Sorted by Keyword - 1975 word(s), 227 profile(s)


[acceleration sensor]

Assessment of Physical Activities Using Wearable Sensors

  • Maintaining appropriate amount of physical activity is essential for health and disease prevention. Gait is the most common type of physical activity in everyday life. Monitoring the amount of physical activity in everyday lives may benefit mainly those who are at threat of metabolic syndrome and overweight. Towards better estimation of the amount of physical activity utilizing wearable sensors, we focused on taking running and walking economy into account. The relationship between step length and oxygen uptake was first determined. Step length estimation with moderate accuracy was accomplished using acceleration signals during walking. Step length was then taken into energy expenditure calculation as one of the variables.

Together with the basic version of the current locomotion monitoring system capable of counting staircase climbing up & down, we managed to upgrade our locomotion monitoring system into 3 dimensional.


Head Office of Enterprise Partnerships

Ryoichi Nagatomi

[aceneuramic acid]

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS),Muscular dystrophy,Distal myopathy with rimmed vacuoles (DMRV)/ GNE myopathy

  • GNE myopathy, a type of distal myopathy, is a rare disease and a designated intractable disease in which muscles atrophy and degenerate starting from areas distant from the trunk, gradually depriving the body of freedom. Patients with this disease have mutations in the gene for an enzyme called GNE and cannot synthesize sialic acid, including aceneuramic acid. At the Department of Neuromuscular Research, National Institute of Neuroscience, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, a model mouse was created, and preventive effects were obtained through oral administration of aceneuramic acid.
  • In response to this, the field of neurology conducted the world's first physician-initiated Phase I clinical trial in 2010-2011, establishing safety. After physician-initiated Phase II/III trials, extension trials, and efficacy confirmation trials, Nobel Pharma obtained manufacturing and marketing approval for the product named Acenobel® in March 2024. In the future, it is expected that the know-how gained from this seed in creating registries and protocols will be utilized to advance the development of treatments targeting other sialic acid supplements, viral vectors, and oxidative stress.


Graduate School of Medicine

Masashi Aoki

[acoustic power]

Understanding and application of thermoacoustic phenomena

  • Acoustic oscillations of a gas column in narrow flow channels can lead to various thermal phenomena such as production and amplification of acoustic power from heat and generation of low temperatures. We aim at understanding these thermoacoustic phenomena from experimental point of view, and developing heat engines that can operate without any moving parts like solid pistons.

Acoustic prime mover can use various heat sources like industrial waste heat and sunlight. Acoustic cooler is a Helium-gas based heat pump that needs no Freon gases as a coolant.


Graduate School of Engineering

Tetsushi Biwa

[Acoustic reconance]

Dry-Contact Ultrasonic Technique

  • A new dry-contact technique for transduction of broadband, high-frequency ultrasound via a solid layer inserted between water and the sample, whereat the pressure of about 0.1 MPa is applied at the layer/sample interface by evacuating air between them, has been developed. Based on the technique, acoustic imaging of an electronic package is realized under the dry environment (Fig. 1). Typically, the polymer films are used as the intermediate layer for water protection of the sample, and by utilizing the acoustic resonance phenomenon among water, film and the sample, higher quality acoustic image of the testing sample than that for the water immersion case can be recorded without getting the sample wet (Fig. 2). Moreover, thin materials, e.g., polymer film (Fig. 3), etc. can be characterized by analyzing the acoustic resonance phenomenon among the three media. We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of this technology in industry.


Graduate School of Engineering

Hironori Tohmyoh

[Acoustic resonator]

MEMS/Micromachines and Microfabrication Technology

  • We are studying MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) and related technologies, which are typically used for the input/output of information/communication devices, the safety of automobiles etc. Our representative topics include integrated sensors, piezoelectric devices, RF MEMS, micro energy devices and wafer-level packages. Our facilities are open-accessible and well equipped with a lot of tools for lithography, dry/wet etching, thin film deposition, wafer bonding, device mounting and evaluations, which can be operated by each researcher. Using these tools, a variety of MEMS are being prototyped. Also, new microfabrication tools are being developed by ourselves.

We are collaborating with many companies, from which visiting researchers are dispatched to our laboratory. We also accept companies which want to just use specific tools in our facilities. Consultation is always welcome.


