"S" Keywords - 154 Result(s)


[Saccharomyces cerevisiae]

Yeast models of familial Alzheimer disease to screen for gamma-secretase inhibitors and modulators Eugene Futai (Associate Professor)

[Safety design]

Combustion and Atomization Technology in High-Pressure Gas Turbine Conditions Hideaki Kobayashi (Professor)


Religion, language, society, and life in ancient India Naoko Nishimura (Professor)


Development and evaluation of various inhibitors and disinfectants for SARS-CoV-2 Eiichi Kodama (Professor)


X-Ray Phase Imaging for High-Sensitive Non-Destructive Testing Atsushi Momose (Professor)

[scanning probe microscopy]

Biological Application of Scanning Probe Microscope Hitoshi Shiku (Professor)


Fabrication of Imitative Stress Corrosion Cracking Specimens for the Development of Nondestructive Evaluation Techniques Noritaka Yusa (Professor)

[Science Communication]

Philosophy of Science and Technology, Science and Technology Studies (STS) Kiyotaka Naoe (Professor)

[Scientific Simulation]

Supercomputing for enabling large-scale advanced simulations Hiroyuki Takizawa (Professor)

[scintillator crystals]

Development of Novel Scintillator and Piezoelectric Crystals Akira Yoshikawa (Professor)


Development of the next generation anti-HIV agents Eiichi Kodama (Professor)


Prediction and evaluation of future thermal and wind environments based on CFD, and planning of urban environments adaptable to future climate Yasuyuki Ishida (Assistant Professor)

[sea pineapples]

newExtraction of cellulose nanofibers (CNFs) from sea pineapples' shells and application for energy materials Hiroshi Yabu (Professor)

[Secret sharing]

Blockchain-based Approachs for High Secure P2P-type Decentralized Cloud Storage and Practical Smart Contract for Trading Personal Data Masao Sakai (Associate Professor)


Blockchain-based Approachs for High Secure P2P-type Decentralized Cloud Storage and Practical Smart Contract for Trading Personal Data Masao Sakai (Associate Professor)

[Seebeck effect]

Development of Potential Thermoelectric Materials Yuzuru Miyazaki (Professor)


Molecular studies on new resources for hybrid rice breeding Kinya Toriyama (Professor)
Improvement of Seed Production by Using Reproductive Trait in Crops, Especially, Rice and Cruciferous Crops Masao Watanabe (Professor)

[Seismically Isolated Structures]


Development of a Numerical Prediction System for Sliding Part Wear and Seizure Occurrence Portions Jun Ishimoto (Professor)