"O" Keywords - 50 Result(s)


[Optically Active Compounds]

Advanced Molecular Transformations by Organocatalysts Masahiro Terada (Professor)

[Optimization Problem]

Optimizing everything / Optimal Society Masayuki Ohzeki (Professor)

[Oral malodor]

Oral Biofilm Functional Analysis: from “What Are They?" to “What Are They Doing?" Nobuhiro Takahashi (Professor)

[oral mucosa]

Method for efficient production of induced pluripotent stem cells utilizing cells derived from oral mucosa Hiroshi Egusa (Professor)

[Organic - inorganic Hybrid Materials]

Synthesis and material characterization of new organic ferroelectric materials, molecular semiconductors, molecular magnets. Tomoyuki Akutagawa (Professor)

[Organic battery]

Advanced Nanotechnology for Critical metal free secondary battery Itaru Homma (Professor)

[Organic Conductor]

Synthesis and material characterization of new organic ferroelectric materials, molecular semiconductors, molecular magnets. Tomoyuki Akutagawa (Professor)

[Organic Ferroelectrics]

Synthesis and material characterization of new organic ferroelectric materials, molecular semiconductors, molecular magnets. Tomoyuki Akutagawa (Professor)

[organic materials]

Emergence in collective electrons in organic molecular materials Takahiko Sasaki (Professor)
Spintronics Devices and Materials Shigemi Mizukami (Professor)

[organic materials chemistry]

Fabrication of The Novel Designed Nanodrugs Composed of Poorly Water-Soluble Compounds Hitoshi Kasai (Professor)

[organic molecules]

Emergence in collective electrons in organic molecular materials Takahiko Sasaki (Professor)

[organic nanoparticles]

Fabrication of The Novel Designed Nanodrugs Composed of Poorly Water-Soluble Compounds Hitoshi Kasai (Professor)

[organic scintillator]

High Sensitivity Radioactivity Measurement at Ultra-Low Radioactivity Environment Kunio Inoue (Professor)

[organic semiconductor]

Advanced Technology on Flexible Liquid Crystal Displays Hideo Fujikake (Professor)

[Organic Thin Film]

Synthesis and material characterization of new organic ferroelectric materials, molecular semiconductors, molecular magnets. Tomoyuki Akutagawa (Professor)

[organic-inorganic hybrid material]

Photo-Functional Advanced Materials for Nanofabrication by Nanoimprint Lithography Masaru Nakagawa (Professor)

[Organization, Community]

Nonprofit Organizations and Social Capital Yuko Nishide (Professor)


Advanced Molecular Transformations by Organocatalysts Masahiro Terada (Professor)

[oxidative stress]

Development of anti-fibrotic therapies with a cell line from myofibroblasts of fibrotic kidneys Norio Suzuki (Professor)