"G" Keywords - 23 Result(s)



Development of Wearable Motion Measurement System for Motor Rehabilitation and Healthcare

  • In order to realize wealthy and vibrant local communities, it is desired that people in the community are healthy. However, the amount of the daily activity decreases as they get older, which increases the risks of the fall by weakened lower limb muscles and of the cerebrovascular disease, and so on. Therefore, for the elderly people, there is increased need of the walking training and the movement assistance in daily life, and of the rehabilitation aid.
  • In this study, focusing on the motor function of the lower limbs that is important for independent activities of daily living and that relates to the health maintenance, development of assistive technologies for decreased gait ability or for dysfunction of lower limbs are performed based on the technologies of electronics and signal processing. Especially, the wearable sensor system using gyroscopes and accelerometers are developed to measure kinetic information, and then the evaluation system for the gait ability and the lower limbs motor function is developed in this study.

The goal of this study is to realize simple and convenient measurement and accumulation of various information of gait, to visualize the obtained data for determination of training effect and evaluation of motor function, and to provide appropriate training program for each subject.


Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering

Takashi Watanabe


Yeast models of familial Alzheimer disease to screen for gamma-secretase inhibitors and modulators

  • Using the yeast transcriptional activator Gal4 system, we reconstituted the production of amyloid beta (Aβ), responsible for Alzheimer disease. Aβ production could be monitored by the positive growth in the selection media or by the reporter enzyme (β-Gal). Utilizing familial Alzheimer disease mutants, we established a system to screen for mutations and chemicals that modulate gamma secretase activity and reduce toxic Aβ42.

Our yeast system can be used to screen for chemicals, natural products, food ingredients, genes, and mutations that modulate γ-secretase activity and block Aβ42 production specifically. We hope to conduct collaboration research with a willing company for a practical application of this technology in industry.


Graduate School of Agricultural Science

Eugene Futai

[gamma-secretase modulator]

Yeast models of familial Alzheimer disease to screen for gamma-secretase inhibitors and modulators

  • Using the yeast transcriptional activator Gal4 system, we reconstituted the production of amyloid beta (Aβ), responsible for Alzheimer disease. Aβ production could be monitored by the positive growth in the selection media or by the reporter enzyme (β-Gal). Utilizing familial Alzheimer disease mutants, we established a system to screen for mutations and chemicals that modulate gamma secretase activity and reduce toxic Aβ42.

Our yeast system can be used to screen for chemicals, natural products, food ingredients, genes, and mutations that modulate γ-secretase activity and block Aβ42 production specifically. We hope to conduct collaboration research with a willing company for a practical application of this technology in industry.


Graduate School of Agricultural Science

Eugene Futai

[Gas turbine]

Combustion and Atomization Technology in High-Pressure Gas Turbine Conditions

  • Combustion is a complex phenomenon composed of multi-dimensional dynamics of temperature, concentration, velocity, and chemical reactions. Advanced combustion technologies are essential for solving the environmental and energy issues. Our laboratory has a high-pressure combustion test facility which is a unique experimental facility in the world. Research projects have originality, especially in the field of high-pressure combustion and laser diagnostics, and focus on not only aerospace engineering and energy engineering including new fuel technology but also atomization technology and safety operations of chemical plants mostly operated at high pressure.

Potential collaborations are in the research fields of aerospace propulsions, automobile engines, power generations and chemical plants, in terms of development of gas turbine combustors for various fuels, generation and control of fuel atomizers, laser diagnostics of combustion and safety design of chemical reactors.


Institute of Fluid Science

Hideaki Kobayashi

[gastroenteritis viruses]

Gastroenteritis virus-binding enteric bacteria for probiotics

  • We have found enteric bacteria that can capture gastroenteritis viruses, such as norovirus and rotavirus, through histo-blood group antigen (HBGA)-like substances. These HBGA-positive bacteria give a significant impant on the ecology of gastroenteritis viruses in human body and in environments.

Since gastroenteritis virus-binding bacteria can affect the viral infection capability to host cells, these bacteria and produced HBGA-like substances are available in probiotics application.


