"N" Keywords - 64 Result(s)


[nano film]

newMechanical and acoustic properties of nm devices studied by GHz-THz ultrasonics


Ultrasonic measurement is an important technique that is used in various fields of science and technology, including physical property evaluation, imaging and sensing. I use a measurement technique that uses light to excite and detect ultrasonic waves in the frequency range of GHz to THz, and I use this to evaluate the mechanical and acoustic properties of microstructures and thin films with sizes in the nano to micro range, as well as for non-destructive testing.


Conventional ultrasound had a wavelength of several micrometres or more, so it was impossible to measure at the nanoscale.
However, by using femtosecond pulse lasers to manipulate ultrasound with a wavelength of the order of 10 nm, I have achieved the evaluation of the mechanical properties of nano-materials and non-destructive testing in the nano-region.

  • Development of unique measurement technology that makes full use of light and sound (lasers and ultrasound)
  • Excitation and detection of vibration phenomena in nano-materials and GHz bands
  • Accurate measurement of sound velocity and elastic constants under high magnetic fields of 10 to 600 K and up to 5 T
  • Measurement of magnetic damping constants and saturation magnetisation from magnetisation oscillations in the time domain
  • Main targets include nano-thin films of metals, piezoelectric materials, and magnetic materials, as well as superhard materials such as diamond and tungsten carbide
  • Contributing to the development of materials and the elucidation of the characteristics of filters for wireless communication in smartphones
  • Applications include the development of highly sensitive biosensors using ultrasound, which has a shorter wavelength than light, and monitoring the breaking process of nanowires

This measurement method enables the inspection of defects in semiconductors on the order of nm, and the evaluation of the characteristics of acoustic filters, which are essential for 5G communication devices.


Graduate School of Engineering Division for the Establishment of Frontier Sciences of Organization for Advanced Studies

Akira Nagakubo

[nano particle]

Monomer-Recycle System of Biodegradable Plastics by Industrial Fungal Fermentation and Application of Fungal Biosurfactant Proteins to Nanoparticles for Medical Use

  • In Japan, solid-phase fungal fermentation systems using the industrial fungus Aspergillus oryzae have been extensively used for producing fermented foods such as soy sauce and sake; the annual production volume of the products is over one million tons. The efficient enzymatic hydrolyzing systems are expected to be applicable to biological recycling of biodegradable plastics. We found that A. oryzae can effectively degrade polybutylene succinate-coadipate (PBSA) by the combination with an esterase (cutinase) CutL1 and novel surfactant proteins, RolA and HsbA that are attached to the surface of PBSA and then recruit CutL1. The recruitment of Cutl1 by the surfactants stimulated PBSA degradation.

The fungal biosurfactant protein is applicable to industrial recycling of biodegradable plastics and to production of immune-response free nano-particles for medical use.


Graduate School of Agricultural Science

Keietsu Abe

[nano pigments]

Fabrication of The Novel Designed Nanodrugs Composed of Poorly Water-Soluble Compounds

  • One of our major research focuses is to design the novel drug nanoparticles, so called “Nano-prodrugs”, and to apply them as anticancer drugs or eye drops with excellent delivery efficiency. Nano-prodrugs are constructed by synthetic prodrugs molecules which contains poorly water-soluble substituent. They could be fabricated to nanoparticles with 100 nm or less in size by our reprecipitation technique, which has been used to create organic nanomaterials. We are aiming at practical application of our Nano-prodrugs in the near future.

Our reprecipitation technique for fabricating organic nanomaterials is a versatile technique that can be applied to various organic molecules as well as drug compounds. We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company on controlling and evaluating properties of the organic nanoparticles.


Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials

Hitoshi Kasai

[nano wire]

newMechanical and acoustic properties of nm devices studied by GHz-THz ultrasonics


Ultrasonic measurement is an important technique that is used in various fields of science and technology, including physical property evaluation, imaging and sensing. I use a measurement technique that uses light to excite and detect ultrasonic waves in the frequency range of GHz to THz, and I use this to evaluate the mechanical and acoustic properties of microstructures and thin films with sizes in the nano to micro range, as well as for non-destructive testing.


