"T" Keywords - 50 Result(s)


[Tactile sensor]

Study on Tactile/Touch Feeling Sensor

  • Tactile sense and the sense of touch are multiple combinations of fundamental sensations, such as smooth and rough, soft and hard, dry and wet, and hot and cold sensations. These sensations are described with the information on force, distortion, temperature, stickiness and oscillation.
  • A tactile sensor corresponding to several types of human skin sensory receptors and an active tactile sensor system that is an integrated sensor structure imitating human haptic motions have been developed. These sensor systems allowed measurement of "Kansei" words that are extremely vague tactile feelings, and roughness, softness and temperature sensations. However, tactile sense or the sense of touch also includes other sensations and combinations of them. Therefore, to develop a sensor, it is important to define how the sensations and physical information relating to the sensations are obtained and what relationships exist between them.
  • In this research, the relationships between sensations, including fundamental sensations that have already been obtained and other sensations, and the relevant physical information are being investigated. Additionally, on the basis of the knowledge through the investigation, an advanced sensor system that allows obtaining haptic information is being developed.

The research is beneficial not only to life science but also to manufacturing fields.


Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering

Mami Tanaka

[tectonic plate]

Role of Volatiles on Petit-Spot Volcanoes

  • The new kind of volcanoes, petit-spot, are located off NE Japan and Chile. They erupt at a submarine portion to be far from tectonic plate boundaries (e.g., mid-oceanic ridges and volcanic arcs) of the usual sites of volcanoes, earthquakes, and related geologic activity. The magmas have extremely high carbon dioxide and possibly originate from the base of tectonic plate.

The magma is squeezed upward and erupts in deep submarine environment wherever the tectonic plate flexes and fractures in the world. Collaborating work with business community would be required in order to search the submarine volcanoes and their related mines.


Center for Northeast Asian Studies

Naoto Hirano


Spintronics Devices and Materials

  • Spintronics is a technology utilizing electron spin which provided magnetic sensor, nonvolatile magnetic memory, and so on. Our studies are as below.
  • Noble & Rare-earth free magnetic films with large perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. We achieved to develop various Mn-bases alloy films exhibiting high perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (Fig.1 ).
  • THz range observation of magnetization motion. We achieved to detect a motion of magnetization using pulse laser in time domain (Fig. 2).
  • Novel organic spin devices. We achieved to fabricate hybrid junction consisting of an organic layer sandwiched by two inorganic magnetic layers and to observe magnetoresistance effect.
  • Tunnel Magnetoresistive devices: We are developing TMR devices with Mn-Ga alloys films (Fig.3 ).

Magnetic memory and storage. Microwave and Terahertz wave. Magnetic sensors.
We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of these devices and materials in industry.


Advanced Institute for Materials Research

Shigemi Mizukami

Development of Terahertz Semiconductor Devices Using Novel Nano-Heterostructures and Materials and their ICT Applications

  • Terahertz coherent electromagnetic waves are expected to explore the potential application fields of future information and communications technologies. We are developing novel, ultra-broadband integrated signal-processing devices/systems operating in the terahertz frequency regime employing novel semiconductor nano-heterostructures and materials. We are challenging to develop room-temperature operating coherent and intense laser transistors and fast-response and highly sensitive detectors working for the next-generation beyond-5G terahertz wireless communications as well as safety and security terahertz imaging applications.
  • A. Ultimately-fast terahertz transistors utilizing graphene, carbon-based new material, and compound semiconductor heterojunction material systems:
  • Graphene-based novel terahertz photonics devices, breaking through the limit on conventional technology. Recently we have succeeded in single-mode terahertz lasing in a dual-gate graphene-channel laser transistor device at 100K. Moreover, we have succeeded in room-temperature terahertz coherent amplification in a dual-grating-gate graphene channel transistor promoted by current-driven graphene Dirac plasmon instability. The obtained maximal gain of 9% is four times as high as the quantum efficiency limit when terahertz photons interact directly with graphene electrons without excitation of graphene plasmons. These will be big steps towards realization of an intense, room-temperature operating graphene plasmonic terahertz laser transistors.
  • B. Frequency-tunable plasmon-resonant terahertz emitter and detectors and metamaterial circuits:
  • By using an original dual-grating-gate high-electron mobility transistor (DGG-HEMT) structure with InP-based material systems record-breaking ultrahigh-sensitive detection of terahertz radiation have been realized at room temperature.

