"S" Keywords - 154 Result(s)



Brain Mechanism Realizing Human Mind

  • I am investigating the brain mechanism of human mind. Specifically, my target is the internal schema that dissociate the self and other in the following three layers: physical, interpersonal, and social domains.

  • Improvement of the interface of the system
  • Clarifying the neuro-cognitive mechanism of the effect on the customer
  • New concept of the customer satisfaction


Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer

Motoaki Sugiura

[self-driving car]

Coexistence of humans and mobile robots

  • A variety of new mobilities coexisting with humans, such as service robots, self-driving cars, and personal mobility, are expected to be deployed. In this laboratory, we are studying technologies for the safe and smooth coexistence of these various mobile vehicles with humans.
  • In particular, we are approaching the problem from the aspect of predicting the movement of humans by considering their characteristics such as visual attention.

The targeted application is service robots, personal mobility, self-driving cars, and other mobile vehicles that will be expected to coexist with humans, as well as the design of transportation environments for these vehicles to safely coexist with humans.


Graduate School of Engineering

Yusuke Tamura

[self-healing concrete]


Electronic properties of nanostructures and nanodevices

  • 1) We investigate interesting properties of nanostructures and develop materials and devices utilizing nanostructures.
  • 2) We have techniques and skills on low-noise electric measurements, cryogenics, nanofabrication, and data informatics. We are open to new collaborations.


Advanced Institute for Materials Research

Tomohiro Otsuka

Hands-On Access Fabrication Facility –Open Facility for MEMS and Semiconductor Prototyping–


We offer shared facility for the development of semiconductor prototypes equipped with 4-inch, 6-inch and some 8-inch wafer fabrication tools available on an hourly basis. Know-how accumulated at Tohoku University is available, and staff provide maximum support for prototyping. The service is performed at the 1,200 m2 Super Clean Room on the second floor of the Junichi Nishizawa Memorial Research Centre at Tohoku University. For information on equipment and fees, see our website.


More than 10 experienced technical staff assist customer's usages. Standard process conditions for each process, such as etching and deposition, are provided. allowing customers to start prototyping immediately. Various materials other than silicon can also be supported.

  • We support the development of devices and semiconductor materials such as MEMS, optical elements and RF components.
  • Technical consultation on devices and processes before and during prototyping is also available.
  • A
  • 'Prototype lab' for device packaging is also available.
  • The museums where you can learn about the history of semiconductors, measuring instruments and sensors are open.
  • As part of Technology Co-creation for Semiconductor of Tohoku University, we promote R&D of semiconductors and the development of human resources.
  • On-demand semiconductor human resource development programs for students and engineers are available.
  • As a member of the MEXT's Advanced Research Infrastructure for Materials (ARIM) program, we are involved in sharing facility and data.

More than 330 companies have used our shared facility since its launch in 2010, not only from device manufacturers such as MEMS, but also from manufacturers of materials, mechanical components and equipment. To date, we have successfully supported the commercialization of about 10 devices.


Micro System Integration Center

Kentaro Totsu

newMechanical and acoustic properties of nm devices studied by GHz-THz ultrasonics


Ultrasonic measurement is an important technique that is used in various fields of science and technology, including physical property evaluation, imaging and sensing. I use a measurement technique that uses light to excite and detect ultrasonic waves in the frequency range of GHz to THz, and I use this to evaluate the mechanical and acoustic properties of microstructures and thin films with sizes in the nano to micro range, as well as for non-destructive testing.


Conventional ultrasound had a wavelength of several micrometres or more, so it was impossible to measure at the nanoscale.
However, by using femtosecond pulse lasers to manipulate ultrasound with a wavelength of the order of 10 nm, I have achieved the evaluation of the mechanical properties of nano-materials and non-destructive testing in the nano-region.