Conventional ultrasound had a wavelength of several micrometres or more, so it was impossible to measure at the nanoscale.
However, by using femtosecond pulse lasers to manipulate ultrasound with a wavelength of the order of 10 nm, I have achieved the evaluation of the mechanical properties of nano-materials and non-destructive testing in the nano-region.

  • Development of unique measurement technology that makes full use of light and sound (lasers and ultrasound)
  • Excitation and detection of vibration phenomena in nano-materials and GHz bands
  • Accurate measurement of sound velocity and elastic constants under high magnetic fields of 10 to 600 K and up to 5 T
  • Measurement of magnetic damping constants and saturation magnetisation from magnetisation oscillations in the time domain
  • Main targets include nano-thin films of metals, piezoelectric materials, and magnetic materials, as well as superhard materials such as diamond and tungsten carbide
  • Contributing to the development of materials and the elucidation of the characteristics of filters for wireless communication in smartphones
  • Applications include the development of highly sensitive biosensors using ultrasound, which has a shorter wavelength than light, and monitoring the breaking process of nanowires

This measurement method enables the inspection of defects in semiconductors on the order of nm, and the evaluation of the characteristics of acoustic filters, which are essential for 5G communication devices.


Graduate School of Engineering Division for the Establishment of Frontier Sciences of Organization for Advanced Studies

Akira Nagakubo

[nano-blood carbon catalysts]

newExtraction of cellulose nanofibers (CNFs) from sea pineapples' shells and application for energy materials


The sea pineapple is the only animal that produces cellulose, and its shells, excluding the edible parts, are treated as industrial waste. By removing proteins and other components from the sea squirt shells and fibrillating them, cellulose nanofibers (CNFs) can be extracted. We have focused on the fact that CNFs derived from sea squirt shells have a higher degree of crystallinity and greater mechanical strength compared to those from wood, and we are exploring various applications of this material. Furthermore, since the material transforms into high-quality carbon upon calcination, we successfully developed "nano-blood carbon catalysts" by mixing it with dried blood powder and calcining the mixture. These catalysts are being applied in fuel cells, water electrolysis, and metal-air batteries.


CNFs derived from sea pineapple's shells have a higher degree of crystallinity compared to those from wood and provide longer fibers, resulting in high strength. When calcined, they transform into high-performance carbon.

  • We are the only research laboratory that has consistently developed a process for the simple and large-scale purification of CNFs derived from sea pineapple's shells, along with the creation of film materials that leverage their unique properties (mechanical, engineering, surface science, electrical, and thermal characteristics), as well as the development of carbonized materials.

We offer materials derived from sea pineapples' shell CNFs, as well as their carbonized products and catalysts. Please feel free to consult us regarding material supply, carbonization processes, or the utilization of catalysts.


Advanced Institute for Materials Research

Hiroshi Yabu


Fabrication of The Novel Designed Nanodrugs Composed of Poorly Water-Soluble Compounds

  • One of our major research focuses is to design the novel drug nanoparticles, so called “Nano-prodrugs”, and to apply them as anticancer drugs or eye drops with excellent delivery efficiency. Nano-prodrugs are constructed by synthetic prodrugs molecules which contains poorly water-soluble substituent. They could be fabricated to nanoparticles with 100 nm or less in size by our reprecipitation technique, which has been used to create organic nanomaterials. We are aiming at practical application of our Nano-prodrugs in the near future.

Our reprecipitation technique for fabricating organic nanomaterials is a versatile technique that can be applied to various organic molecules as well as drug compounds. We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company on controlling and evaluating properties of the organic nanoparticles.


Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials

Hitoshi Kasai


Development of Nano-Interface Chemistry for Materials Sciences Using Surface Forces Measurement

  • Our research aims at developing methods, including instrumentation, for characterizing surface (or interface) at the nano-meter level. Most of our research subjects are related to the surface forces measurement, which can directly monitor the interaction between two surfaces. We study phenomena occurring at the solid-liquid interface such as adsorption and structuring of liquids. We have developed the resonance shear measurement which is a sensitive method for evaluating properties of confined liquid for nano-rheology and tribology. Twin-path surface forces apparatus we developed enabled us to study wide variety of samples such as metals, ceramics and plastics.

