"D" Keywords - 72 Result(s)


[Damage Concentration]

[data analysis]

Theory and practice of energy design to drive decarbonization


An indispensable function for decarbonized driving is energy data analysis, an energy car navigation system with both high spatial and temporal resolution. Higher spatial resolution facilitates the recharging and discharging of electric cars and inter-regional energy exchange. With the addition of up-to-the-minute energy data with high temporal resolution, it is possible to rationally and optimally combine the fluctuating output of renewable energy with the consumers. Data analysis, system design, and operation will lead to a carbon-neutral society.


Japan's first regional energy supply and demand database has been developed, allowing for detailed design of sustainable and resilient regional energy infrastructure layout and operation based on analysis of the current energy status of cities, towns, and villages nationwide.

  • Research experience as a Fulbright Scholar in the U.S. and familiarity with examples of social implementation in Europe.
  • Data-driven innovation research approach based on a vast regional energy supply and demand database.
  • Emphasis on regional fieldwork as a social entrepreneur solving social issues.

Putting Theory into Practice. Helping to build sustainable energy systems for new community development. Including the background of the local community, listening to the opinions of the residents, and guiding them to discussions that are relevant to today's issues. Thinking globally and acting within the community.


Graduate School of Engineering

Toshihiko Nakata

[Data Analytics]

Data Analytics for Creation of Social Values

  • My research field is a data analytics for creation of social values by data science approaches. In modern society, we can observe various data sets about our daily life, business or community. I aim to create new services for it using such data set and methods of Bayesian modeling, data mining or machine learning.


Graduate School of Economics and Management

Tsukasa Ishigaki

[Data Science]

Data Analytics for Creation of Social Values

  • My research field is a data analytics for creation of social values by data science approaches. In modern society, we can observe various data sets about our daily life, business or community. I aim to create new services for it using such data set and methods of Bayesian modeling, data mining or machine learning.


Graduate School of Economics and Management

Tsukasa Ishigaki


Brain Development and Aging Using Large Brain MRI Database

  • We have revealed relationships among brain structure, brain function, lifestyle, genetic factor, and cognitive function using brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) database. The goal of our project is to prevent several diseases and disorders such as dementia by performing personalized medicine using the large brain MRI database.

Our research is related with several industrial fields such as food, sleep, and other lifestyle industries. In addition, our research is also related with medical field such as preventing medicine and brain check-up.


Smart-Aging Research Center

Yasuyuki Taki


Development of Open Nanoporous Base and Half Metals, Metalloids and their Alloys

  • Nanoporous metals have drawn considerable attention due to their highly functional properties. They are generally produced by selective dissolution of elements from a multicomponent alloy (known as the dealloying method). As this method is based on differences in the electrode potential of each element present in the alloy, and this potential is high for noble metals, porous structure can be obtained only for noble metals. Recently we have found a new, simple and easy dealloying method without using aqueous solution, which enable us to develop an open nanoporous non-oxidized metallic material even with base metals (such as Ti, Ni, Cr, Fe, Mo, etc), metalloids and their alloys.

This technique is very powerful for developing new functional electrodes, catalysts, filters as well for removing toxic metallic element from the surface of biomaterials containing the toxic element.


Institute for Materials Research

Hidemi Kato


Developing plastic waste sorter using Terahertz waves and social implementation of sustainable recycling technology


This research utilizes the characteristics of terahertz waves, used in next-generation communications and autonomous driving, to identify the materials of plastic waste. It improves existing recycling technologies and can be applied to evaluate the quality of recycled plastics, ensuring stable production of high-quality recycled plastics. It enables easy development of devices to solve various issues in containers and packaging and automobile recycling, contributing to the realization of decarbonization and a circular economy.


Conventional plastic waste identification and sorting technologies use specific gravity sorting or near-infrared devices. Particularly, near-infrared sorting technology has accumulated an enormous amount of data and serves as the primary sorting technology in plastic recycling plants. However, near-infrared devices struggle with identifying black plastics, additives, and degradation. This technology uses terahertz waves to measure and evaluate transmission and absorption characteristics, allowing for identification of black plastics, additives, and degradation.

