"T" Keywords - 50 Result(s)
[Tactile sensor]
Study on Tactile/Touch Feeling Sensor
ResearchersGraduate School of Biomedical Engineering Mami Tanaka
[tectonic plate]
Role of Volatiles on Petit-Spot Volcanoes
ResearchersCenter for Northeast Asian Studies Naoto Hirano
Spintronics Devices and Materials
ResearchersAdvanced Institute for Materials Research Shigemi Mizukami
Development of Terahertz Semiconductor Devices Using Novel Nano-Heterostructures and Materials and their ICT Applications
ResearchersResearch Institute of Electrical Communication Taiichi Otsuji
[Terahertz wave]
Developing plastic waste sorter using Terahertz waves and social implementation of sustainable recycling technology
ResearchersGraduate School of International Cultural Studies Graduate School of Environmental Studies Green Goal's Initiative, Tohoku University Jeongsoo Yu
Prevention and amelioration of late-onset hypogonadism by food ingredients
ResearchersGraduate School of Agricultural Science Hitoshi Shirakawa
[Thallium Bromide (TlBr)]
Development of Compound Semiconductor Radiation Detectors
ResearchersGraduate School of Engineering Keitaro Hitomi
[The 2011 Tohoku earthquake]
Simulation, Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics for Disaster Management
ResearchersInternational Research Institute of Disaster Science Shunichi Koshimura
[Therapeutic apparatus]
Biometric Monitor and Therapeutic Apparatus System Mounted Inside Mouth
ResearchersGraduate School of Dentistry Takeyoshi Koseki
[thermal conduction]
Glass that conducts heat well
ResearchersGraduate School of Engineering Nobuaki Terakado
[thermal radiation]
Development of Renewable Energy Systems for Sustainable Development Society
ResearchersGraduate School of Engineering Hiroo Yugami
Understanding and application of thermoacoustic phenomena
ResearchersGraduate School of Engineering Tetsushi Biwa
Eco-Material Processing
ResearchersNew Industry Creation Hatchery Center Tetsuya Nagasaka
Development of Renewable Energy Systems for Sustainable Development Society
ResearchersGraduate School of Engineering Hiroo Yugami
[thermophysical properties of high-temperature melts]
High-Temperature Processes and Measurements of Materials
ResearchersInstitute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials Hiroyuki Fukuyama
[thin film]
Visualization of Biological Microstructure with High Frequency Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Imaging
ResearchersGraduate School of Biomedical Engineering Yoshifumi Saijo
[thin film,]
Vacuum Engineering of Solid-Liquid Interfaces and its Process Applications
ResearchersGraduate School of Engineering Yuji Matsumoto
[Thin-film type sensor]
Chemical imaging devices which operate in severe environments
ResearchersGraduate School of Engineering Izumi Muto
Universal Design in Language Use
ResearchersGraduate School of Arts and Letters Masatoshi Koizumi
[three dimensional culture]
Biological Application of Scanning Probe Microscope
ResearchersGraduate School of Engineering Hitoshi Shiku