"L" Keywords - 32 Result(s)



Universal Design in Language Use


My current research topic is "universal design in language use," with special reference to order in language and thought. In particular, I am investigating (1) similarities and differences in neural processing of languages with different basic word orders, (2) to what extent the order in non-verbal thought is affected by the order in language, and vice versa, and (3) what is the optimal order in human language and human thought, if any.


Many studies have reported that subject-object (SO) word order, where the subject (S) precedes the object (O), tends to have lower processing costs and is preferred by native speakers compared to object-subject (OS) word order. However, traditional studies have primarily focused on SO languages, such as Japanese and English, where SO word order is the grammatical default. As a result, it remains unclear whether the preference for SO word order reflects the basic word order of individual languages or more universal cognitive characteristics of humans.

  • To address this, we are conducting research on the cognitive processing of minority languages that use object-subject (OS) word order as their basic word order—specifically Kaqchikel and Truku, which have not been studied before. This research focuses on the relationship between “word order in language” and “order of thought.” The findings are then compared to the cognitive processing of Japanese and English.
  • For this purpose, experimental equipment is brought to the speakers’ regions (Guatemala and Taiwan) to conduct a variety of investigations and experiments, including behavioral experiments, eye-tracking, and brain function measurements. Additionally, for experiments requiring large, non-portable equipment such as MRI scanners, the speakers are invited to Japan for the studies.

Although I am conducting basic research, I believe it helps develop (1) effective language teaching/learning methods, (2) rehabilitation programs for aphasia, (3) dynamic preservation of endangered languages/dialects, and so on.


Graduate School of Arts and Letters

Masatoshi Koizumi

[language acquisition]

Universal Design in Language Use


My current research topic is "universal design in language use," with special reference to order in language and thought. In particular, I am investigating (1) similarities and differences in neural processing of languages with different basic word orders, (2) to what extent the order in non-verbal thought is affected by the order in language, and vice versa, and (3) what is the optimal order in human language and human thought, if any.


Many studies have reported that subject-object (SO) word order, where the subject (S) precedes the object (O), tends to have lower processing costs and is preferred by native speakers compared to object-subject (OS) word order. However, traditional studies have primarily focused on SO languages, such as Japanese and English, where SO word order is the grammatical default. As a result, it remains unclear whether the preference for SO word order reflects the basic word order of individual languages or more universal cognitive characteristics of humans.

  • To address this, we are conducting research on the cognitive processing of minority languages that use object-subject (OS) word order as their basic word order—specifically Kaqchikel and Truku, which have not been studied before. This research focuses on the relationship between “word order in language” and “order of thought.” The findings are then compared to the cognitive processing of Japanese and English.
  • For this purpose, experimental equipment is brought to the speakers’ regions (Guatemala and Taiwan) to conduct a variety of investigations and experiments, including behavioral experiments, eye-tracking, and brain function measurements. Additionally, for experiments requiring large, non-portable equipment such as MRI scanners, the speakers are invited to Japan for the studies.

Although I am conducting basic research, I believe it helps develop (1) effective language teaching/learning methods, (2) rehabilitation programs for aphasia, (3) dynamic preservation of endangered languages/dialects, and so on.


Graduate School of Arts and Letters

Masatoshi Koizumi

[language disorder]

Universal Design in Language Use


My current research topic is "universal design in language use," with special reference to order in language and thought. In particular, I am investigating (1) similarities and differences in neural processing of languages with different basic word orders, (2) to what extent the order in non-verbal thought is affected by the order in language, and vice versa, and (3) what is the optimal order in human language and human thought, if any.


Many studies have reported that subject-object (SO) word order, where the subject (S) precedes the object (O), tends to have lower processing costs and is preferred by native speakers compared to object-subject (OS) word order. However, traditional studies have primarily focused on SO languages, such as Japanese and English, where SO word order is the grammatical default. As a result, it remains unclear whether the preference for SO word order reflects the basic word order of individual languages or more universal cognitive characteristics of humans.

  • To address this, we are conducting research on the cognitive processing of minority languages that use object-subject (OS) word order as their basic word order—specifically Kaqchikel and Truku, which have not been studied before. This research focuses on the relationship between “word order in language” and “order of thought.” The findings are then compared to the cognitive processing of Japanese and English.
  • For this purpose, experimental equipment is brought to the speakers’ regions (Guatemala and Taiwan) to conduct a variety of investigations and experiments, including behavioral experiments, eye-tracking, and brain function measurements. Additionally, for experiments requiring large, non-portable equipment such as MRI scanners, the speakers are invited to Japan for the studies.