By making full use of these world-leading device/circuit technologies, we are exploring future ultra-broadband 6G- and 7G-class wireless communication systems as well as spectroscopic/imaging systems for safety and security. We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of this technology in industry.


Research Institute of Electrical Communication

Taiichi Otsuji

[Terahertz wave]

Developing plastic waste sorter using Terahertz waves and social implementation of sustainable recycling technology


This research utilizes the characteristics of terahertz waves, used in next-generation communications and autonomous driving, to identify the materials of plastic waste. It improves existing recycling technologies and can be applied to evaluate the quality of recycled plastics, ensuring stable production of high-quality recycled plastics. It enables easy development of devices to solve various issues in containers and packaging and automobile recycling, contributing to the realization of decarbonization and a circular economy.


Conventional plastic waste identification and sorting technologies use specific gravity sorting or near-infrared devices. Particularly, near-infrared sorting technology has accumulated an enormous amount of data and serves as the primary sorting technology in plastic recycling plants. However, near-infrared devices struggle with identifying black plastics, additives, and degradation. This technology uses terahertz waves to measure and evaluate transmission and absorption characteristics, allowing for identification of black plastics, additives, and degradation.

  • In recent years, there has been increasing global attention on plastic waste issues, such as marine pollution from drifting garbage and microplastics, the overseas export of plastic waste resources, and the increase in disposable containers like plastic bags and straws, especially due to the impact of COVID-19. There is growing demand for advanced identification and recycling of plastic waste materials, especially in the context of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and realizing a circular economy.
  • The research group from Tohoku University, Shibaura Institute of Technology, and Shizuoka University has conducted research on the commercialization of advanced sorting devices for plastic packaging waste. We have successfully identified mixed plastics containing black plastics, additives, and flame retardants, which were difficult to identify with existing devices, by utilizing the characteristics of terahertz waves. We have also confirmed the ability of terahertz waves in assessing degradation caused by UV or long-term use. Furthermore, the method has been shown to be effective for distinguishing bioplastics, which is expected to see increasing demand in the future, in addition to plastic waste from container packaging, automobiles, and home appliances.
  • These identification technologies can be applied to properly sort plastic waste generated by the “The Plastic Resource Circulation Act,” enacted in 2022, contributing greatly to securing high-quality recycled resources through plastic waste resource recycling.
  • Our research group conducts interdisciplinary research with experts in various fields: social engineering, resource circulation (Professor Jeongsoo YU), optical engineering (Professor Tadao TANABE of Shibaura Institute of Technology and Professor Tetsuo SASAKI of Shizuoka University), information science and big data analysis (Associate Professor Kazuaki OKUBO), data collection and analysis, international cooperation (Specially Appointed Lecturer Gaku MANAGO), social experiments, and behavioral economics (Assistant Professor Xiaoyue LIU). We address the needs from social, economic, and environmental issues both domestically and internationally, working from diverse perspectives to solve challenges and contribute to the creation of a sustainable society. Collaboration and networking with private companies, government agencies, research institutions, and civic organizations are also expected.

This technology can be applied to the development of plastic waste identification and sorting devices from processes such as containers and packaging recycling, automobile recycling, and home appliance recycling, as well as the production and quality evaluation of recycled plastics.