  • Development of unique measurement technology that makes full use of light and sound (lasers and ultrasound)
  • Excitation and detection of vibration phenomena in nano-materials and GHz bands
  • Accurate measurement of sound velocity and elastic constants under high magnetic fields of 10 to 600 K and up to 5 T
  • Measurement of magnetic damping constants and saturation magnetisation from magnetisation oscillations in the time domain
  • Main targets include nano-thin films of metals, piezoelectric materials, and magnetic materials, as well as superhard materials such as diamond and tungsten carbide
  • Contributing to the development of materials and the elucidation of the characteristics of filters for wireless communication in smartphones
  • Applications include the development of highly sensitive biosensors using ultrasound, which has a shorter wavelength than light, and monitoring the breaking process of nanowires

This measurement method enables the inspection of defects in semiconductors on the order of nm, and the evaluation of the characteristics of acoustic filters, which are essential for 5G communication devices.


Graduate School of Engineering Division for the Establishment of Frontier Sciences of Organization for Advanced Studies

Akira Nagakubo

[Semiconductor Integrated Circuit]

Development of Biomedical Micro/Nano Integrated System Using LSI Technology

  • Semiconductor neural engineering is a discipline that uses semiconductor process/device/circuit technologies to further understand properties of neural systems and to create novel fusion systems of living body and machine.

One of the goals in this laboratory is to establish semiconductor neural engineering and develop biomedical micro/nano integrated systems.
Another goal is to educate the next generation of leaders in biomedical engineering through research including:
1. Intelligent Si neural probe and biomedical signal processing LSI
2. Fully-implantable retinal prosthesis system
3. Bio/nano technology and novel Bio-FET sensor
4. 3-dimensional integration technology and analog/digital LSI design


Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering

Tetsu Tanaka

[Semiconductor processing]

Development of Advanced Device and Process Technologies and New Image Sensors

  • Toward the ultimate performances of image sensors, advanced research activities are being conducted that cover a wide range of technology fields from cleanroom infrastructure, materials, process equipment, process, device, circuit, assembly, signal processing, measurement/evaluation and reliability. Following technologies have been successfully commercialized:
  • A fast and accurate measurement technology of electrical characteristics for over 1 million transistors
  • A wide dynamic range CMOS image sensor technology capturing images over five decade brightness ranges
  • An ultra-fast CMOS image sensor technology with 10 million frames/sec

Followings are available for industry collaborators:
A. 200mm-diameter-wafer silicon device fabrication utilizing the ultra-clean facility including wafer mutual fabrication processing between device manufacturers.
B. Process technology development and various kinds of analyses.
C. Development of new image sensors.


New Industry Creation Hatchery Center

Shigetoshi Sugawa


Development of Passive Millimeter-wave Imaging Device for Practical Applications

  • Millimeter wave (MM-wave) which is one of the electromagnetic wave transparent the clothes, the fire and the wall etc. and all natural materials including objects in clothes always radiate the electromagnetic wave as the thermal noise. Using these characteristics of MM-wave, imaging of concealed objects in clothes can be accomplished in a noninvasive and noncontact manner. This technique is called Passive Millimeter Wave (PMMW) Imaging technique and we have developed a PMMW imaging device for security applications.
  • The wave length of MM-wave frequency range is from 1 mm to 10 mm and the spatial resolution of images in MM-wave range is low compared with sub-millimeter (terahertz) range or Infra-Red range, however, higher transmittance through clothes can be obtained compared with higher frequency range. Furthermore, low noise amplifier (LNA) exists which could be the advantage of MM-wave compared with higher frequency ranges.
  • Now the device was developed for the purpose of keeping safe and secure aircrafts and ships etc., we hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application of this technology in industrial fields such as the fire rescue, the police equipment and the medical devices.