Graduate School of Engineering

Daisuke Sano

[Gene analysis]

Development of Recombinant Inbred Mice with a Genetic Predisposition to Collagen Disease

  • Eleven strains of recombinant inbred (RI) mice derived from MRL/lpr and C3H/lpr mice were established. This RI is the only one in the world that randomly develops lesions such as nephritis, arthritis, sialadenitis, vasculitis, and production of autoantibodies in each strain. The genomes of the two strains of mice are randomly held in homozygous condition, and the phenotypes of each strain and the effects of administered drugs could be compared based on their genotype maps. It is possible to identify the regions of gene loci involved in the phenotype and drug sensitivity.

Development of diagnostic and therapeutic agents for autoimmune diseases. It can be applied to the elucidation of the mechanism of onset of immunological adverse events caused by immune checkpoint inhibitors and the development of drugs to prevent the onset of such events, and industry-academia collaboration with pharmaceutical companies, test reagent companies, etc. is possible.


Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering

Tetsuya Kodama

[Gene Transfection]

Development of Nano-Medical-Agricultural Applied Technology Using Ion-Controlled Plasma

  • Since we have developed the techniques (ion control plasma) to generate and control ions, electrons, reactive species (radicals) in the low temperature non-equilibrium plasmas which I can touch by hand, the composite materials using nanoparticles, nanocarbons, biological molecules are synthesized in the nano-electronics field, the minimally-invasive and highly-efficient drug/gene transfection systems are developed in the medical field, and bacteria and insects are killed by the plasma in place of pesticide in the agricultural field.

The ion-controlled plasmas are applied for the minimally-invasive gene transfection system, next-generation agricultural system, the electrode material of highly-efficient battery, and so on. We hope to conduct the collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of the novel plasma nano-medical-agricultural applied technology in industry.


Graduate School of Engineering

Toshiro Kaneko

[Generic medicine]


  • AIMS: This invention is to support the doctor’s prescription for diabetes and metabolic syndrome, especially in Japanese Clinic (Patent: JP 4176438).
  • PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To perform a further efficient preparation by providing information for original medicine and generic medicine in the preparation.
  • SOLUTION: The medicine price, pharmacologic effect and the like of each of original medicine and generic medicine are preliminarily recorded in a medicine database, and a generic medicine corresponding to the original medicine inputted by a doctor is automatically retrieved and displayed on a display. When the total number of the inputted medicine exceeds a number determined by insurance medical care, the generic medicine is retrieved so that the drug price of the group of the same usage is a prescribed amount or less. Welcome to your investment or co-operation.


Research Center for Accelerator and Radioisotope Science

Katsunori Nonogaki

[Genetic Diversity]

Construction of Monitoring Systems for Genetic Diversity in Aquatic Organisms

  • Maintaining genetic diversity within a species is a major issue to conserve biodiversity and sustainable use. To monitor genetic diversity in natural and captive populations using adequate genetic markers is the most important step. We have focused aquatic organisms and studied the genetic diversity using an array of DNA analyses. Our research interest includes 1) genetic structure and phylogeography of natural populations in marine and freshwater organisms and 2) genetic management of commercially important species to contribute the stock enhancement programs.

Our skill can be applied to environmental assessment and fish resource management. We are collaborating with national institutes and giving advice to private environmental assessment companies.


Graduate School of Agricultural Science

Minoru Ikeda

[genome editing]

Improvement of Seed Production by Using Reproductive Trait in Crops, Especially, Rice and Cruciferous Crops


The recent spate of extreme weather events is threatening to reduce crop seed and fruit production. We have identified a catalog of genes that respond under low and high temperature stress, and will construct a system that enables production under temperature stress through genome editing and other methods.


In addition to conventionally used genetic recombination methods, genome editing technology has made it possible to modify genes that can be used for practical purposes.

  • Crops are important for food, environment recovery, energy production, and amenity activity for human being. For improvement of crop seed production, the breeding of crops having environmental stress, is important. Especially the developmental stage from pollination to fertilization is quite weak for these environmental stresses. Thus, by breeding of reproductive trait, we will establish the high productivity and quality of crop seeds. From our research, we found several stress-tolerant genes. We already started the research by both basic and applied level.

For application, we evaluated by taking prize for application in 2001. And our basic data has been published in international Journal, "Nature" and "Science". If anyone is interested in these genes, we hope to conduct to collaborative research for establishing the useful breeding lines.


Graduate School of Life Sciences

Masao Watanabe


Oral Biofilm Functional Analysis: from “What Are They?" to “What Are They Doing?"

