"F" Keywords - 47 Result(s)


[fuel cell]

Metal complex catalysts for energy devices

  • We have developed a new catalyst for fuel cells and metal-air batteries with using metal azaphthalocyanine unimolecular layer (AZUL) adsorbed on carbon materials. We applied it to variety of applications in the field of energy conversion and next generation energy devices.

Industries relating with energy and mobilities.


Advanced Institute for Materials Research

Hiroshi Yabu

[Function Integration]

Novel-Concept Silicon Integrated Circuits Derived from the 3-Dimensional Device, Circuit and Architecture

  • In recent year, facing the age of nanoscale engineering, the new technologies of device, circuit and architecture supported by novel physical guidance principles are highly expected, just as the similar situation as the predawn of semiconductor technology when Bardeen and Shockley discovered the secret of transistors. Therefore, in our research approach, the architectures, circuits, devices and CAD design tools for nanoscale LSI are systematically investigated in the following three main research subjects.
  • 1. Study on nanoscale device and circuit
  • Aiming at the nanoscale silicon semiconductor integrated circuit, we are mainly working on the following directions for new devices and circuits:
  • ①Analysis for novel physical phenomenon based on nanostructural effects
  • ②Device and circuit technology with new operating principle
  • ③Restraint technology for increasing variability of device characteristics
  • ④Architecture and circuit technology for robust information processing
  • 2. Study on the 3-dimention-structual device and circuit
  • The elementary element of recent LSI with planar-structural devices is coming close to the physical limitation of scaling. In order to break the limit and sustain the evolution of future LSI performance, we have started the research on the novel 3-dimension-structural devices and circuits.
  • 3. research on wireless integrated circuit (IC) based on information transmission
  • The ultracompact lightweight wireless IC is one of essential technologies for realizing the ubiquitous society which has the network available in anywhere, at anytime and from any surrounding items. For example, the IC tags for receiving information with reading function are getting close to the practical applications. In our laboratory, aiming at the automatic operating wireless IC with embedded power supply, we are systematically working on the following directions:
  • ①The electrical power generation and storage devices
  • ②Devices and circuits with Ultralow power consumption
  • ③Sensing devices
  • For all above subjects, We hope to conduct collaborative researches with companies interested in our research.


Graduate School of Engineering

Tetsuo Endoh

[functional brain imaging]

Smart Ageing Initiative

  • In Japan, the percentage of elderly people aged 65 years or over was 23.1% in 2010. It is no doubt that Japan is the world's first super-aging society. In such a super-aging environment, it is necessary to form a society in which each individual can play an active role even as one becomes older in order to maintain and improve the quality of life of all people and to maintain a healthy society. In advanced brain science, research from the fields of brain function imaging, cognitive science, and psychology has been utilized with the aim of realizing a healthy aging society. Up to date information on various new technologies and related discoveries has been disseminated so that individuals can live a healthy life with peace of mind at every stage of aging, while maintaining and improving the health of their brain and mind in a diverse and complex society.

We believe to overcome super-aging environments is not only an object of public concern but also big business chances to create new industries.


Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer

Ryuta Kawashima

[Functional element]

Joule Heat Welding of Ultrathin Metallic Wires and its Application for Producing Functionality

  • For producing a new functionality from metallic micro and nano matarials, the welding and cutting technologies for small scale materials utilizing Joule heat has been developed (Fig. 1). A constant direct current is supplied to the system, where the free ends of two metallic wires are contacted, and the ends are successfully welded together in self-completed manner. This technology is also useful for manipulating a small scale materials.

Joule heat welding technology enables us to produce the functional elements on the electrode chips, e.g., a free-standing micro-ring and very-thin thermoelectric element (Fig. 2). Moreover, we have developed the technique for characterizing the physical properties of small scale materials (Fig. 3). We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of this technology in industry.


Graduate School of Engineering

Hironori Tohmyoh

[Functional Programming]

Programming Language Theory and Computation Models

  • Our laboratory conducts leading research on programming language theory and high-level computation models. In particular, we focus on research and application of (general proof methods for) program equivalence, functional programing, and type systems (also known as lightweight formal methods), which are attracting revived interests in recent years. Our Japanese translation of "Types and Programming Languages" (Benjamin C. Pierce, University of Pennsylvania)---compiled in cooperation with engineers from top-level electronics and software companies in Japan---has become the 42nd bestseller (rather exceptional as an academic Publications) among new books in Amazon.co.jp. For more information, please see the Web page: http://www.kb.ecei.tohoku.ac.jp/~sumii

Our technology can be used for design and development of software artifacts, especially programming languages and tools including DSL (domain specific languages), as well as application of functional programming, type systems, or formal methods.


Graduate School of Information Sciences

Eijiro Sumii

[Fundamental theory of physical properties]

Optimizing everything / Optimal Society

  • Aiming at developing practical quantum optimization technology known as quantum annealing, we are working on exploring basic technologies that can overcome the limitations and applications in collaboration with multiple companies. The advantage of the method is that it can be used simply by formulating a cost function that draws the goal to be optimized once, but we are not limited to the original method. We extend it by considering a much easier problem, sequential optimization by learning, black box optimization, etc.. In particular, it is being applied to automated driving, logistics in factories, and evacuation guidance during disasters.

Applications to route search problems such as automatic driving of various vehicles, evacuation route guidance at the time of disaster, process scheduling and a large number of combination problems. We can provide a solution to combinatorial optimization in each industry. (Transportation / distribution, manufacturing, materials, drug discovery, etc.)


Graduate School of Information Sciences

Masayuki Ohzeki


Monomer-Recycle System of Biodegradable Plastics by Industrial Fungal Fermentation and Application of Fungal Biosurfactant Proteins to Nanoparticles for Medical Use

  • In Japan, solid-phase fungal fermentation systems using the industrial fungus Aspergillus oryzae have been extensively used for producing fermented foods such as soy sauce and sake; the annual production volume of the products is over one million tons. The efficient enzymatic hydrolyzing systems are expected to be applicable to biological recycling of biodegradable plastics. We found that A. oryzae can effectively degrade polybutylene succinate-coadipate (PBSA) by the combination with an esterase (cutinase) CutL1 and novel surfactant proteins, RolA and HsbA that are attached to the surface of PBSA and then recruit CutL1. The recruitment of Cutl1 by the surfactants stimulated PBSA degradation.

The fungal biosurfactant protein is applicable to industrial recycling of biodegradable plastics and to production of immune-response free nano-particles for medical use.


Graduate School of Agricultural Science

Keietsu Abe