"S" Keywords - 154 Result(s)


[Statistical Mechanics]

Optimizing everything / Optimal Society

  • Aiming at developing practical quantum optimization technology known as quantum annealing, we are working on exploring basic technologies that can overcome the limitations and applications in collaboration with multiple companies. The advantage of the method is that it can be used simply by formulating a cost function that draws the goal to be optimized once, but we are not limited to the original method. We extend it by considering a much easier problem, sequential optimization by learning, black box optimization, etc.. In particular, it is being applied to automated driving, logistics in factories, and evacuation guidance during disasters.

Applications to route search problems such as automatic driving of various vehicles, evacuation route guidance at the time of disaster, process scheduling and a large number of combination problems. We can provide a solution to combinatorial optimization in each industry. (Transportation / distribution, manufacturing, materials, drug discovery, etc.)


Graduate School of Information Sciences

Masayuki Ohzeki

[Statistical Science]

Data Analytics for Creation of Social Values

  • My research field is a data analytics for creation of social values by data science approaches. In modern society, we can observe various data sets about our daily life, business or community. I aim to create new services for it using such data set and methods of Bayesian modeling, data mining or machine learning.


Graduate School of Economics and Management

Tsukasa Ishigaki


Advanced Analysis of Socio-Economical Data for Capturing Social Needs

  • We have proposed advanced methods of behavior analysis for public transport service.
  • They include a demand composition based on the automatically mesured traffic data, estimation of true demand partly unrealized by the congestion, and intense usage of geographical data. These methods may be applicable for behavior analysis besides transport service.

We welcome cooperative research on demand analysis of public services, as well as needs analysis for new goods and services.


International Research Institute of Disaster Science

Makoto Okumura


Advanced Control of Microstructure and Property of Structural Metallic Materials

  • Microstructure represents various kinds of heterogeneities in the metallic materials, i.e., grains, component phase, lattice defects and chemical inhomogeneity such as impurity/alloying elements. It can be modified through control of phase transformation/precipitation and deformation/recrystallization by adjusting compositions of materials and/or through processing routes (heat treatment, deformation). Such expertise in micro/nanostructure control is very important in production of current materials from viewpoints of energy saving and recycling in structural materials such as steels and titanium alloys.
  • We attempt to apply more advanced control of micro/nanostructures, such as atomic structures of crystalline interfaces, chemistory in an atomic scale (e.g., segregation) and so on. Fundamentals of microstructure formation (thermodynamics, kinetics, crystallography) are examined both theoretically and experimentally to clarify key factors for microstructure control. Another important aspect in our research is the improvement of mechanical property by microstructure manipulation.

Possibilities to establish new functions (e.g., superplasticity, shape memory/superelasticity) as well as superior mechanical properties (e.g., ultrahigh strength with high toughness/ductility) is also explored.


Institute for Materials Research

Tadashi Furuhara

[Steel Moment Resisting Frames]


Biomodel for Development of Endovascular Treatment

  • We perform in-vitro or computational researches for development of medical devices. We develop a model of artery or bone to evaluate medical devices. And we apply optimization way for development of medical devices. Our main target is, currently, stent, or catheter.

Our collaboration company can be; medical equipment, device, medical image, MEMS, standardization, medical training, or polymer.


Institute of Fluid Science

Makoto Ohta

[step length]

Assessment of Physical Activities Using Wearable Sensors

  • Maintaining appropriate amount of physical activity is essential for health and disease prevention. Gait is the most common type of physical activity in everyday life. Monitoring the amount of physical activity in everyday lives may benefit mainly those who are at threat of metabolic syndrome and overweight. Towards better estimation of the amount of physical activity utilizing wearable sensors, we focused on taking running and walking economy into account. The relationship between step length and oxygen uptake was first determined. Step length estimation with moderate accuracy was accomplished using acceleration signals during walking. Step length was then taken into energy expenditure calculation as one of the variables.

Together with the basic version of the current locomotion monitoring system capable of counting staircase climbing up & down, we managed to upgrade our locomotion monitoring system into 3 dimensional.


Head Office of Enterprise Partnerships

Ryoichi Nagatomi

[Stereoscopic Display]

Interactive Content to Enrich Our Lives

  • (1) Displays and Interactive Techniques
  • Designing original display systems to show visual information accurately and effectively, and interaction techniques to make better use of these display systems.
  • (2) Interactive Video Content
  • Creating new interactive content from real video taken by cameras and computer-generated animations.
  • (3) Modeling and Controlling the “Atmosphere” in a Conversation Space
  • Aiming to stimulate the “atmosphere” in a conversation space by supplying real-time feedback to the users, we are exploring means of sensing and analyzing change in the space.
  • (4) Designing and Evaluating Novel Interaction Techniques
  • Designing and evaluating novel interaction techniques on target selection for variety types of displays including large and touch displays.