Although I am conducting basic research, I believe it helps develop (1) effective language teaching/learning methods, (2) rehabilitation programs for aphasia, (3) dynamic preservation of endangered languages/dialects, and so on.


Graduate School of Arts and Letters

Masatoshi Koizumi


Development of Terahertz Semiconductor Devices Using Novel Nano-Heterostructures and Materials and their ICT Applications

  • Terahertz coherent electromagnetic waves are expected to explore the potential application fields of future information and communications technologies. We are developing novel, ultra-broadband integrated signal-processing devices/systems operating in the terahertz frequency regime employing novel semiconductor nano-heterostructures and materials. We are challenging to develop room-temperature operating coherent and intense laser transistors and fast-response and highly sensitive detectors working for the next-generation beyond-5G terahertz wireless communications as well as safety and security terahertz imaging applications.
  • A. Ultimately-fast terahertz transistors utilizing graphene, carbon-based new material, and compound semiconductor heterojunction material systems:
  • Graphene-based novel terahertz photonics devices, breaking through the limit on conventional technology. Recently we have succeeded in single-mode terahertz lasing in a dual-gate graphene-channel laser transistor device at 100K. Moreover, we have succeeded in room-temperature terahertz coherent amplification in a dual-grating-gate graphene channel transistor promoted by current-driven graphene Dirac plasmon instability. The obtained maximal gain of 9% is four times as high as the quantum efficiency limit when terahertz photons interact directly with graphene electrons without excitation of graphene plasmons. These will be big steps towards realization of an intense, room-temperature operating graphene plasmonic terahertz laser transistors.
  • B. Frequency-tunable plasmon-resonant terahertz emitter and detectors and metamaterial circuits:
  • By using an original dual-grating-gate high-electron mobility transistor (DGG-HEMT) structure with InP-based material systems record-breaking ultrahigh-sensitive detection of terahertz radiation have been realized at room temperature.

By making full use of these world-leading device/circuit technologies, we are exploring future ultra-broadband 6G- and 7G-class wireless communication systems as well as spectroscopic/imaging systems for safety and security. We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of this technology in industry.


Research Institute of Electrical Communication

Taiichi Otsuji

[Laser diagnostics]

Combustion and Atomization Technology in High-Pressure Gas Turbine Conditions

  • Combustion is a complex phenomenon composed of multi-dimensional dynamics of temperature, concentration, velocity, and chemical reactions. Advanced combustion technologies are essential for solving the environmental and energy issues. Our laboratory has a high-pressure combustion test facility which is a unique experimental facility in the world. Research projects have originality, especially in the field of high-pressure combustion and laser diagnostics, and focus on not only aerospace engineering and energy engineering including new fuel technology but also atomization technology and safety operations of chemical plants mostly operated at high pressure.

Potential collaborations are in the research fields of aerospace propulsions, automobile engines, power generations and chemical plants, in terms of development of gas turbine combustors for various fuels, generation and control of fuel atomizers, laser diagnostics of combustion and safety design of chemical reactors.


Institute of Fluid Science

Hideaki Kobayashi

[Laser fabrication]

Creation of a high functional bio-interface using laser fabrication

  •  Using laser fabrication, we are developing techniques to enhance material surface properties and functionality. For example, to create a functional interface, we aim to clarify, by way of simulation and experimentation, the phenomenon that occurs when the surface of a material is irradiated using a laser beam.
  •  We expect that the results of our research will be widely applicable, including biomedical devices.
  • ■ Creation of biocompatible surfaces
  •  Materials used for artificial organs, vessels, and other bio-implants require excellent tissue and cell biocompatibility. Therefore, we are exploring the creation of biocompatible surfaces using a new laser irradiation process in this study.
  •  We have succeeded in imparting a biologically active function to titanium-based materials by applying the laser irradiation technique. When such a material that has a biologically active function is inserted in a living body, hydroxyapatite (the principal constituent of bones and teeth) precipitates on the surface. Using the laser irradiation technique, we can manufacture bone-adherent implants, and we envisage their application to artificial joints or dental implants.
  •  This research aims to discover such breakthrough solutions for biomedical applications using the laser irradiation technique.


Green Goals Initiative

Masayoshi Mizutani

[Laser measurement]

Design and Fabrication of Micro-Optical Devices Based on Optics, Especially Optical MEMS and Sensors

  • On the basis of optical engineering, optical technologies for sensing mechanical motion, spectroscopic properties, and other physical/chemical characteristics are investigated. Moreover, using semiconductor micro/nano-fabrication technology, integrated micro-optical sensors, micro/nano optical systems, optical micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) are studied. Micro laser scanner for display, deformable mirror for telescope, optical displacement encoder, and fluorescent analysis system are the examples of research topics.