These methods are applicable for characterizing lubricants, nano-materials, paints, sealants, and cosmetics. We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of this technology in industry.


New Industry Creation Hatchery Center

Kazue Kurihara

[nano-scale analysis of materials]

Analysis and Function Elucidation of Fine Clusters and Defects in Materials Invisible by Electron Microscopy

  • It is well known that nano-scale impurity/solute clusters, defects, defect clusters and their complexes affect the mechanical and electrical properties in materials. However, it is very difficult to observe these objects even by state-of-the-art electron microscopes. We overcome the difficulty by employing noble two techniques: laser three-dimensional atom probe (3D-AP) technique and positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS). Laser 3D-AP can map out each atom in various materials (metals, semiconductors, insulators) in three-dimensional real space with nearly atomic scale resolution. PAS can detect vacancy-type defects and defect-impurity complexes very sensitively.

By combining these methods, we are going to reveal the functions of the fine impurity clusters and defects to the materials: developments of new nano-structured materials, the mechanism of degradation of aged structural materials, the fall in the yield of semiconductor device production, and developments of quantum devices etc.


Institute for Materials Research

Yasuyoshi Nagai


Development of Nano-Interface Chemistry for Materials Sciences Using Surface Forces Measurement

  • Our research aims at developing methods, including instrumentation, for characterizing surface (or interface) at the nano-meter level. Most of our research subjects are related to the surface forces measurement, which can directly monitor the interaction between two surfaces. We study phenomena occurring at the solid-liquid interface such as adsorption and structuring of liquids. We have developed the resonance shear measurement which is a sensitive method for evaluating properties of confined liquid for nano-rheology and tribology. Twin-path surface forces apparatus we developed enabled us to study wide variety of samples such as metals, ceramics and plastics.

These methods are applicable for characterizing lubricants, nano-materials, paints, sealants, and cosmetics. We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of this technology in industry.


New Industry Creation Hatchery Center

Kazue Kurihara


Development of Terahertz Semiconductor Devices Using Novel Nano-Heterostructures and Materials and their ICT Applications

  • Terahertz coherent electromagnetic waves are expected to explore the potential application fields of future information and communications technologies. We are developing novel, ultra-broadband integrated signal-processing devices/systems operating in the terahertz frequency regime employing novel semiconductor nano-heterostructures and materials. We are challenging to develop room-temperature operating coherent and intense laser transistors and fast-response and highly sensitive detectors working for the next-generation beyond-5G terahertz wireless communications as well as safety and security terahertz imaging applications.
  • A. Ultimately-fast terahertz transistors utilizing graphene, carbon-based new material, and compound semiconductor heterojunction material systems:
  • Graphene-based novel terahertz photonics devices, breaking through the limit on conventional technology. Recently we have succeeded in single-mode terahertz lasing in a dual-gate graphene-channel laser transistor device at 100K. Moreover, we have succeeded in room-temperature terahertz coherent amplification in a dual-grating-gate graphene channel transistor promoted by current-driven graphene Dirac plasmon instability. The obtained maximal gain of 9% is four times as high as the quantum efficiency limit when terahertz photons interact directly with graphene electrons without excitation of graphene plasmons. These will be big steps towards realization of an intense, room-temperature operating graphene plasmonic terahertz laser transistors.
  • B. Frequency-tunable plasmon-resonant terahertz emitter and detectors and metamaterial circuits:
  • By using an original dual-grating-gate high-electron mobility transistor (DGG-HEMT) structure with InP-based material systems record-breaking ultrahigh-sensitive detection of terahertz radiation have been realized at room temperature.

By making full use of these world-leading device/circuit technologies, we are exploring future ultra-broadband 6G- and 7G-class wireless communication systems as well as spectroscopic/imaging systems for safety and security. We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of this technology in industry.