Research Institute of Electrical Communication

Yoshifumi Kitamura


Development of next-generation sterilization method by a plasma flow at atmospheric pressure

  • Plasma sterilization has been developed as an alternative sterilization method due to its chemical activity, operation at low temperature and atmospheric pressure, low power consumption, low cost and safety. We have studied a mechanism of chemical species generation and transport in a plasma flow and, the sterilization efficacy and mechanism for several plasma sources at atmospheric pressure, such as a microwave plasma flow, a dielectric barrier discharge in a tube and a water vapor plasma flow. We already clarified that the damages of outer membrane and destructions of the cytoplasmic membrane of Escherichia coli by exposure to the microwave plasma flow. Fig. 1 shows the effect of plasma exposure on the E. coli. When the E. coli was exposed to the plasma, the height of the E. coli decreased and the potassium leakage of cytoplasmic material increased. For sterilization in a tube, we also clarified that an induced flow in the narrow tube by DBD transports chemical species and sterilize the whole inside surface of a tube as shown in Fig. 2. We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of this technology in industry.


Institute of Fluid Science

Takehiko Sato


Hormone Actions in Human Breast Carcinoma

  • Breast cancer is one of the most common malignancies in women worldwide. Therefore, it is very important to investigate biological features of breast carcinoma in order to improve clinical outcome of the patients. It is well known that estrogens play important roles in the development of human breast carcinomas, and endocrine therapies are frequently used in these patients to block the intratumoral estrogen actions. In the Division of Pathology and Histotechnology, we analyze hormone actions in breast carcinoma by pathological methods as well as various molecular biological techniques.

It will be possible to newly develop diagnostic techniques regarding prediction of prognosis and/or effectiveness of treatment in breast cancer patients.


Graduate School of Medicine

Takashi Suzuki


Internet video streams have identities like fingerprints

  • According to recent studies, each video that is streamed online has its own unique characteristic. The pattern of data that are sent through the network can vary from one encoding method to another and the change from scene to scene, which is a unique characteristic of each video. This research aims to identify video content in the network without looking at the data itself.

This research would be especially useful in preventing illegal distribution of television program such as illegal channel without violating user privacy. Another application would be to prevent confidential online meeting from leaking outside local enterprise network. In addition, it is also possible to investigate the circulation of a video content using method introduced by this work.


Graduate School of Information Sciences

Nei Kato


Advanced Control of Microstructure and Property of Structural Metallic Materials

  • Microstructure represents various kinds of heterogeneities in the metallic materials, i.e., grains, component phase, lattice defects and chemical inhomogeneity such as impurity/alloying elements. It can be modified through control of phase transformation/precipitation and deformation/recrystallization by adjusting compositions of materials and/or through processing routes (heat treatment, deformation). Such expertise in micro/nanostructure control is very important in production of current materials from viewpoints of energy saving and recycling in structural materials such as steels and titanium alloys.
  • We attempt to apply more advanced control of micro/nanostructures, such as atomic structures of crystalline interfaces, chemistory in an atomic scale (e.g., segregation) and so on. Fundamentals of microstructure formation (thermodynamics, kinetics, crystallography) are examined both theoretically and experimentally to clarify key factors for microstructure control. Another important aspect in our research is the improvement of mechanical property by microstructure manipulation.

Possibilities to establish new functions (e.g., superplasticity, shape memory/superelasticity) as well as superior mechanical properties (e.g., ultrahigh strength with high toughness/ductility) is also explored.


Institute for Materials Research

Tadashi Furuhara


The Novel Ultrasound Irradiation Device

  • Dr. Katsunori Nonogaki has developed the novel ultrasound irradiation device, which can improve the autonomic nervous system activity and peripheral circulation. In addition, the ultrasoud device can improve hypertension and hyperglycemia within 20 min in subjects with drug-resistant hypertension and diabetes. Our initial device was approved in Japan (226AIBZX00028000). This device will be avaliable for the treatment of 1) muscle pain, 2) the autonomic neural dysfunction and stress-related disorders, 3) hypertention, and 4) diabetes. Moreover, the device will be usefull for your healthy life and aging care.

Our aims are to export the device internationally. We seek the investment and international business partners.


Research Center for Accelerator and Radioisotope Science

Katsunori Nonogaki

[Stress Corrosion Crack]

Fabrication of Imitative Stress Corrosion Cracking Specimens for the Development of Nondestructive Evaluation Techniques

  • The emergence of stress corrosion cracking is one of the most important issues from the viewpoint of aging management and maintenance of nuclear power plants. There is a large discrepancy between stress corrosion cracking and other cracks such as fatigue cracks from the viewpoint of nondestructive testing and evaluations, which requires suitable specimens containing stress corrosion cracking for the development of nondestructive testing and evaluation techniques and also for personnel training. However, artificially introducing stress corrosion cracking needs large cost and long time. Furthermore, several studies have pointed out that such articial stress corrosion cracking is not always similar to natural ones. On the basis of the background above, we develop a method to fabricate "imitative" stress corrosion cracking specimens using diffusion bonding.

The method enables one to introduce a region whose response is almost identical to actual stress corrosion cracking from the viewpoint of nondestructive testing. Whereas the dimension of the region is accurately controllable, the method requires much less cost and time comparing the conventional ones using corrosive environment. Patent is already applied for.