Optical design, Optical industries, Industries relating to semiconductor micro fabrication and MEMS, optical telecommunications, etc.


New Industry Creation Hatchery Center

Kazuhiro Hane

[laser treatment]

Development of Optical Sysytems for Noninvasive Treatment and Diagnosis

  • Optical fiber-based endoscopic systems for non-invasive treatment and diagnosis are developed. The fiber transmits high-powered laser light for treatment and low-powered light for diagnosis. We develop treatment and diagnosis systems utilizing not only common glass-based optical fibers but hollow-optical fibers. Hollow optical fibers deliver high-powered infrared lasers and light with wide range of wavelength from ultraviolet and far infrared.

Our potential collaborators will be medical device manufactures, as well as any electronic device, communication device, and measurement instrument manufactures considering new entry to the field.


Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering

Yuji Matsuura

[laser-drilled screen printing]

Photo-Functional Advanced Materials for Nanofabrication by Nanoimprint Lithography

  • Nakagawa group has dedicated to pursue scientific principles for molecular control of interface function occurring at polymer/other material interfaces and to put them into practice in nanoimprint lithography promising as a next generation nanofabrication tool. We are developing advanced photo-functional materials such as sticking molecular layers for "fix by light", UV-curable resins and antisticking molecular layers for "preparation by light", fluorescent resist materials for "inspection by light", and hybrid optical materials "available to light" and new research tools such as mechanical measurement systems to evaluate release property of UV-curable resins.

Our research aims at creating new devices to control photon, electron, and magnetism.


Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials

Masaru Nakagawa

[late-onset hypogonadism ]

Prevention and amelioration of late-onset hypogonadism by food ingredients

  • Late-onset hypogonadism (LOH) is induced by age-related decline of testosterone synthesis, which leads to decrease muscle and sexual nature as well as mental symptoms such as depression. Now great attention is focused on prevention and amelioration of LOH via ingestion of foods and supplements.
  • We developed screening system of functional ingredients from food extracts for anti-LOH using testis-derived cells, and clarified that vitamins, nutraceuticals, and edible plant extracts have potentiating activities for the production of testosterone.


Graduate School of Agricultural Science

Hitoshi Shirakawa


Discovery of diagnostic markers by metabolomics

  • Losing cholesterol homeostasis with inborn errors of metabolisms or hepatobiliary diseases makes a change to in vivo cholesterol metabolism profile and causes the emergence of increased metabolites as conjugates in blood and urine. We have developed an LC/ESI-MS/MS method using fragment patterns characteristic of conjugation types for group-specific and comprehensive analysis of conjugated cholesterol metabolites. This method can contribute for an efficient discovery of diagnostic marker candidates toward various diseases.

After availability verification of candidates as diagnostic markers, it will be required screening tests. We have potential to collaborate with company for development of bioassay systems using antibodies or enzymes.


Tohoku University Hospital

Nariyasu Mano


Development of integrated safety management technology for hydrogen energy systems

  • To investigate the diffusion and combustion phenomena of reactive hydrogen gas leakage when a high-pressure hydrogen tank fails due to crack propagation caused by an initial defect, we have developed a coupled analysis method that simultaneously analyzes the material structure and reactive turbulent multiphase flow through an interdisciplinary research approach. Furthermore, we have developed a new numerical prediction method related to the diffusion flow characteristics and combustion limits of hydrogen leaking due to crack propagation failure of high-pressure tank bulkheads.

We contribute to the design of hydrogen storage containers for various types of transportation equipment and the development of safety guidelines and risk management for hydrogen station configurations.


Institute of Fluid Science

Jun Ishimoto


Lethal effects of blue light on insects

  • We revealed the strong lethal effect of short-wavelength visible light (blue light: 400–500 nm) on insects. That is, we found that blue light irradiation by using a common light-emitting diode (LED) can kill the eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults of various orders of insects. Our findings will provide clean and safe pest-control technique as well as important information on the hazards of exposure to visible light.


Graduate School of Agricultural Science

Masatoshi Hori

[lethal effect]

Lethal effects of blue light on insects

  • We revealed the strong lethal effect of short-wavelength visible light (blue light: 400–500 nm) on insects. That is, we found that blue light irradiation by using a common light-emitting diode (LED) can kill the eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults of various orders of insects. Our findings will provide clean and safe pest-control technique as well as important information on the hazards of exposure to visible light.