Graduate School of International Cultural Studies Graduate School of Environmental Studies Green Goal's Initiative, Tohoku University

Jeongsoo Yu


Prevention and amelioration of late-onset hypogonadism by food ingredients

  • Late-onset hypogonadism (LOH) is induced by age-related decline of testosterone synthesis, which leads to decrease muscle and sexual nature as well as mental symptoms such as depression. Now great attention is focused on prevention and amelioration of LOH via ingestion of foods and supplements.
  • We developed screening system of functional ingredients from food extracts for anti-LOH using testis-derived cells, and clarified that vitamins, nutraceuticals, and edible plant extracts have potentiating activities for the production of testosterone.


Graduate School of Agricultural Science

Hitoshi Shirakawa

[Thallium Bromide (TlBr)]

Development of Compound Semiconductor Radiation Detectors

  • The main research subject of our group is developing material purification methods, crystal growth methods and detector fabrication technologies for compound semiconductor radiation detectors. Our group intensely studies a compound semiconductor, thallium bromide (TlBr), for fabrication of gamma-ray detectors for the advanced radiation applications. The attractive physical properties of TlBr lie in its high atomic number (Tl: 81, Br: 35), high density (7.56 g/cm3) and wide bandgap (2.68 eV). Due to the high atomic number and high density, TlBr exhibits high photon stopping power. The wide bandgap of TlBr permits the device low-noise operation at and above room temperatures.

Our group focuses on development of compound semiconductor radiation detectors for advanced radiation applications including ultra-high resolution PET systems, ultra-high resolution SPECT systems, photon counting CT systems and Compton cameras. We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of this technology in industry.


Graduate School of Engineering

Keitaro Hitomi

[The 2011 Tohoku earthquake]

[Therapeutic apparatus]

Biometric Monitor and Therapeutic Apparatus System Mounted Inside Mouth

  • We propose the biometric monitor and therapeutic apparatus system with telemedicine, especially for the elderly and patients with chronic diseases. This system is consisted of the sensor probes gathering biometric information and daily living activities, the signal processing units with wireless telecommunication with telemedicine center, and the therapeutic operation units with drug delivery into the mouth.

This system is embedded in usual dental prosthesis, such as denture or mouthpiece, so that this system can be installed into the mouth with no sense of discomfort. The system provides the necessary means of health support in an aging society, especially for the elderly who live alone and the hospital inpatients.


Graduate School of Dentistry

Takeyoshi Koseki

[thermal conduction]

Glass that conducts heat well


We aim to give high thermal conductivity to glass, which is known as a material that does not conduct heat well, and to apply it to new fields.


If mixed with a high thermal conductive material, glass can be a good conductor of heat. However, all the advantages of glass, such as transparency and freedom of molding, are lost. In this research, we succeeded in developing a transparent glass with high thermal conductivity that retains its glassiness by adopting the strategies of high thermal conductivity MgO deposition and refractive index matching.

  • Transparent
  • Free molding
  • Thermal conductivity ~ 3 W/(m K) [300% of that of window glass]

Heat dissipation management using glass [heat dissipating glass substrates, lenses, fibers, etc.]


Graduate School of Engineering

Nobuaki Terakado

[thermal radiation]

Development of Renewable Energy Systems for Sustainable Development Society

  • Development of renewable energy systems as well as research on high efficient energy conversion systems is a key technology to solve the global-scale environmental destruction and energy problems. We are working on the research on the advanced technology of renewable energy such as solar energy and hydrogen. Topics of research are two of the following roughly separately. 
(1) Development of highly effective thermal energy systems and energy saving systems by using spectral control of thermal radiation. 
(2) Aiming at the achievement of the hydrogen energy society, we develop new energy conversion devices based on solid state ionics, and perform feasible studies for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) based on mechanics of materials.

High temperature solar absorption materials
High effieciency solar-termophotovoltaic (STPV) system
Small power source for mobile electric devices based on micro-SOFC
New energy harvesting devices in harsh environment


Graduate School of Engineering

Hiroo Yugami


Understanding and application of thermoacoustic phenomena

  • Acoustic oscillations of a gas column in narrow flow channels can lead to various thermal phenomena such as production and amplification of acoustic power from heat and generation of low temperatures. We aim at understanding these thermoacoustic phenomena from experimental point of view, and developing heat engines that can operate without any moving parts like solid pistons.