Graduate School of Engineering

Noritaka Yusa

[stress corrosion cracking]

Suppression of Intergranular Degradation of Polycrystalline Materials by Grain Boundary Engineering

  • Intergranular degradation often results in decreased lifetime, reliability and economical efficiency of polycrystalline materials. In spite of persistent efforts to prevent such degradation, its complete suppression has not yet been achieved. Grain boundary studies have revealed that coincidence-site-lattice (CSL) boundaries have stronger resistance to intergranular degradations than random boundaries. The concept of ‘grain boundary design and control' has been refined as grain boundary engineering (GBE). GBEed materials which are characterized by high frequencies of CSL boundaries are resistant to intergranular degradations. Our group has achieved very high frequencies of CSL boundaries in commercial stainless steels by GBE. GBEed stainless steels showed significantly stronger resistance to intergranular corrosion (see Figs. 1 and 2), weld-decay, knife-line attack, stress corrosion cracking, liquid-metal embrittlement, radiation damage, etc. and much longer creep life (see Fig. 3) than the unGBEed ones.

By using this GBE processing, we expect to conduct effective collaborative research in related fields.


Graduate School of Engineering

Yutaka Sato


Integrated Design for Sustainable Energy Systems

  • The concept of LCS (low carbon society) is a unique approach having multi-dimensional considerations such as social, economic and environmental dimensions. The LCS aims at an extensive restructuring of worldwide energy supply/demand network system by not only replacing the conventional parts with the new ones, but also integrating all the necessary components and designing absolutely different energy networks. An energy-economic model is a tool for decision making for a variety of purposes, such as energy security planning, climate policy analysis, and technology innovation assessment.

Provide local governments, participating companies, and consultants with databases related to local energy supply and demand to support data analysis and scenario design in planning smart cities and decarbonized regions.


Graduate School of Engineering

Toshihiko Nakata

[submarine survey]

Role of Volatiles on Petit-Spot Volcanoes

  • The new kind of volcanoes, petit-spot, are located off NE Japan and Chile. They erupt at a submarine portion to be far from tectonic plate boundaries (e.g., mid-oceanic ridges and volcanic arcs) of the usual sites of volcanoes, earthquakes, and related geologic activity. The magmas have extremely high carbon dioxide and possibly originate from the base of tectonic plate.

The magma is squeezed upward and erupts in deep submarine environment wherever the tectonic plate flexes and fractures in the world. Collaborating work with business community would be required in order to search the submarine volcanoes and their related mines.


Center for Northeast Asian Studies

Naoto Hirano

[super vitaminE]

Selective recovery of tocotrienol from vegetable oils using ion-exchange resins

  • Tocotrienol, one of vitamin E, has recovered by the conventional method with molecular distillation from deodrizer distillate discharged from the oil refining processes. However, tocotrienol easily loses its activity due to its low thermal stability, so that its recovery ratio and purity were extremely low. We proposed a novel method to selectively recover tocotrienol by adsorption/desorption using anion-exchange resin at 50 degree C. Tocotrienol is retained on the resin by ion-exchange reaction, and then released and recoverd from the resin by other ion-exchange reaction. Prior to the adsorption/desorption, free fatty acid, a major component of the feed, should be removed by esterification using cation-exchange resin at 50 degree C.

This innovative technology succeeds in solving the serious problems in the current tocotrienol production, the large weight loss due to the thermal decomposition and large amount of remaining impurities. This technology applies to the production of not only tocotrienol but also tocopherol as bioactive compounds s in food chemicals.


Graduate School of Engineering

Naomi Kitakawa


Precipitation Hardened Co-based Alloy

  • The high-temperature strength in Co-based alloys is inferior to that in Ni-based superalloys due to no available ’ phase for strengthening Co-based alloys. We have found a new intermetallic compound Co3(Al,W) ’ phase, and /’ Co-Al-W-based wrought and cast alloys show excellent high-temperature strength. The /’ Ir-Al-W-based alloys are also available for high-temperature uses at over 1100 °C. The Co-based alloys also have good wear resistance. For example, friction stir welding (FSW) of high-softening-temperature materials such as steels and titanium alloys is possible using a Co-based alloy tool. We hope to conduct collaborative research with willing company for a practical application of the Co- or Ir-based alloys for high-temperature uses including FSW applications.


Graduate School of Engineering

Toshihiro Omori


Advanced Nanotechnology for Critical metal free secondary battery

  • Monoatomic layered materials of Graphene, Transition metal sulfide nanosheet, nanocrystalline active materials, nanoparticles and nanoporous materials are investigated for realizing high capacity, high power, high safety and low cost energy storage devices as a post- Lithium ion battery. Advanced chemistry of functional materials and device processes for All solid state battery, Magnesium battery, fuel cells, supercapacitor and wearable batteries are investigated.

Academia – Industry collaboration with manufacturing companies of functional materials, batteries, and also smart grid, renewable energy, electrical power companies are encouraged for developments of advanced energy materials and post-Lithium ion battery.


Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials

Itaru Homma