"F" Keywords - 45 Result(s)


[F1 hybrid]

Molecular studies on new resources for hybrid rice breeding

  • F1 hybrid breeding is one of the most advanced techniques for production of cultivars with higher yield and desirable traits of both parents. Most of hybrid rice utilize cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) and fertility restoration system. We develop a Tohoku University-original CW-type CMS and fertility restorer line and study their molecular mechanism. The CW-type cytoplasm enables indica rice cultivars to be CMS, which could not be achieved by other known cytoplasm.

Hybrid rice has an average 30% yield advantage over inbred lines, and is cultivated on 13% of the world rice fields. Our study provides a new and original resource for hybrid rice breeding for globalization of rice industry.


Graduate School of Agricultural Science

Kinya Toriyama

[Failure analysis]


Development of Fall-Prevention Footwear Based on Mechanical Analysis of Slip-Related Falls

  • The number of fatalities due to falling accidents indoor/outdoor has increased in Japan as well as in other advanced countries. The fatalities due to falling accidents in a year have exceeded those due to traffic accidents in Japan recently. Because more than 80% of the fatalities are elderly people, it is considered an urgent issue to prevent their falling. We have conducted researches on falling during walking due to induced slip, in the contact interface of shoe sole and floor, through tribological and biomechanical approaches. We clarified the required values of static friction coefficient (figure 1), between shoe sole and floor, and how to gait to prevent slipping through kinetic analysis of gait. We also succeeded in the development of a unique footwear outsole having the high-grip property (figure 2) and high slip-resistant concrete pavement blocks (figure 3) through the collaboration with regional companies. We have recently conducted research and development of footwear that is able to prevent falls due to balance loss after slipping.

Products for fall prevention in daily life or in work site. Evaluation of slip resistance of footwear and floor materials.


Graduate School of Engineering

Takeshi Yamaguchi


The Novel Ultrasound Irradiation Device

  • Dr. Katsunori Nonogaki has developed the novel ultrasound irradiation device, which can improve the autonomic nervous system activity and peripheral circulation. In addition, the ultrasoud device can improve hypertension and hyperglycemia within 20 min in subjects with drug-resistant hypertension and diabetes. Our initial device was approved in Japan (226AIBZX00028000). This device will be avaliable for the treatment of 1) muscle pain, 2) the autonomic neural dysfunction and stress-related disorders, 3) hypertention, and 4) diabetes. Moreover, the device will be usefull for your healthy life and aging care.

Our aims are to export the device internationally. We seek the investment and international business partners.


Research Center for Accelerator and Radioisotope Science

Katsunori Nonogaki

[Fatigue Strength]

Cavitation Peening

  • Surface modification method to improve fatigue strength has been developed using cavitation impacts, which are normally causes severe damage in hydraulic machineries. The method was called "cavitation peening". In order to make clear the mechanism, a load controlled plate bending fatigue test machine was developed. It was proved by using the test machine that the threshold level of stress intensity factor was improved about 1.9 times by cavitation peening. The mitigation of hydrogen embrittlement by cavitation peening was also improved.

The cavitation peening can apply to component of automobile and forging die. We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of this technology in industry.


Graduate School of Engineering

Hitoshi Soyama

[Fatty acid methyl and ethyl esters]

A Novel Process for Continuous Production of High Quality Biodiesel with Ion-Exchange Resin Catalysts

  • We successfully developed a continuous production process for high-quality biodiesel. This production technology is very simple, just passing through the reactors packed with ion-exchange resins without complicated upstream and downstream processes, which provide additional production cost and environmental stress and the entire process is fully automatic. With this technology, you can easily produce high-quality biodiesel from various cheaper oils with fatty acid content up to 100%.

This innovative technology succeeds in solving the serious problems in the current biodiesel production, restriction by shortage of feedstock supply and the unstable quality of biodiesel due to the soap formation. This technology also applies to the production of fatty acid methyl ester, a starting material for surfactant production, which is an important intermediate step in oleochemistry.


Graduate School of Engineering

Naomi Kitakawa

[Feedback recycling]

Chemical Recycling of Problematic Polymeric Wastes

  • The Yoshioka Laboratory works on the recycling of various polymers by thermal and wet processes. Plastics such as poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and high impact polystyrene (HIPS) cause serious problems during their recycling for the recycling process and the environment. However, these materials can also be seen as a resource for new materials. The decarboxylation of PET results in high yields of benzene that can be used as a chemical feedstock. Another important feature is the dehalogenation of flame retarded plastics and PVC. Dechlorinated plastic waste can be an important source for hydrocarbons, which can be used as fuels and chemical feedstock. The chemical modification of PVC offers the possibility of new materials with new properties. Modified PVC can be used as antibacterial material or as a material with ion exchange properties. The removal of brominated flame retardants from HIPS leads to higher recovery rates of styrene during thermal processing. When a wet process is used, the resulting flame retardant free HIPS can be reused.