Research Institute of Electrical Communication

Taiichi Otsuji


Magnetic Materials (Permanent Magnets, High Frequency Materials, Microwave Absorbers)

  • The objectives of my researches are the development of high performance magnets and improvement of their magnetic properties. I have already developed following high performance magnets, such as Nd-Fe-B magnets using didymium, Sm-Fe-N high coercive powders prepared by HDDR and Fe-Cr-Co magnets. Recently, I have studied about the reduction of Dy content in Nd-Fe-B magnets for the use of HEV and have succeeded to develop high coercive Dy-free Nd-Fe-B sintered magnets by decreasing the grain size. I have also developed new kinds of microwave absorbers for the use in the frequencies of GHz range using permanent magnetic materials or nanoparticles.

High performance magnetic materials can be used in many applications in automobile, home electronics, IT and medical industries. We hope to conduct collaborative researches with companies producing magnetic materials for the use in these applications, which aims to improve magnetic properties or to develop new magnetic materials.


Graduate School of Engineering

Satoshi Sugimoto


Electronic properties of nanostructures and nanodevices

  • 1) We investigate interesting properties of nanostructures and develop materials and devices utilizing nanostructures.
  • 2) We have techniques and skills on low-noise electric measurements, cryogenics, nanofabrication, and data informatics. We are open to new collaborations.


Advanced Institute for Materials Research

Tomohiro Otsuka


newExtraction of cellulose nanofibers (CNFs) from sea pineapples' shells and application for energy materials


The sea pineapple is the only animal that produces cellulose, and its shells, excluding the edible parts, are treated as industrial waste. By removing proteins and other components from the sea squirt shells and fibrillating them, cellulose nanofibers (CNFs) can be extracted. We have focused on the fact that CNFs derived from sea squirt shells have a higher degree of crystallinity and greater mechanical strength compared to those from wood, and we are exploring various applications of this material. Furthermore, since the material transforms into high-quality carbon upon calcination, we successfully developed "nano-blood carbon catalysts" by mixing it with dried blood powder and calcining the mixture. These catalysts are being applied in fuel cells, water electrolysis, and metal-air batteries.


CNFs derived from sea pineapple's shells have a higher degree of crystallinity compared to those from wood and provide longer fibers, resulting in high strength. When calcined, they transform into high-performance carbon.

  • We are the only research laboratory that has consistently developed a process for the simple and large-scale purification of CNFs derived from sea pineapple's shells, along with the creation of film materials that leverage their unique properties (mechanical, engineering, surface science, electrical, and thermal characteristics), as well as the development of carbonized materials.

We offer materials derived from sea pineapples' shell CNFs, as well as their carbonized products and catalysts. Please feel free to consult us regarding material supply, carbonization processes, or the utilization of catalysts.


Advanced Institute for Materials Research

Hiroshi Yabu


Development of Miniature and Highly-Functional Photonic Devices Using Ultrafine Microstructures

  • In our laboratory, miniature and highly-functional photonic devices based on new optical phenomena caused by the interaction of ultrafine microstructures with light have been studied. In addition, development of new production technology to overcome the problems that have been obvious from the practical application viewpoint of nanophotonic devices has been performed.
    • -Main research topics--
    MEMS tunable metamaterials for optical control.
  • Structural color filters using subwavelength gratings for the applications of display and spectroscopic analyzers.
  • Surface-smoothing technology using surface self-diffusion.
  • Study of low loss silicon nanophotonic devices.

We aim to realize optical filters, optical resonators, and color filters, by using above technologies. Also, development of nano-photonic elements fabricated by a nanoimprint technology has been progressed.
We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of this technology in industry.


Graduate School of Engineering

Yoshiaki Kanamori

Indentation modulus 8.4 GPa! Resin replica mold more solid than polyimide


Light curing high strength resin mold



Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials

Masaru Nakagawa

[nanoimprint lithography]

Photo-Functional Advanced Materials for Nanofabrication by Nanoimprint Lithography

  • Nakagawa group has dedicated to pursue scientific principles for molecular control of interface function occurring at polymer/other material interfaces and to put them into practice in nanoimprint lithography promising as a next generation nanofabrication tool. We are developing advanced photo-functional materials such as sticking molecular layers for "fix by light", UV-curable resins and antisticking molecular layers for "preparation by light", fluorescent resist materials for "inspection by light", and hybrid optical materials "available to light" and new research tools such as mechanical measurement systems to evaluate release property of UV-curable resins.