  • A large number of microorganisms inhabit the oral cavity, such as the teeth, gingiva and tongue, in the form of oral biofilm. The oral cavity forms an ecosystem where the host (humans) and parasites (microorganisms) coexist. Disruption of the balance of this oral ecosystem leads to dental caries, periodontal diseases and oral malodor, and even deterioration of dental materials.
  • Using leading-edge techniques of anaerobic experimental systems including original and unique devices, as well as the notion of "omics" such as metagenomics and metabolomics, we conduct research on oral biofilm functions. Knowledge of oral biofilms, from "what are they?" to "what are they doing?", enables us to address their control, that is, prevention of and therapy for oral biofilm-associated diseases.

Risk assessment of oral biofilm-associated diseases, such as dental caries, periodontal disease, oral malodor and aspiration pneumonia
Effects of medicine and food ingredients on oral biofilm function
Evaluation of biofilm-mediated material deterioration


Graduate School of Dentistry

Nobuhiro Takahashi


Method for efficient production of induced pluripotent stem cells utilizing cells derived from oral mucosa

  • We provide a technique which can produce induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells with high establishment efficiency and imposes lower burden on patients. iPS cells can be produced efficiently with significantly increased establishment efficiency by selecting cells derived from the oral mucosa and introducing a reprogramming factor, which can induce the reprogramming of the cells into pluripotent stem cells, into the cells.


Graduate School of Dentistry

Hiroshi Egusa



Glass that conducts heat well


We aim to give high thermal conductivity to glass, which is known as a material that does not conduct heat well, and to apply it to new fields.


If mixed with a high thermal conductive material, glass can be a good conductor of heat. However, all the advantages of glass, such as transparency and freedom of molding, are lost. In this research, we succeeded in developing a transparent glass with high thermal conductivity that retains its glassiness by adopting the strategies of high thermal conductivity MgO deposition and refractive index matching.

  • Transparent
  • Free molding
  • Thermal conductivity ~ 3 W/(m K) [300% of that of window glass]

Heat dissipation management using glass [heat dissipating glass substrates, lenses, fibers, etc.]


Graduate School of Engineering

Nobuaki Terakado

[Global Warming]

Prediction and evaluation of future thermal and wind environments based on CFD, and planning of urban environments adaptable to future climate

  • Numerical simulations of the physical environment of urban outdoor spaces are conducted to predict the physical environment, such as temperature, humidity, wind, and pollutant concentration, and field measurements are conducted to understand the actual physical environment. In addition, the future outdoor environments and heat stroke risks due to global warming are predicted and evaluated.
    Furthermore, the impacts of urban morphology (building shape and layout, street trees, etc.) on the adaptation to severe heat in summer and rare typhoons and floods are evaluated quantitatively.

Numerical analysis is used to quantitatively evaluate the "merits and demerits" of designing buildings, planning city blocks and urban areas, and introducing various heat control technologies on the wider thermal environment and the formation of wind ventilation paths, as well as the adverse effects of typhoons and other disasters. The materials for making decisions on whether or not to introduce these technologies are provided.


Graduate School of Engineering

Yasuyuki Ishida


Development of Recombinant Inbred Mice with a Genetic Predisposition to Collagen Disease

  • Eleven strains of recombinant inbred (RI) mice derived from MRL/lpr and C3H/lpr mice were established. This RI is the only one in the world that randomly develops lesions such as nephritis, arthritis, sialadenitis, vasculitis, and production of autoantibodies in each strain. The genomes of the two strains of mice are randomly held in homozygous condition, and the phenotypes of each strain and the effects of administered drugs could be compared based on their genotype maps. It is possible to identify the regions of gene loci involved in the phenotype and drug sensitivity.

Development of diagnostic and therapeutic agents for autoimmune diseases. It can be applied to the elucidation of the mechanism of onset of immunological adverse events caused by immune checkpoint inhibitors and the development of drugs to prevent the onset of such events, and industry-academia collaboration with pharmaceutical companies, test reagent companies, etc. is possible.


Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering

Tetsuya Kodama


Production of Tumor-Specific Monoclonal Antibodies

  • Podoplanin (PDPN/Aggrus/T1α), a platelet aggregation-inducing mucin-like sialoglycoprotein, is highly expressed in many cancers and normal tissues. A neutralizing monoclonal antibody (mAb; NZ-1) can block the association between podoplanin and C-type lectin-like receptor-2 (CLEC-2) and inhibit podoplanin-induced cancer metastasis, but NZ-1 reacts with podoplanin-expressing normal cells such as lymphatic endothelial cells. Recently, we established a platform to produce cancer-specific mAbs (CasMabs). The newly established LpMab-2 mAb reacted with podoplanin-expressing cancer cells but not with normal cells, as shown by flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry; therefore, LpMab-2 is an anti-podoplanin CasMab that is expected to be useful for molecular targeting therapy against podoplanin-expressing cancers.

We can produce cancer-specific mAbs (CasMabs) against all membranous proteins. CasMabs are expected to be useful for molecular targeting therapy without side effects.


Graduate School of Medicine

Yukinari Kato

[GNE myopathy]

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS),Muscular dystrophy,Distal myopathy with rimmed vacuoles (DMRV)/ GNE myopathy

  • GNE myopathy, a type of distal myopathy, is a rare disease and a designated intractable disease in which muscles atrophy and degenerate starting from areas distant from the trunk, gradually depriving the body of freedom. Patients with this disease have mutations in the gene for an enzyme called GNE and cannot synthesize sialic acid, including aceneuramic acid. At the Department of Neuromuscular Research, National Institute of Neuroscience, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, a model mouse was created, and preventive effects were obtained through oral administration of aceneuramic acid.
  • In response to this, the field of neurology conducted the world's first physician-initiated Phase I clinical trial in 2010-2011, establishing safety. After physician-initiated Phase II/III trials, extension trials, and efficacy confirmation trials, Nobel Pharma obtained manufacturing and marketing approval for the product named Acenobel® in March 2024. In the future, it is expected that the know-how gained from this seed in creating registries and protocols will be utilized to advance the development of treatments targeting other sialic acid supplements, viral vectors, and oxidative stress.


Graduate School of Medicine

Masashi Aoki

[grain boundary character distribution]

Suppression of Intergranular Degradation of Polycrystalline Materials by Grain Boundary Engineering

  • Intergranular degradation often results in decreased lifetime, reliability and economical efficiency of polycrystalline materials. In spite of persistent efforts to prevent such degradation, its complete suppression has not yet been achieved. Grain boundary studies have revealed that coincidence-site-lattice (CSL) boundaries have stronger resistance to intergranular degradations than random boundaries. The concept of ‘grain boundary design and control' has been refined as grain boundary engineering (GBE). GBEed materials which are characterized by high frequencies of CSL boundaries are resistant to intergranular degradations. Our group has achieved very high frequencies of CSL boundaries in commercial stainless steels by GBE. GBEed stainless steels showed significantly stronger resistance to intergranular corrosion (see Figs. 1 and 2), weld-decay, knife-line attack, stress corrosion cracking, liquid-metal embrittlement, radiation damage, etc. and much longer creep life (see Fig. 3) than the unGBEed ones.

By using this GBE processing, we expect to conduct effective collaborative research in related fields.


Graduate School of Engineering

Yutaka Sato

[grain boundary engineering]

Suppression of Intergranular Degradation of Polycrystalline Materials by Grain Boundary Engineering

  • Intergranular degradation often results in decreased lifetime, reliability and economical efficiency of polycrystalline materials. In spite of persistent efforts to prevent such degradation, its complete suppression has not yet been achieved. Grain boundary studies have revealed that coincidence-site-lattice (CSL) boundaries have stronger resistance to intergranular degradations than random boundaries. The concept of ‘grain boundary design and control' has been refined as grain boundary engineering (GBE). GBEed materials which are characterized by high frequencies of CSL boundaries are resistant to intergranular degradations. Our group has achieved very high frequencies of CSL boundaries in commercial stainless steels by GBE. GBEed stainless steels showed significantly stronger resistance to intergranular corrosion (see Figs. 1 and 2), weld-decay, knife-line attack, stress corrosion cracking, liquid-metal embrittlement, radiation damage, etc. and much longer creep life (see Fig. 3) than the unGBEed ones.

By using this GBE processing, we expect to conduct effective collaborative research in related fields.


Graduate School of Engineering

Yutaka Sato

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