Graduate School of Engineering

Shuji Tanaka


MEMS/Micromachines and Microfabrication Technology

  • We are studying MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) and related technologies, which are typically used for the input/output of information/communication devices, the safety of automobiles etc. Our representative topics include integrated sensors, piezoelectric devices, RF MEMS, micro energy devices and wafer-level packages. Our facilities are open-accessible and well equipped with a lot of tools for lithography, dry/wet etching, thin film deposition, wafer bonding, device mounting and evaluations, which can be operated by each researcher. Using these tools, a variety of MEMS are being prototyped. Also, new microfabrication tools are being developed by ourselves.

We are collaborating with many companies, from which visiting researchers are dispatched to our laboratory. We also accept companies which want to just use specific tools in our facilities. Consultation is always welcome.


Graduate School of Engineering

Shuji Tanaka

Design, fabrication and test of high performance miniaturized sensor and actuator systems

  • Micro and nano electro-mechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS) have completely changed human society in the past decades. Many devices that are taken for granted these days like smart phone, future car and drone would be unthinkable without them.
  • The integration of various new kinds of materials, such as metallic glass and nanostructures into micro technologies allows us to create devices with novel performance and characteristics; examples include acoustic sensors and actuators, thermoelectric generators and wafer level packages.
  • In collaboration with partners inside and outside Tohoku University, technologies are being developed that can be transferred to industry ranging from material integration and processes to packaging and reliability.

Wide collaboration in Microsystem technology is possible. We develop, implement and optimize processes, devices and systems until they are ready for use, keeping in mind reliability, yield and other important features for commercialization. We work with also with partners, such as Fraunhofer. Flexible interlinking of expertise and capacities with other research groups enables us to meet broad project requirements and create complex system solutions.


Micro System Integration Center

Froemel Joerg Eckhardt

[Additive manufacturing]

Additive Manufacturing of Metallic Parts with Electron Beam Melting (EBM)

  • Electron beam melting (EBM) is a type of additive manufacturing technologies. EBM uses electron beam as an energy source to melt metal powder and produce metal thin layers. This sequence is repeated in a layer-by-layer manner to fabricate three-dimensional (3D) components.
  • This technology can produce any kinds of structures based on 3D CAD models and is suitable for custom-made manufacturing.
  • In addition, our recent studies revealed that the unique microstructure, such as directional solidification and uniform dispersions of fine precipitates, are obtained by EBM; this technology is useful to realize advanced materials that cannot be obtained conventional manufacturing.

The EBM technology has received much attention for producing metal parts used in biomedical, aerospace and automotive industries.
Rapid prototyping / rapid tooling is one of the applications of this technology.


New Industry Creation Hatchery Center

Akihiko Chiba

[adipose tissue]


  • AIMS: The invention is to analyze metabolic condition, especially in oxygen consumption and energy production in the adipose tissues of human (Patent: JP 3848818).
  • PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide an instrument and method for analyzing the metabolism condition of a living body which is constructed in such a manner that it can measure the metabolism condition of a living body correctly and easily, and a recording medium.
  • SOLUTION: A metabolism condition analyzer is provided with an input means for inputting information about the body of a subject, a control means for processing this information and an output means for outputting results of the processing. The information consists of name, age, sex, race, height, weight, bioelectric resistance value and the date and time of measurement. A data file consisting the control means stores evaluation data of a metabolic condition which is previously determined by medical judgment based on a combination of an internal respiration index and oxygen consumption and energy production in adipose tissues. These are computed by calculating the value obtained by subtracting one from a body density calculated from the height, weight of the subject and the bioelectric resistance value and then multiplying the value. Welcome to your investment or co-operation.


Research Center for Accelerator and Radioisotope Science

Katsunori Nonogaki


Selective recovery of tocotrienol from vegetable oils using ion-exchange resins

  • Tocotrienol, one of vitamin E, has recovered by the conventional method with molecular distillation from deodrizer distillate discharged from the oil refining processes. However, tocotrienol easily loses its activity due to its low thermal stability, so that its recovery ratio and purity were extremely low. We proposed a novel method to selectively recover tocotrienol by adsorption/desorption using anion-exchange resin at 50 degree C. Tocotrienol is retained on the resin by ion-exchange reaction, and then released and recoverd from the resin by other ion-exchange reaction. Prior to the adsorption/desorption, free fatty acid, a major component of the feed, should be removed by esterification using cation-exchange resin at 50 degree C.

This innovative technology succeeds in solving the serious problems in the current tocotrienol production, the large weight loss due to the thermal decomposition and large amount of remaining impurities. This technology applies to the production of not only tocotrienol but also tocopherol as bioactive compounds s in food chemicals.