We are eager to help companies to overcome their problems during recycling and recovery, and provide solutions for the treatment of waste materials.


Graduate School of Environmental Studies

Toshiaki Yoshioka


Oxide Electronics

  • Our research group investigates creation of functional oxides and their functionalities. We synthesize thin films by pulsed laser deposition and sputtering methods and bulk specimens, and develop their novel synthetic routes. Recently, we are studying electrically conducting rare earth oxides, transparent room temperature ferromagnetic semiconductors, and metal hydrides. We will develop our materials design by extending materials range and performing thin film heteroepitaxy.

Collaborative research in fields of oxide electronics with novel electric conducting oxides and oxide spintronics with ferromagnetic semiconductors and novel ferromagnetic oxides.


Graduate School of Science

Tomoteru Fukumura


Economics of Aging

  • I investigate on the economics of aging, the optimal social welfare policy, low fertility and so on not based on the historical and systematic approach but based on the neo-classical economic theory. I also use econometric method and statistical approach. I often estimate the future projections of the population, public finance, magnitude of private markets, the results of public policies.
  • I also research on the comparative studies on East Asia (Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan) and European (especially Scandinavian countries). I provide statistic data and information on the economic and political systems on the aging in Japan.

The future estimation on the financial status , market caused by low fertility and aging. The effective management of the medical institutions, social welfare systems, gender equality societies for the central and local government, research institutions, public enterprises, and financial Institutions.


Graduate School of Economics and Management

Hiroshi Yoshida

[Fiber-Cement-Stabilized Soil]

Development of Recycling Technology for High-Water Content Sludge by Using Fiber Materials

  • The recycling rate of construction muds and sludge is very low because the water content of these muds is very high and direct reuse of them is very difficult. Therefore, a new recycling technology for high-water content sludge has been developed in this laboratory. This technology is called "Fiber-Cement-Stabilized Soil Method", and it uses fiber materials and cement. The main feature of this method is to mix the fiber materials with the sludge, and the fiber materials included in the soil produce several geotechnical merits.

The modified soils produced by this method can be used as ground materials for reinforced embankment of the river bank and soil structures because they have several features such as high failure strength, high failure strain high durability for drying and wetting and high dynamic strength.


Graduate School of Environmental Studies

Hiroshi Takahashi

[fiber-reinforced cementitious composite]


Development of anti-fibrotic therapies with a cell line from myofibroblasts of fibrotic kidneys

  • There are serious unmet medical needs in kidney diseases. Since fibrosis is a common terminal pathology of various kidney diseases and closely related to renal failure, anti-fibrotic therapies are plausible strategies for kidney diseases. Kidney fibrosis progresses with the emergence of myofibroblasts which produce extracellular matrix. We demonstrated that myofibroblasts originate from renal interstitial fibroblasts, which produce the erythroid growth factor erythropoietin, and that the transformation is reversible. To elucidate mechanisms of kidney fibrosis, we have established a cell line derived from myofibroblasts of mouse kidneys. It has been demonstrated that epigenetic interventions restore the cells (Replic cells) to their original fibroblastic features.

Replic cells provide useful and precise strategies to identify anti-fibrotic drugs.


New Industry Creation Hatchery Center

Norio Suzuki

[film materials]

Extraction of cellulose nanofibers (CNFs) from sea pineapples' shells and application for energy materials


The sea pineapple is the only animal that produces cellulose, and its shells, excluding the edible parts, are treated as industrial waste. By removing proteins and other components from the sea squirt shells and fibrillating them, cellulose nanofibers (CNFs) can be extracted. We have focused on the fact that CNFs derived from sea squirt shells have a higher degree of crystallinity and greater mechanical strength compared to those from wood, and we are exploring various applications of this material. Furthermore, since the material transforms into high-quality carbon upon calcination, we successfully developed "nano-blood carbon catalysts" by mixing it with dried blood powder and calcining the mixture. These catalysts are being applied in fuel cells, water electrolysis, and metal-air batteries.


CNFs derived from sea pineapple's shells have a higher degree of crystallinity compared to those from wood and provide longer fibers, resulting in high strength. When calcined, they transform into high-performance carbon.

  • We are the only research laboratory that has consistently developed a process for the simple and large-scale purification of CNFs derived from sea pineapple's shells, along with the creation of film materials that leverage their unique properties (mechanical, engineering, surface science, electrical, and thermal characteristics), as well as the development of carbonized materials.

We offer materials derived from sea pineapples' shell CNFs, as well as their carbonized products and catalysts. Please feel free to consult us regarding material supply, carbonization processes, or the utilization of catalysts.