Graduate School of Agricultural Science

Masatoshi Hori

[Life Cycle Analysis]

Visualization of supply chain risks from the resource logistics perspective

  • With the increased global concerns of resource and environmental constraints of recent years, the role of mining, as a constituent of social responsibility associated with resource extraction and usage, is becoming increasingly important in the science, technology, and innovation policy. Under increasing public and shareholders' concerns of social and environmental sustainability, the fabrication industries require careful attention owing to their own risks related to the resources and materials that are used in their products and services. The Material Flow Analysis tool and Input output technique provide useful perspectives and valuable evidences for avoiding or minimizing the social and environmental risks related to the demand of resources.

Our developed model evaluates the risk weighted flow analysis by combining the resource logistics database and Global Link Input Output model. The estimated results shed light on how resource logistics prepares policy makers and R&D engineers to confront the risks behind resource usage and how the information should be shared among the stakeholders.


Graduate School of Environmental Studies

Kazuyo Matsubae

[liquid crystal]

Advanced Technology on Flexible Liquid Crystal Displays

  • Flexible liquid crystal displays using thin plastic film substrates instead of glass substrates contained in current liquid crystal displays, are bendable, thin, lightweight, and do not crack, and generate new usage styles and human interfaces due to their excellent storability and portability. We have been researching the basic technologies for large-screen and high-quality flexible displays using functional organic materials including liquid crystal and polymer, so that anyone can enjoy fertile information services.

We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company in industry, for development and practical application of the advanced flexible display technologies.


Graduate School of Engineering

Hideo Fujikake

[Liquid Crystal Display]

Development of the high-quality and low-power display system for ultra-realistic communications

  • Recently, with a spread of high definition video streaming services and ubiquitous network, development of high-quality, ultra-realistic and low-power display systems has been demanded. We have been studying physical properties of liquid crystal materials, precise control technique of polarization, high performance liquid crystal display (LCD) devices and its application to the advanced display systems for the realization of new media such as electric paper display and digital signage display, and low-energy society. We established a polarization control technology which realizes a precise control of polarization with liquid crystal materials. By using this world-leading technology, we have been studying the control of the surface alignment of liquid crystal molecules and developed a wide-viewing angle and fast switching liquid crystal display, ultra-high definition field-sequential-color display (Fig. 1), ultra-low power reflective full-color display (Fig. 2) and large-size high-quality display system.
  • We are also studying the ultra-realistic display systems such as a spatial 3D display and a multiple directional viewing display based on the precise light control technique as a next generation interactive communication technologies (Fig.3). We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of this technology in industry.


Graduate School of Engineering

Takahiro Ishinabe


“HYDRIDE" Researches for Energy Applications

  • This group is engaged in basic and applied researches of "hydrides" for practical use in hydrogen energy system. The main subject is the exploration of advanced hydrogen storage materials which support hydrogen energy technologies such as fuel cells. Currently, we synthesize a wide variety of novel hydrides composed of lightweight metals with specific nano-structures using advanced techniques for crystal and electronic structure analyses. In addition to the hydrogen storage, we develop the wide research fields related to hydrides, such as fast lithium ionic conductors.

Besides the contributions in industrial progress through the material development for future hydrogen energy system and next-generation secondary battery, we positively provide technical assistance to organizations and companies concerned about our findings.


Advanced Institute for Materials Research

Shin-Ichi Orimo

[Lithium battery]

Development of Solid-State-Ionics Materials for Energy Conversion, Storage and Utilization

  • Our focus is on the development of solid-state-ionics materials to be used for a variety of energy conversion systems. To further improve the performance of fuel cells and lithium batteries, novel ionic conductors and mixed conductors with high ionic conductivity and chemical stability are highly demanded. We have been developing such the materials based on defect chemistry and thermodynamics of ceramics, and trying to apply those materials to actual energy conversion devices.

To date, a hydrogen production system utilizing oxygen permeable membranes and an all-solid-state battery have been prepared.


Graduate School of Engineering

Hitoshi Takamura

[lithium ion battery]

Advanced Nanotechnology for Critical metal free secondary battery

  • Monoatomic layered materials of Graphene, Transition metal sulfide nanosheet, nanocrystalline active materials, nanoparticles and nanoporous materials are investigated for realizing high capacity, high power, high safety and low cost energy storage devices as a post- Lithium ion battery. Advanced chemistry of functional materials and device processes for All solid state battery, Magnesium battery, fuel cells, supercapacitor and wearable batteries are investigated.

Academia – Industry collaboration with manufacturing companies of functional materials, batteries, and also smart grid, renewable energy, electrical power companies are encouraged for developments of advanced energy materials and post-Lithium ion battery.


Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials

Itaru Homma

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