Acoustic prime mover can use various heat sources like industrial waste heat and sunlight. Acoustic cooler is a Helium-gas based heat pump that needs no Freon gases as a coolant.


Graduate School of Engineering

Tetsushi Biwa


Eco-Material Processing

  • The major subject of our group is ferrous process metallurgy including thermodynamics of metals, alloys and molten slags, high temperature heterogeneous kinetics, phase equilibria of complex oxide systems and so on. We are interested in physic-chemical fundamentals of processing of metals, slags, scrap and waste. Recently our research interests are extended to multidisciplinary area so-called "Industrial Ecology" by the combination of process metallurgy, LCA (life cycle assessment) and social science such as econometrics.

Typically our research group is aggressively working in the area of material flow analysis of critical metals considering the quality of recycled materials. Currently our major research partners are steel and non-ferrous industries, while we do hope to collaborate with waste treatment company, mineral industry and an administrative organ.


New Industry Creation Hatchery Center

Tetsuya Nagasaka


Development of Renewable Energy Systems for Sustainable Development Society

  • Development of renewable energy systems as well as research on high efficient energy conversion systems is a key technology to solve the global-scale environmental destruction and energy problems. We are working on the research on the advanced technology of renewable energy such as solar energy and hydrogen. Topics of research are two of the following roughly separately. 
(1) Development of highly effective thermal energy systems and energy saving systems by using spectral control of thermal radiation. 
(2) Aiming at the achievement of the hydrogen energy society, we develop new energy conversion devices based on solid state ionics, and perform feasible studies for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) based on mechanics of materials.

High temperature solar absorption materials
High effieciency solar-termophotovoltaic (STPV) system
Small power source for mobile electric devices based on micro-SOFC
New energy harvesting devices in harsh environment


Graduate School of Engineering

Hiroo Yugami

[thermophysical properties of high-temperature melts]

High-Temperature Processes and Measurements of Materials

  • Fukuyama laboratory studies novel material processing based on chemical thermodynamics with high-temperature thermophysical property measurements. As examples, we are developing new crystal growth processes to bring a breakthrough in nitride-semiconductor devices, which are promising materials for next-generation optical devices applied in environmental, medical, bio and information technologies fields. Database of thermophysical properties of materials is needed for modeling heat and mass transports in materials processes.

A new thermophysical property measurement system is currently under development, which enables accurate measurements of heat capacity, thermal conductivity, emissivity, density and surface tension of high-temperature melts, utilizing electromagnetic levitation in a dc magnetic field.


Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials

Hiroyuki Fukuyama

[thin film]

Visualization of Biological Microstructure with High Frequency Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Imaging

  • "Features"
  • High-resolution imaging of biological tissue is non-invasively obtained with high frequency ultrasound. We have developed some ultrasound microscope systems which realized the resolution of 15-micron with 100 MHz and resolution to visualize a single cell with GHz range ultrasound. Ultrasonic imaging provides not only tissue morphology but also information on tissue elasticity. Recently, we have developed a real-time three-dimensional photoacoustic imaging system for visualization of subcutaneous micro vasculature and oxygen saturation.
  • "Targeted Application(s)/Industry"
  • High frequency ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging is repeatedly and non-invasively applied for early diagnosis of atherosclerosis, skin aging and tissue metabolism. They are useful for efficacy assessment of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. High frequency ultrasound is also applied in the industrial areas where thickness measurement of opaque film or bilayer thin coating with the precision of 0.1 micron is required.


Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering

Yoshifumi Saijo

[thin film,]

Vacuum Engineering of Solid-Liquid Interfaces and its Process Applications

  • We challenge to fabricate in vacuum-stabilized micro/nano-scale liquid materials, explore their novel chemicophysical properties and develop their vacuum processing applications. The representative examples include ultra thin film ionic liquid on the nanometer scale and advanced vapor-liquid-solid growth (VLS) of inorganic/organic materials, such as 4H- and 3C-SiC films, single crystal pentacene and a porous polymer film of plolythiophene.