Our research aims at creating new devices to control photon, electron, and magnetism.


Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials

Masaru Nakagawa


Advanced Nanotechnology for Critical metal free secondary battery

  • Monoatomic layered materials of Graphene, Transition metal sulfide nanosheet, nanocrystalline active materials, nanoparticles and nanoporous materials are investigated for realizing high capacity, high power, high safety and low cost energy storage devices as a post- Lithium ion battery. Advanced chemistry of functional materials and device processes for All solid state battery, Magnesium battery, fuel cells, supercapacitor and wearable batteries are investigated.

Academia – Industry collaboration with manufacturing companies of functional materials, batteries, and also smart grid, renewable energy, electrical power companies are encouraged for developments of advanced energy materials and post-Lithium ion battery.


Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials

Itaru Homma


Magnetic Materials (Permanent Magnets, High Frequency Materials, Microwave Absorbers)

  • The objectives of my researches are the development of high performance magnets and improvement of their magnetic properties. I have already developed following high performance magnets, such as Nd-Fe-B magnets using didymium, Sm-Fe-N high coercive powders prepared by HDDR and Fe-Cr-Co magnets. Recently, I have studied about the reduction of Dy content in Nd-Fe-B magnets for the use of HEV and have succeeded to develop high coercive Dy-free Nd-Fe-B sintered magnets by decreasing the grain size. I have also developed new kinds of microwave absorbers for the use in the frequencies of GHz range using permanent magnetic materials or nanoparticles.

High performance magnetic materials can be used in many applications in automobile, home electronics, IT and medical industries. We hope to conduct collaborative researches with companies producing magnetic materials for the use in these applications, which aims to improve magnetic properties or to develop new magnetic materials.


Graduate School of Engineering

Satoshi Sugimoto


Polymer-nanoparticle hybrid materials

  • Hybrid materials that show multi-functions of polymer and nanoparticles are expected to be used in future industries, and thus many research and development have been actively conducted. However, since the affinity of polymer and inorganic nanoparticles is very low, in most of the cases, properties of different materials are incompatible in the hybrid materials. To create the hybrid materials with incompatible multi-functions has been considered a difficult task.
  • However, by using supercritical fluid technology, we have succeeded in making hybrid materials with incompatible multi-functions.

Now, variety of hybrid materials are being developed, including
・Transparent, flexible, high reflective index, and high fabricability,
・Flexible, high heat conductivity, low electric resistivity, and high fabricability.


Advanced Institute for Materials Research

Tadafumi Ajiri

Supercritical Hydrothermal Synthesis of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Nanoparticles

  • We invented supercritical hydrothermal synthesis method for the synthesis of organic modified nanoparticles (NPs). Under the supercritical state, the organic molecules and metal salt aqueous solutions are miscible and water molecule works as an acid/base catalyst for the reactions. Organic-inorganic conjugate NPs can be synthesized under this condition. This hybrid NPs show high affinity with the organic solvent or the polymer matrix, which leads to fabricate the organic inorganic hybrid nanomaterials with the trade-off function (super hybird nanomaterials). These hybrid materials of polymer and ceramics fabricated with NPs achieve both high thermal conductivity and easy thin film flexible fabrication, namely trade-off function.

For example, by the surface modification of BN particles by supercritical method, affinity of BN and polymers could be improved, so that high BN content of hybrid materials, thus high thermal conductivity materials, could be synthesized. Also by dispersing high refractive index NPs like TiO2 or ZrO2 into polymers transparently, we can tune the refractive index of the polymers. CeO2 nanoparticles are expected to be used for high performance catalysts. To transfer those supercritical fluid nano technologies, a consortium was launched with more than 70 companies.


Advanced Institute for Materials Research

Tadafumi Ajiri