"P" Keywords - 104 Result(s)
[peripheral circulation]
The Novel Ultrasound Irradiation Device
ResearchersResearch Center for Accelerator and Radioisotope Science Katsunori Nonogaki
[peripheral nerve disorders]
Induction of Schwann cells from human mesenchymal stem cells and their application to spinal cord injury and demyelinating diseases
ResearchersGraduate School of Medicine Mari Dezawa
Magnetic Materials (Permanent Magnets, High Frequency Materials, Microwave Absorbers)
ResearchersGraduate School of Engineering Satoshi Sugimoto
[Personal Information Trade]
Blockchain-based Approachs for High Secure P2P-type Decentralized Cloud Storage and Practical Smart Contract for Trading Personal Data
ResearchersCenter for Data-driven Science and Artificial Intelligence Masao Sakai
[personal mobility]
Coexistence of humans and mobile robots
ResearchersGraduate School of Engineering Yusuke Tamura
[pest management]
Lethal effects of blue light on insects
ResearchersGraduate School of Agricultural Science Masatoshi Hori
Study on Molecular Mechanism for Plant Immune System
ResearchersGraduate School of Agricultural Science Hideki Takahashi
Chemical Recycling of Problematic Polymeric Wastes
ResearchersGraduate School of Environmental Studies Toshiaki Yoshioka
Development of Compound Semiconductor Radiation Detectors
ResearchersGraduate School of Engineering Keitaro Hitomi
Radiological Medical Infomatics
ResearchersResearch Center for Accelerator and Radioisotope Science Hiroshi Watabe
Functional and Molecular Imaging with Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
ResearchersResearch Center for Accelerator and Radioisotope Science Manabu Tashiro
Role of Volatiles on Petit-Spot Volcanoes
ResearchersCenter for Northeast Asian Studies Naoto Hirano
Changing Corporate In-Service Training
ResearchersGraduate School of Education Taira Nakajima
Radiological Medical Infomatics
ResearchersResearch Center for Accelerator and Radioisotope Science Hiroshi Watabe
[pharmacological effects]
Functional and Molecular Imaging with Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
ResearchersResearch Center for Accelerator and Radioisotope Science Manabu Tashiro
X-Ray Phase Imaging for High-Sensitive Non-Destructive Testing
ResearchersInstitute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials Atsushi Momose
[Phase change]
Advanced die casting process computing with solidification phenomena
ResearchersInstitute of Fluid Science Jun Ishimoto
[phase change memory]
Study on Phase Change Materials for PCRAM Application
ResearchersGraduate School of Engineering Yuji Suto
Development of PHD-Targeted Drug for Ischemic Injury
ResearchersGraduate School of Medicine Toshio Miyata
[Philosophy of Technology]
Philosophy of Science and Technology, Science and Technology Studies (STS)
ResearchersGraduate School of Arts and Letters Kiyotaka Naoe