Our research outcomes will contribute to the following research and development:
1) a next-generation semiconductor process with the merits of the wet process
2) a new purification process of organic semiconductors, by which some part of inorganic semiconductor materials would be replaced in response to the present world-wide shortage of semiconductors.

In addition, the consultation of how to use our ionic liquid-assisted vapor growth method in attempt to obtain organic single crystals is welcome.


Graduate School of Engineering

Yuji Matsumoto

[Thin-film type sensor]

Chemical imaging devices which operate in severe environments

  • We developed both pH and Cl- imaging plates, which can visualize the pH and Cl- concentration on metal surfaces in acidic environments. The pH range is from 3.0 to 0.5, and Cl- concentration up to 4 M can be measured. Fluorescent dyes are successively used for pH and Cl- imaging in the field of biology, but their sensitivity tends to be insufficient in acidic and/or highly concentrated chloride solutions. A glass plate with a sol-gel sensing layer, which contains a pH indicator or a Cl- sensitive florescent dye was fabricated and validated using the solutions with various pH values and Cl- concentrations. Changes in the pH and Cl- distribution on stainless surface in an acidic environment were measured quantitatively.

The newly developed imaging plates can be used to investigate the mechanism of various chemical reactions, such as corrosion, which occurs in an acidic environment. Micro-flow imaging using our sensing technique will be a promising approach to understand the catalytic chemistry of metal surfaces.


Graduate School of Engineering

Izumi Muto


Universal Design in Language Use


My current research topic is "universal design in language use," with special reference to order in language and thought. In particular, I am investigating (1) similarities and differences in neural processing of languages with different basic word orders, (2) to what extent the order in non-verbal thought is affected by the order in language, and vice versa, and (3) what is the optimal order in human language and human thought, if any.


Many studies have reported that subject-object (SO) word order, where the subject (S) precedes the object (O), tends to have lower processing costs and is preferred by native speakers compared to object-subject (OS) word order. However, traditional studies have primarily focused on SO languages, such as Japanese and English, where SO word order is the grammatical default. As a result, it remains unclear whether the preference for SO word order reflects the basic word order of individual languages or more universal cognitive characteristics of humans.

  • To address this, we are conducting research on the cognitive processing of minority languages that use object-subject (OS) word order as their basic word order—specifically Kaqchikel and Truku, which have not been studied before. This research focuses on the relationship between “word order in language” and “order of thought.” The findings are then compared to the cognitive processing of Japanese and English.
  • For this purpose, experimental equipment is brought to the speakers’ regions (Guatemala and Taiwan) to conduct a variety of investigations and experiments, including behavioral experiments, eye-tracking, and brain function measurements. Additionally, for experiments requiring large, non-portable equipment such as MRI scanners, the speakers are invited to Japan for the studies.

Although I am conducting basic research, I believe it helps develop (1) effective language teaching/learning methods, (2) rehabilitation programs for aphasia, (3) dynamic preservation of endangered languages/dialects, and so on.


Graduate School of Arts and Letters

Masatoshi Koizumi

[three dimensional culture]

Biological Application of Scanning Probe Microscope

  • We have invented a unique method to non-invasively evaluate the quality of individual mammalian embryos based on oxygen consumption. A Pt microelectrode was scanned near the single embryo sample to obtain oxygen concentration profile. Respiration activity of single embryo was estimated based on spherical diffusion theory. Further, it was found that the respiration activities of individual embryos corresponded the developmental potential of the embryos. Independently, we have developed a procedure of mRNA quantification from single-cell based on SPM featuring multi-functional probes. Next, we are going to combine the two methods mentioned above for quality control of mammalian embryos and embryonic stem cells.

Our methods will be applied for assisted reprodictive technoloy (ART), pancreatic islet transplantation, or animal breeding.


Graduate School of Engineering

Hitoshi Shiku