Graduate School of Engineering

Naomi Kitakawa

[Advanced Brain Science]

Resarch and development for maintaining and improving brain and mental health

  • The Smart Aging International Research Center (SAIRC) was founded on 1 October 2009. This Center proposes the creation of a new field to produce well-rounded personnel who have gained “totally comprehensive intelligence” from their experience, in order to cope with various problems associated with the diverse and complex super-aging society. To this end, the Center will promote interdisciplinary cooperative research, international collaborative research projects, and research collaborations with industry, as well as disseminate and exchange information by holding international conferences and symposia.  The SAIRC is designed to develop an approach for maintaining and improving brain and mental health in a diverse and complex society from the standpoints of brain science, with the aim of maintaining and improving brain functions; cognitive neuroscience and psychology, with the aim of maintaining a healthy and tranquil state of mind at each aging stage; and philosophy, phenomenology and ethics that provide a radical reconsideration of the concept of the “mind.” We welcome collaborative researches with companies, and academic consultations.


Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer

Ryuta Kawashima

[Advanced Functional Electronic Devices]

IVR (Interventional Radiology) Treatment of Hypertention: Minimally Invasive Treatment of Primary Aldosteronism Based on the Adrenal Vein Sampling Technology

  • Primary aldosteronism is a leading cause of secondary hypertension accounting for approximately 10 % of hypertensive patients; 4 million patients potentially exist in Japan. We aim to optimize the method of ablating aldosterone producing adenoma using newly developed bipolar radiofrequency ablation system with 300-400kHz high-frequency current and electric power of 40W (Celon Prosurge Applicator), and establish a less invasive interventional radiological treatment of primary aldosteronism.

Collaboration with medical equipment manufacture and universities are expected to develop new devices enabling ablation of aldosterone producing adenoma. Flexible guide-wire-type ablation system and rapid aldosterone assay system should be co-developed to tread aldosterone producing microadenoma which is difficult to detect due to its small diameter of less than 5mm.


Graduate School of Medicine

Kei Takase


Nonlinear Aeroelastic and Multibody Dynamic Analysis for Floating Wind Turbine and Next-Generation Aircraft


Floating wind turbine and next-generation aircraft have high-aspect-ratio blade and wing that undergo nonlinear aeroelastic deformation. We have developed a nonlinear aeroelastic analysis framework with absolute nodal coordinate formulation (ANCF). This nonlinear aeroelastic deformation is coupled with multibody dynamics. We are also developing a novel analysis framework for this coupling dynamics.


By using the nonlinear analysis method proposed in this study, it is possible to handle the reduction in flutter speed due to large deformations and the coupled phenomenon of deformation and flight behavior that cannot be captured using conventional linear analysis methods.

  • Straightforward nonlinear structural analysis method that does not use any rotational coordinates
  • Highly efficient unsteady fluid calculation method for large deformations
  • Multibody dynamics that captures the relative motion between bodies, such as rotating blades and control surfaces

Dynamic, aeroelastic, structural, vibration, aerodynamic analyses for Aeroelastic Multibody Systems:
1. Floating wind turbine
2. High altitude platform station (HAPS), high-aspect-ratio-wing commercial jet
3. Helicopter, drone
4. Robot, crane


Graduate School of Engineering

Keisuke Otsuka


Visualization of Biological Microstructure with High Frequency Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Imaging

  • "Features"
  • High-resolution imaging of biological tissue is non-invasively obtained with high frequency ultrasound. We have developed some ultrasound microscope systems which realized the resolution of 15-micron with 100 MHz and resolution to visualize a single cell with GHz range ultrasound. Ultrasonic imaging provides not only tissue morphology but also information on tissue elasticity. Recently, we have developed a real-time three-dimensional photoacoustic imaging system for visualization of subcutaneous micro vasculature and oxygen saturation.
  • "Targeted Application(s)/Industry"
  • High frequency ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging is repeatedly and non-invasively applied for early diagnosis of atherosclerosis, skin aging and tissue metabolism. They are useful for efficacy assessment of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. High frequency ultrasound is also applied in the industrial areas where thickness measurement of opaque film or bilayer thin coating with the precision of 0.1 micron is required.


Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering

Yoshifumi Saijo

Brain Development and Aging Using Large Brain MRI Database

  • We have revealed relationships among brain structure, brain function, lifestyle, genetic factor, and cognitive function using brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) database. The goal of our project is to prevent several diseases and disorders such as dementia by performing personalized medicine using the large brain MRI database.

Our research is related with several industrial fields such as food, sleep, and other lifestyle industries. In addition, our research is also related with medical field such as preventing medicine and brain check-up.