Advanced Institute for Materials Research

Hiroshi Yabu


Development of Open Nanoporous Base and Half Metals, Metalloids and their Alloys

  • Nanoporous metals have drawn considerable attention due to their highly functional properties. They are generally produced by selective dissolution of elements from a multicomponent alloy (known as the dealloying method). As this method is based on differences in the electrode potential of each element present in the alloy, and this potential is high for noble metals, porous structure can be obtained only for noble metals. Recently we have found a new, simple and easy dealloying method without using aqueous solution, which enable us to develop an open nanoporous non-oxidized metallic material even with base metals (such as Ti, Ni, Cr, Fe, Mo, etc), metalloids and their alloys.

This technique is very powerful for developing new functional electrodes, catalysts, filters as well for removing toxic metallic element from the surface of biomaterials containing the toxic element.


Institute for Materials Research

Hidemi Kato

[finite element method]

Performance enhancement and application development of energy harvesting materials by microstructure design

  • To realize IoT society, it is required the sensors, which function without battery charge. We study on energy harvesting materials using our knowledge about materials mechanics and numerical simulation such as finite element method. We recently address to develop energy harvesting devices, which can recovery the unharnessed energy around us as electrical energy.


Graduate School of Environmental Studies

Fumio Narita

[first-principles calculation]

Theoretical Design of New Materials and Device Functionality based on First-principles Calculations

  • We are doing theoretical research on electrical conductivity in magnetoresistive devices using highly spin-polarized materials. The aim is to achieve very functional spintronics devices such as read-out heads for ultrahigh-density magnetic recording and non-volatile spin memories. We also investigate magnetoresistive devices using perpendicularly magnetized materials to ensure endurance against thermal fluctuations of the magnetization. We successfully achieve a guideline for improvement of the magnetoresistive performance by designing the crystal structure at the interface between ferromagnets and oxides theoretically.
  • We believe that first-principles calculations, which need no empirical parameter, play a very important role in research and development of various materials. Please contact us if you want to collaborate with us.


Research Institute of Electrical Communication

Masafumi Shirai

[Flexible display]

Advanced Technology on Flexible Liquid Crystal Displays

  • Flexible liquid crystal displays using thin plastic film substrates instead of glass substrates contained in current liquid crystal displays, are bendable, thin, lightweight, and do not crack, and generate new usage styles and human interfaces due to their excellent storability and portability. We have been researching the basic technologies for large-screen and high-quality flexible displays using functional organic materials including liquid crystal and polymer, so that anyone can enjoy fertile information services.

We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company in industry, for development and practical application of the advanced flexible display technologies.


Graduate School of Engineering

Hideo Fujikake


Prediction and evaluation of future thermal and wind environments based on CFD, and planning of urban environments adaptable to future climate

  • Numerical simulations of the physical environment of urban outdoor spaces are conducted to predict the physical environment, such as temperature, humidity, wind, and pollutant concentration, and field measurements are conducted to understand the actual physical environment. In addition, the future outdoor environments and heat stroke risks due to global warming are predicted and evaluated.
    Furthermore, the impacts of urban morphology (building shape and layout, street trees, etc.) on the adaptation to severe heat in summer and rare typhoons and floods are evaluated quantitatively.

Numerical analysis is used to quantitatively evaluate the "merits and demerits" of designing buildings, planning city blocks and urban areas, and introducing various heat control technologies on the wider thermal environment and the formation of wind ventilation paths, as well as the adverse effects of typhoons and other disasters. The materials for making decisions on whether or not to introduce these technologies are provided.


Graduate School of Engineering

Yasuyuki Ishida

[Flow path change]

Development of a Numerical Prediction System for Sliding Part Wear and Seizure Occurrence Portions


Focusing on the lubricant film flow with phase change between the engine piston pin and connecting rod small end, we developed a new multiphase fluid-structure coupled analysis method that takes into account elastic deformation of the structure and flow path changes and developed a simulation prediction method for tribological properties under high load conditions. The simulation prediction method for tribological properties under high load conditions has been created. As a result, we succeeded in simulation prediction of the wear/seizure generating areas in sliding parts. We discovered that the peculiar deformation behavior of the components is the cause of wear/seizure.


It has been thought that computational prediction is impossible to verify the wear and seizure locations in fluid lubrication. Still, this study succeeded in the simulation prediction of wear and seizure locations in sliding parts.

  • Numerical prediction of the wear and seizure locations in the sliding parts of engine piston pins was successfully performed.
  • The bow-like deformation of the piston pin was identified as the cause of mechanical contact and seizure at the connecting rod edge.
  • A three-dimensional multiphase fluid-structure coupled analysis method has been successfully developed, considering the piston pin's elastic deformation and connecting rod and thin-film cavitation1 lubrication with unsteady flow path changes.

This research method applies to automotive engines and all sliding component elements using fluid lubrication. It contributes to damage prediction and the development of safety guidelines for transportation and industrial machinery components, enabling the optimal design of components.


Institute of Fluid Science

Jun Ishimoto

[Fluid-structure interaction]