Sorted by Keyword - 1975 word(s), 227 profile(s)
[acceleration sensor]
Assessment of Physical Activities Using Wearable Sensors
ResearchersHead Office of Enterprise Partnerships Ryoichi Nagatomi
[aceneuramic acid]
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS),Muscular dystrophy,Distal myopathy with rimmed vacuoles (DMRV)/ GNE myopathy
ResearchersGraduate School of Medicine Masashi Aoki
[acoustic power]
Understanding and application of thermoacoustic phenomena
ResearchersGraduate School of Engineering Tetsushi Biwa
[Acoustic reconance]
Dry-Contact Ultrasonic Technique
ResearchersGraduate School of Engineering Hironori Tohmyoh
[Acoustic resonator]
MEMS/Micromachines and Microfabrication Technology
ResearchersGraduate School of Engineering Shuji Tanaka
MEMS/Micromachines and Microfabrication Technology
ResearchersGraduate School of Engineering Shuji Tanaka
Design, fabrication and test of high performance miniaturized sensor and actuator systems
ResearchersMicro System Integration Center Froemel Joerg Eckhardt
[Additive manufacturing]
Additive Manufacturing of Metallic Parts with Electron Beam Melting (EBM)
ResearchersNew Industry Creation Hatchery Center Akihiko Chiba
[adipose tissue]
ResearchersResearch Center for Accelerator and Radioisotope Science Katsunori Nonogaki
Selective recovery of tocotrienol from vegetable oils using ion-exchange resins
ResearchersGraduate School of Engineering Naomi Kitakawa
[Advanced Brain Science]
Resarch and development for maintaining and improving brain and mental health
ResearchersInstitute of Development, Aging and Cancer Ryuta Kawashima
[Advanced Functional Electronic Devices]
IVR (Interventional Radiology) Treatment of Hypertention: Minimally Invasive Treatment of Primary Aldosteronism Based on the Adrenal Vein Sampling Technology
ResearchersGraduate School of Medicine Kei Takase
Nonlinear Aeroelastic and Multibody Dynamic Analysis for Floating Wind Turbine and Next-Generation Aircraft
ResearchersGraduate School of Engineering Keisuke Otsuka
Visualization of Biological Microstructure with High Frequency Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Imaging
ResearchersGraduate School of Biomedical Engineering Yoshifumi Saijo
Brain Development and Aging Using Large Brain MRI Database
ResearchersSmart-Aging Research Center Yasuyuki Taki
Economics of Aging
ResearchersGraduate School of Economics and Management Hiroshi Yoshida
[aging care]
The Novel Ultrasound Irradiation Device
ResearchersResearch Center for Accelerator and Radioisotope Science Katsunori Nonogaki
Nonlinear Aeroelastic and Multibody Dynamic Analysis for Floating Wind Turbine and Next-Generation Aircraft
ResearchersGraduate School of Engineering Keisuke Otsuka
[All solid state secondary battery]
Advanced Nanotechnology for Critical metal free secondary battery
ResearchersInstitute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials Itaru Homma
Advanced Control of Microstructure and Property of Structural Metallic Materials
ResearchersInstitute for Materials Research Tadashi Furuhara