Sorted by Keyword - 1976 word(s), 247 profile(s)
[Tactile sensor]
Study on Tactile/Touch Feeling Sensor | Mami Tanaka (Professor) |
[tectonic plate]
Role of Volatiles on Petit-Spot Volcanoes | Naoto Hirano (Associate Professor) |
Spintronics Devices and Materials | Shigemi Mizukami (Professor) |
Development of Terahertz Semiconductor Devices Using Novel Nano-Heterostructures and Materials and their ICT Applications | Taiichi Otsuji (Professor) |
[Terahertz wave]
Developing plastic waste sorter using Terahertz waves and social implementation of sustainable recycling technology | Jeongsoo Yu (Professor) |
Prevention and amelioration of late-onset hypogonadism by food ingredients | Hitoshi Shirakawa (Professor) |
[Thallium Bromide (TlBr)]
Development of Compound Semiconductor Radiation Detectors | Keitaro Hitomi (Associate Professor) |
[The 2011 Tohoku earthquake]
Simulation, Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics for Disaster Management | Shunichi Koshimura (Professor) |
[Therapeutic apparatus]
Biometric Monitor and Therapeutic Apparatus System Mounted Inside Mouth | Takeyoshi Koseki (Professor) |
[thermal conduction]
Glass that conducts heat well | Nobuaki Terakado (Associate Professor) |
[thermal radiation]
Development of Renewable Energy Systems for Sustainable Development Society | Hiroo Yugami |
Understanding and application of thermoacoustic phenomena | Tetsushi Biwa (Professor) |
Eco-Material Processing | Tetsuya Nagasaka |
Development of Renewable Energy Systems for Sustainable Development Society | Hiroo Yugami |
[thermophysical properties of high-temperature melts]
High-Temperature Processes and Measurements of Materials | Hiroyuki Fukuyama (Professor) |
[thin film]
Visualization of Biological Microstructure with High Frequency Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Imaging | Yoshifumi Saijo (Professor) |
[thin film,]
Vacuum Engineering of Solid-Liquid Interfaces and its Process Applications | Yuji Matsumoto (Professor) |
[Thin-film type sensor]
Chemical imaging devices which operate in severe environments | Izumi Muto (Professor) |
Universal Design in Language Use | Masatoshi Koizumi (Professor) |
[three dimensional culture]
Biological Application of Scanning Probe Microscope | Hitoshi Shiku (Professor) |