Smart-Aging Research Center

Yasuyuki Taki

Economics of Aging

  • I investigate on the economics of aging, the optimal social welfare policy, low fertility and so on not based on the historical and systematic approach but based on the neo-classical economic theory. I also use econometric method and statistical approach. I often estimate the future projections of the population, public finance, magnitude of private markets, the results of public policies.
  • I also research on the comparative studies on East Asia (Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan) and European (especially Scandinavian countries). I provide statistic data and information on the economic and political systems on the aging in Japan.

The future estimation on the financial status , market caused by low fertility and aging. The effective management of the medical institutions, social welfare systems, gender equality societies for the central and local government, research institutions, public enterprises, and financial Institutions.


Graduate School of Economics and Management

Hiroshi Yoshida

[aging care]

The Novel Ultrasound Irradiation Device

  • Dr. Katsunori Nonogaki has developed the novel ultrasound irradiation device, which can improve the autonomic nervous system activity and peripheral circulation. In addition, the ultrasoud device can improve hypertension and hyperglycemia within 20 min in subjects with drug-resistant hypertension and diabetes. Our initial device was approved in Japan (226AIBZX00028000). This device will be avaliable for the treatment of 1) muscle pain, 2) the autonomic neural dysfunction and stress-related disorders, 3) hypertention, and 4) diabetes. Moreover, the device will be usefull for your healthy life and aging care.

Our aims are to export the device internationally. We seek the investment and international business partners.


Research Center for Accelerator and Radioisotope Science

Katsunori Nonogaki


Nonlinear Aeroelastic and Multibody Dynamic Analysis for Floating Wind Turbine and Next-Generation Aircraft


Floating wind turbine and next-generation aircraft have high-aspect-ratio blade and wing that undergo nonlinear aeroelastic deformation. We have developed a nonlinear aeroelastic analysis framework with absolute nodal coordinate formulation (ANCF). This nonlinear aeroelastic deformation is coupled with multibody dynamics. We are also developing a novel analysis framework for this coupling dynamics.


By using the nonlinear analysis method proposed in this study, it is possible to handle the reduction in flutter speed due to large deformations and the coupled phenomenon of deformation and flight behavior that cannot be captured using conventional linear analysis methods.

  • Straightforward nonlinear structural analysis method that does not use any rotational coordinates
  • Highly efficient unsteady fluid calculation method for large deformations
  • Multibody dynamics that captures the relative motion between bodies, such as rotating blades and control surfaces

Dynamic, aeroelastic, structural, vibration, aerodynamic analyses for Aeroelastic Multibody Systems:
1. Floating wind turbine
2. High altitude platform station (HAPS), high-aspect-ratio-wing commercial jet
3. Helicopter, drone
4. Robot, crane


Graduate School of Engineering

Keisuke Otsuka

[All solid state secondary battery]

Advanced Nanotechnology for Critical metal free secondary battery

  • Monoatomic layered materials of Graphene, Transition metal sulfide nanosheet, nanocrystalline active materials, nanoparticles and nanoporous materials are investigated for realizing high capacity, high power, high safety and low cost energy storage devices as a post- Lithium ion battery. Advanced chemistry of functional materials and device processes for All solid state battery, Magnesium battery, fuel cells, supercapacitor and wearable batteries are investigated.

Academia – Industry collaboration with manufacturing companies of functional materials, batteries, and also smart grid, renewable energy, electrical power companies are encouraged for developments of advanced energy materials and post-Lithium ion battery.


Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials

Itaru Homma


Advanced Control of Microstructure and Property of Structural Metallic Materials

  • Microstructure represents various kinds of heterogeneities in the metallic materials, i.e., grains, component phase, lattice defects and chemical inhomogeneity such as impurity/alloying elements. It can be modified through control of phase transformation/precipitation and deformation/recrystallization by adjusting compositions of materials and/or through processing routes (heat treatment, deformation). Such expertise in micro/nanostructure control is very important in production of current materials from viewpoints of energy saving and recycling in structural materials such as steels and titanium alloys.
  • We attempt to apply more advanced control of micro/nanostructures, such as atomic structures of crystalline interfaces, chemistory in an atomic scale (e.g., segregation) and so on. Fundamentals of microstructure formation (thermodynamics, kinetics, crystallography) are examined both theoretically and experimentally to clarify key factors for microstructure control. Another important aspect in our research is the improvement of mechanical property by microstructure manipulation.

Possibilities to establish new functions (e.g., superplasticity, shape memory/superelasticity) as well as superior mechanical properties (e.g., ultrahigh strength with high toughness/ductility) is also explored.


Institute for Materials Research

Tadashi Furuhara