  • In recent years, there has been increasing global attention on plastic waste issues, such as marine pollution from drifting garbage and microplastics, the overseas export of plastic waste resources, and the increase in disposable containers like plastic bags and straws, especially due to the impact of COVID-19. There is growing demand for advanced identification and recycling of plastic waste materials, especially in the context of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and realizing a circular economy.
  • The research group from Tohoku University, Shibaura Institute of Technology, and Shizuoka University has conducted research on the commercialization of advanced sorting devices for plastic packaging waste. We have successfully identified mixed plastics containing black plastics, additives, and flame retardants, which were difficult to identify with existing devices, by utilizing the characteristics of terahertz waves. We have also confirmed the ability of terahertz waves in assessing degradation caused by UV or long-term use. Furthermore, the method has been shown to be effective for distinguishing bioplastics, which is expected to see increasing demand in the future, in addition to plastic waste from container packaging, automobiles, and home appliances.
  • These identification technologies can be applied to properly sort plastic waste generated by the “The Plastic Resource Circulation Act,” enacted in 2022, contributing greatly to securing high-quality recycled resources through plastic waste resource recycling.
  • Our research group conducts interdisciplinary research with experts in various fields: social engineering, resource circulation (Professor Jeongsoo YU), optical engineering (Professor Tadao TANABE of Shibaura Institute of Technology and Professor Tetsuo SASAKI of Shizuoka University), information science and big data analysis (Associate Professor Kazuaki OKUBO), data collection and analysis, international cooperation (Specially Appointed Lecturer Gaku MANAGO), social experiments, and behavioral economics (Assistant Professor Xiaoyue LIU). We address the needs from social, economic, and environmental issues both domestically and internationally, working from diverse perspectives to solve challenges and contribute to the creation of a sustainable society. Collaboration and networking with private companies, government agencies, research institutions, and civic organizations are also expected.

This technology can be applied to the development of plastic waste identification and sorting devices from processes such as containers and packaging recycling, automobile recycling, and home appliance recycling, as well as the production and quality evaluation of recycled plastics.


Graduate School of International Cultural Studies Graduate School of Environmental Studies Green Goal's Initiative, Tohoku University

Jeongsoo Yu

Theory and practice of energy design to drive decarbonization


An indispensable function for decarbonized driving is energy data analysis, an energy car navigation system with both high spatial and temporal resolution. Higher spatial resolution facilitates the recharging and discharging of electric cars and inter-regional energy exchange. With the addition of up-to-the-minute energy data with high temporal resolution, it is possible to rationally and optimally combine the fluctuating output of renewable energy with the consumers. Data analysis, system design, and operation will lead to a carbon-neutral society.


Japan's first regional energy supply and demand database has been developed, allowing for detailed design of sustainable and resilient regional energy infrastructure layout and operation based on analysis of the current energy status of cities, towns, and villages nationwide.

  • Research experience as a Fulbright Scholar in the U.S. and familiarity with examples of social implementation in Europe.
  • Data-driven innovation research approach based on a vast regional energy supply and demand database.
  • Emphasis on regional fieldwork as a social entrepreneur solving social issues.

Putting Theory into Practice. Helping to build sustainable energy systems for new community development. Including the background of the local community, listening to the opinions of the residents, and guiding them to discussions that are relevant to today's issues. Thinking globally and acting within the community.


Graduate School of Engineering

Toshihiko Nakata


Development of anti-fibrotic therapies with a cell line from myofibroblasts of fibrotic kidneys

  • There are serious unmet medical needs in kidney diseases. Since fibrosis is a common terminal pathology of various kidney diseases and closely related to renal failure, anti-fibrotic therapies are plausible strategies for kidney diseases. Kidney fibrosis progresses with the emergence of myofibroblasts which produce extracellular matrix. We demonstrated that myofibroblasts originate from renal interstitial fibroblasts, which produce the erythroid growth factor erythropoietin, and that the transformation is reversible. To elucidate mechanisms of kidney fibrosis, we have established a cell line derived from myofibroblasts of mouse kidneys. It has been demonstrated that epigenetic interventions restore the cells (Replic cells) to their original fibroblastic features.

Replic cells provide useful and precise strategies to identify anti-fibrotic drugs.


