materials. We are prepared to provide academic consultations to companies interested in our research.


Institute for Materials Research

Takahiko Sasaki

Establishment of Minimally Invasive Cell Therapy for Diabetes by Introducing Interdisciplinary Approach

  • The islet transplantation is the ideal "minimum invasive" cell transplant therapy for the severe diabetic patients who are suffering with controlling the blood glucose levels. In this project, we try to have a cross organization among the advanced technologies in islet transplantation as one of the typical cases. Our chief objective is to construct the center of medical cell-engineering therapy as successful examples in Tohoku University. We are convinced that technical innovation through this project could contribute much more to the activation of medical industry based upon cell therapy.

We have already established effective academic-industrial alliances regarding our several projects including a development of new type of cell-isolation enzyme. However, we are still looking for possible candidates concerning a special device for cell transplantation and medical grade-pathogen free animals.


Graduate School of Medicine

Masafumi Goto

Exercising "Cultured" Myotubes!

  • We succeeded in generating highly developed cultured C2C12 myotubes by manipulating intracellular Ca2+ transients with electric pulse stimulation (EPS), that are endowed with similar properties to in vivo skeletal muscle in terms of (1) excitation-induced contractile activity as a result of de novo sarcomere formation, (2) higher energy expenditure (as assessed by AMPK activation), and (3) improved insulin responsiveness (as assessed by exofacial myc-GLUT4 translocation assay).

Taking advantage of our “in vitro Exercise Model", our innovation will be an excellent alternative for the animal experimentation that can be applicable for a wide array of skeletal muscle research including drug screen.


Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering

Makoto Kanzaki

newExtraction of cellulose nanofibers (CNFs) from sea pineapples' shells and application for energy materials


The sea pineapple is the only animal that produces cellulose, and its shells, excluding the edible parts, are treated as industrial waste. By removing proteins and other components from the sea squirt shells and fibrillating them, cellulose nanofibers (CNFs) can be extracted. We have focused on the fact that CNFs derived from sea squirt shells have a higher degree of crystallinity and greater mechanical strength compared to those from wood, and we are exploring various applications of this material. Furthermore, since the material transforms into high-quality carbon upon calcination, we successfully developed "nano-blood carbon catalysts" by mixing it with dried blood powder and calcining the mixture. These catalysts are being applied in fuel cells, water electrolysis, and metal-air batteries.


CNFs derived from sea pineapple's shells have a higher degree of crystallinity compared to those from wood and provide longer fibers, resulting in high strength. When calcined, they transform into high-performance carbon.

  • We are the only research laboratory that has consistently developed a process for the simple and large-scale purification of CNFs derived from sea pineapple's shells, along with the creation of film materials that leverage their unique properties (mechanical, engineering, surface science, electrical, and thermal characteristics), as well as the development of carbonized materials.

We offer materials derived from sea pineapples' shell CNFs, as well as their carbonized products and catalysts. Please feel free to consult us regarding material supply, carbonization processes, or the utilization of catalysts.


Advanced Institute for Materials Research

Hiroshi Yabu


Fabrication of Imitative Stress Corrosion Cracking Specimens for the Development of Nondestructive Evaluation Techniques

  • The emergence of stress corrosion cracking is one of the most important issues from the viewpoint of aging management and maintenance of nuclear power plants. There is a large discrepancy between stress corrosion cracking and other cracks such as fatigue cracks from the viewpoint of nondestructive testing and evaluations, which requires suitable specimens containing stress corrosion cracking for the development of nondestructive testing and evaluation techniques and also for personnel training. However, artificially introducing stress corrosion cracking needs large cost and long time. Furthermore, several studies have pointed out that such articial stress corrosion cracking is not always similar to natural ones. On the basis of the background above, we develop a method to fabricate "imitative" stress corrosion cracking specimens using diffusion bonding.

The method enables one to introduce a region whose response is almost identical to actual stress corrosion cracking from the viewpoint of nondestructive testing. Whereas the dimension of the region is accurately controllable, the method requires much less cost and time comparing the conventional ones using corrosive environment. Patent is already applied for.


Graduate School of Engineering

Noritaka Yusa

Fabrication of The Novel Designed Nanodrugs Composed of Poorly Water-Soluble Compounds

  • One of our major research focuses is to design the novel drug nanoparticles, so called “Nano-prodrugs”, and to apply them as anticancer drugs or eye drops with excellent delivery efficiency. Nano-prodrugs are constructed by synthetic prodrugs molecules which contains poorly water-soluble substituent. They could be fabricated to nanoparticles with 100 nm or less in size by our reprecipitation technique, which has been used to create organic nanomaterials. We are aiming at practical application of our Nano-prodrugs in the near future.

Our reprecipitation technique for fabricating organic nanomaterials is a versatile technique that can be applied to various organic molecules as well as drug compounds. We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company on controlling and evaluating properties of the organic nanoparticles.


Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials

Hitoshi Kasai

Food Palatability, Product Usability, and Preference; An Approach from Psychology and Neuroscience.

  • My research interest is peoples' perception of external stimulus. Based on these researches and our knowledge, I can offer you an idea of the products that give consumers satisfaction. Also on the basis of psychological and neuro-scientifc experiences and knowledges, I can offer you a transdisciplinary approaches on human perception, cognition, emotion and decision making.

Marketing and developing of the products such as foods, beverages, fabric softeners, perfumes, body deodorants etc. The knowledges and research tools are also useful in regulating the malodor in the air pollution, in developing the public services and in elevating public quality of life.


Graduate School of Arts and Letters

Nobuyuki Sakai

Forecasting eruption transition through geologic and petrologic approaches

  • 1) In addition to geophysical observations, recent advances in volcanic stratigraphy and petrology would make us possible to forecast the transition of volcanic eruptions. We have been developing near-real-time volcanology based on the erupted materials in an early eruption stage.
  • 2) Automation of textural analyses of erupted materials, Risk assessment of volcanic eruption based on eruption stratigraphy


Graduate School of Science

Michihiko Nakamura