Sorted by Keyword - 1944 word(s), 250 profile(s)


[asynchronous data transmission]

High-speed and low-power asynchronous Network-on-Chip system based multiple-valued current-mode logic Takahiro Hanyu (Professor)


Noninvasive Ultrasonic Measurement of Dynamic Properties of Heart and Arteries Hiroshi Kanai (Specially Appointed Professor(Research))

[Atmospheric plasma]

Development of next-generation sterilization method by a plasma flow at atmospheric pressure Takehiko Sato (Professor)

[atomic diffusion bonding]

Room temperature bonding using thin metal films (Atomic Diffusion Bonding) Takehito Shimatsu (Professor)

[Atomization technology]

Combustion and Atomization Technology in High-Pressure Gas Turbine Conditions Hideaki Kobayashi (Professor)

[authentication/authorization application]

Network Roaming System with Flexible Access Control Hideaki Sone (Specially Appointed Professor(Research))

[Autoimmune disease]

Development of Recombinant Inbred Mice with a Genetic Predisposition to Collagen Disease Tetsuya Kodama (Professor)

[autonomic nerve]

Quantitative Evaluation of the Baroreflex Sensitivity of the Heart and Artery Tomoyuki Yambe (Professor)

[autonomic nervous system]

The Novel Ultrasound Irradiation Device Katsunori Nonogaki (Professor)

[Autonomous Control]

Research and Development of Space Exploration Robots Kazuya Yoshida (Professor)

[Autonomous Decentralized System]

Understanding Biological Control Systems and its Application to Development of Life-Like Resilient Systems Akio Ishiguro (Professor)

[Autonomous Mobile Robot]

Robot Technology for Achieving Secure Society Satoshi Tadokoro (Professor)



Development of the method of Baby Borehole Hydraulic Fracturing, BABHY Takatoshi Ito (Professor)


Development of next-generation sterilization method by a plasma flow at atmospheric pressure Takehiko Sato (Professor)

[Bacteria-induced deterioration]

Oral Biofilm Functional Analysis: from “What Are They?" to “What Are They Doing?" Nobuhiro Takahashi (Professor)


Methods to Restore Strelity of Gramineous Plants under High- and Low-Temperature Stress Conditions Atsushi Higashitani (Professor)

[barometric sensor]

Assessment of Physical Activities Using Wearable Sensors Ryoichi Nagatomi (Specially Appointed Professor(Research))

[baroreflex sensitivity]

Quantitative Evaluation of the Baroreflex Sensitivity of the Heart and Artery Tomoyuki Yambe (Professor)

[Basal metabolic rates]

Development of New Drugs and Devices Regulating Inter-Organ Neural Network for Obesity Therapy Hideki Katagiri (Professor)


“HYDRIDE" Researches for Energy Applications Shin-Ichi Orimo (Professor)