New Industry Creation Hatchery Center

Norio Suzuki

[Deep depth]

Development of the method of Baby Borehole Hydraulic Fracturing, BABHY

  • For the effective measurement of the reopening pressure in hydraulic fracturing, it is necessary to use the testing equipment with sufficiently small compliance. This limitation makes it difficult to apply the hydraulic fracturing for the measurement of the maximum stress, because the compliance of conventional equipments is generally so large. Taking account of this situation, we proposed a new concept which allows us to do the in-situ tests of hydraulic fracturing for stress measurement at so deep depths as more than 1 km. We call the concept the Baby Borehole Hydrofracturing, BABHY for short. In order to put the new concept into practice, we developed the BABHY sonde and finally we succeeded to carry out hydraulic fracturing test by using the tools in a vertical borehole of 811 m depth. We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of this technology in industry.


Institute of Fluid Science

Takatoshi Ito

[deep learning]

Natural Language Processing for Semantic Analysis of Big Data

  • This lab conducts fundamental research for deep natural language processing (NLP) and NLP-oriented information organization such as classification, extraction, and summarization of language information. Our activities also cover a broad range of applied research including NLP-based information and knowledge mining, information credibility analysis, and resilient ICT through the maximal use of Big Data.

(i) Analysis of market trend or research trend through intelligent text mining, (ii) Discovery of potential needs and risks from opinions in social media, (iii) Management of knowledge in a company by analyzing internal documents, etc.


Center for Language AI Research

Kentaro Inui

[deep-sea floor]

Role of Volatiles on Petit-Spot Volcanoes

  • The new kind of volcanoes, petit-spot, are located off NE Japan and Chile. They erupt at a submarine portion to be far from tectonic plate boundaries (e.g., mid-oceanic ridges and volcanic arcs) of the usual sites of volcanoes, earthquakes, and related geologic activity. The magmas have extremely high carbon dioxide and possibly originate from the base of tectonic plate.

The magma is squeezed upward and erupts in deep submarine environment wherever the tectonic plate flexes and fractures in the world. Collaborating work with business community would be required in order to search the submarine volcanoes and their related mines.


Center for Northeast Asian Studies

Naoto Hirano


Analysis and Function Elucidation of Fine Clusters and Defects in Materials Invisible by Electron Microscopy

  • It is well known that nano-scale impurity/solute clusters, defects, defect clusters and their complexes affect the mechanical and electrical properties in materials. However, it is very difficult to observe these objects even by state-of-the-art electron microscopes. We overcome the difficulty by employing noble two techniques: laser three-dimensional atom probe (3D-AP) technique and positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS). Laser 3D-AP can map out each atom in various materials (metals, semiconductors, insulators) in three-dimensional real space with nearly atomic scale resolution. PAS can detect vacancy-type defects and defect-impurity complexes very sensitively.

By combining these methods, we are going to reveal the functions of the fine impurity clusters and defects to the materials: developments of new nano-structured materials, the mechanism of degradation of aged structural materials, the fall in the yield of semiconductor device production, and developments of quantum devices etc.


Institute for Materials Research

Yasuyoshi Nagai


Quantitative analysis of microstructure in nuclear materials by week-beam scanning transmission electron microscopy


We have developed a technique for quantitative analysis of microstructures (e.g., dislocations and irradiation defect aggregates) of activated and nuclear-burned specimens in the context of the Week Beam Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (WB-STEM) method, which boasts extremely high measurement accuracy as a quantitative analysis method for lattice defects.
In combination with a dedicated heated sample holder with fully automated temperature measurement and current control in a cartridge-type heating furnace, changes in dislocation microstructure can be dynamically measured in-situ along with a highly reliable temperature history.


Conventional TEM methods require expertise in reciprocal space and dislocation theory, but our WB-STEM method is equipped with automatic analysis software for film thickness measurement and dislocation loop feature extraction, making it possible to analyze irradiation defects easily and precisely.

  • Since its design, the WB-STEM method has been developed for implementation and on-site repair in radiation controlled areas where nuclear materials are handled, with special aperture and diffraction disc selection equipment, control and analysis software.
  • WB-STEM accepts irradiation defect analysis of activated specimens from all over the world, including RPV monitoring specimens from European reactors and neutron-irradiated materials from US research reactors.
  • It is also used to analyze the properties of iron-containing nuclear fuel simulated debris in decommissioning projects.

We support research organizations that currently use transmission electron microscopy to observe microstructures to introduce the WB-STEM method by special modification. We will instruct researchers who have no experience using transmission electron microscopy in the procedure for dislocation analysis.


Institute for Materials Research

Kenta Yoshida


Innovative Preparing and Thick Coating Technique without Heat Affected Zone and Phase Transformation

  • The cold spray (CS) technique is known as a new technique not only for coating but also for thick depositions. It has many advantages, i.e. dense coating, high deposition rate, low oxidation, and no phase transformation. We have been carrying out establishment of innovative preparing and coating techniques using the CS, and maintenance of reliability and safety of the cold sprayed repairing parts and coatings. Moreover, in order to evaluate the compatibility between a substrate material and particles based on an adhesion mechanism and scientific basis, various adhesion conditions are examined a micro / nano-structure observation and a molecular simulation.

Our targets were mainly hot section parts of thermal power plants and reactor piping and tubes etc. Recently, it is possible to make a ceramic coating. Therefore, we accelerate the evolution of the other fields including the creation of the functionality materials in near future.


Graduate School of Engineering

Kazuhiro Ogawa

[Delay Tolerant Network]

Message Transmission without Cellular Coverage, “Relay-by-Smartphone"

  • Our technology provides the necessary method for sending messages even when the physical infrastructure is not available. The technology utilizes common smartphone WiFi functionality to send message in a multi-hop fashion. Thus it is possible to send message to people further away. Our technology has been designed to be based on Delay-Tolerant Networks (DTN), but the technical key idea is the combination of DTN and Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET), which can improve the message delivery in an area with high population density or where mobility are fixed such as evacuation center.

This technology can be used to distribute information during emergency situation such as after disaster. In addition, it is possible to provide additional services such as advertisement within shopping areas, distribution of coupons, exchange of information within small group during public events or uses as transceiver during group hiking. There is also possibility of using this technology to provide communications service in developing nations.


Graduate School of Information Sciences

Nei Kato

[delayed fracture]

Hydrogen embrittlement of high strength steels

  • We are studying hydrogen embrittlement property of high strength steels from the aspects of both the effect of hydrogen on mechanical properties of high strength steels and hydrogen uptake behavior in corrosive environments. The topics of our study includes clarification of mechanism of hydrogen embrittlement of various steels, investigation of hydrogen entry caused by corrosion using electrochemical techniques, hydrogen visualization, proposing evaluation methods for hydrogen embrittlement property and so forth.

Collaborative research in the field of hydrogen embrittlement, for example, hydrogen embrittlement properties of high strength steels and the effects of metallographic structure and hydrogen traps, proposal of evaluation methods for hydrogen embrittlement property for some specific steel and for parts with specific shape, development of novel hydrogen visualization techniques.


Institute for Materials Research

Eiji Akiyama

[demand analysis]

Advanced Analysis of Socio-Economical Data for Capturing Social Needs

  • We have proposed advanced methods of behavior analysis for public transport service.
  • They include a demand composition based on the automatically mesured traffic data, estimation of true demand partly unrealized by the congestion, and intense usage of geographical data. These methods may be applicable for behavior analysis besides transport service.

We welcome cooperative research on demand analysis of public services, as well as needs analysis for new goods and services.


International Research Institute of Disaster Science

Makoto Okumura


Brain Development and Aging Using Large Brain MRI Database

  • We have revealed relationships among brain structure, brain function, lifestyle, genetic factor, and cognitive function using brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) database. The goal of our project is to prevent several diseases and disorders such as dementia by performing personalized medicine using the large brain MRI database.

Our research is related with several industrial fields such as food, sleep, and other lifestyle industries. In addition, our research is also related with medical field such as preventing medicine and brain check-up.


Smart-Aging Research Center

Yasuyuki Taki


Digitizing Democracy in Japan

  • The global pandemic is forcing democracies around the world to hold non-contact elections. Internet voting is considered a viable option, but there is little chance of introducing it in Japan. Similarly, while there is an urgent need to implement online parliament to reduce the risk of infection, only a minority of parliaments are willing to do so. In this study, we will identify the factors that hinder the digitalization of democracy and pursue the possibility of social implementation in Japan.

This study can contribute to election commission practices and vendor voting terminal development.


Graduate School of Information Sciences

Kazunori Kawamura