Graduate School of Engineering

Hiroyasu Sato

MEMS/Micromachines and Microfabrication Technology

  • We are studying MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) and related technologies, which are typically used for the input/output of information/communication devices, the safety of automobiles etc. Our representative topics include integrated sensors, piezoelectric devices, RF MEMS, micro energy devices and wafer-level packages. Our facilities are open-accessible and well equipped with a lot of tools for lithography, dry/wet etching, thin film deposition, wafer bonding, device mounting and evaluations, which can be operated by each researcher. Using these tools, a variety of MEMS are being prototyped. Also, new microfabrication tools are being developed by ourselves.

We are collaborating with many companies, from which visiting researchers are dispatched to our laboratory. We also accept companies which want to just use specific tools in our facilities. Consultation is always welcome.


Graduate School of Engineering

Shuji Tanaka

Design, fabrication and test of high performance miniaturized sensor and actuator systems

  • Micro and nano electro-mechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS) have completely changed human society in the past decades. Many devices that are taken for granted these days like smart phone, future car and drone would be unthinkable without them.
  • The integration of various new kinds of materials, such as metallic glass and nanostructures into micro technologies allows us to create devices with novel performance and characteristics; examples include acoustic sensors and actuators, thermoelectric generators and wafer level packages.
  • In collaboration with partners inside and outside Tohoku University, technologies are being developed that can be transferred to industry ranging from material integration and processes to packaging and reliability.

Wide collaboration in Microsystem technology is possible. We develop, implement and optimize processes, devices and systems until they are ready for use, keeping in mind reliability, yield and other important features for commercialization. We work with also with partners, such as Fraunhofer. Flexible interlinking of expertise and capacities with other research groups enables us to meet broad project requirements and create complex system solutions.


Micro System Integration Center

Froemel Joerg Eckhardt

Lymph node metastasis prediction and treatment evaluation system

  • 1. pressure sensor (needle, optical fiber, etc.) can be inserted into the lymph node to evaluate the risk of lymph node metastasis and treatment.
  • 2. domestic patent obtained

Joint research with a medical device manufacturer to develop a diagnosis and treatment system for lymph node metastasis


Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering

Tetsuya Kodama

Hands-On Access Fabrication Facility –Open Facility for MEMS and Semiconductor Prototyping–


We offer shared facility for the development of semiconductor prototypes equipped with 4-inch, 6-inch and some 8-inch wafer fabrication tools available on an hourly basis. Know-how accumulated at Tohoku University is available, and staff provide maximum support for prototyping. The service is performed at the 1,200 m2 Super Clean Room on the second floor of the Junichi Nishizawa Memorial Research Centre at Tohoku University. For information on equipment and fees, see our website.


More than 10 experienced technical staff assist customer's usages. Standard process conditions for each process, such as etching and deposition, are provided. allowing customers to start prototyping immediately. Various materials other than silicon can also be supported.

  • We support the development of devices and semiconductor materials such as MEMS, optical elements and RF components.
  • Technical consultation on devices and processes before and during prototyping is also available.
  • A
  • 'Prototype lab' for device packaging is also available.
  • The museums where you can learn about the history of semiconductors, measuring instruments and sensors are open.
  • As part of Technology Co-creation for Semiconductor of Tohoku University, we promote R&D of semiconductors and the development of human resources.
  • On-demand semiconductor human resource development programs for students and engineers are available.
  • As a member of the MEXT's Advanced Research Infrastructure for Materials (ARIM) program, we are involved in sharing facility and data.

More than 330 companies have used our shared facility since its launch in 2010, not only from device manufacturers such as MEMS, but also from manufacturers of materials, mechanical components and equipment. To date, we have successfully supported the commercialization of about 10 devices.


Micro System Integration Center

Kentaro Totsu

[Service Engineering]

Data Analytics for Creation of Social Values

  • My research field is a data analytics for creation of social values by data science approaches. In modern society, we can observe various data sets about our daily life, business or community. I aim to create new services for it using such data set and methods of Bayesian modeling, data mining or machine learning.


Graduate School of Economics and Management

Tsukasa Ishigaki

[Shape memory alloy]

Novel Cu-Based Shape Memory Alloy with High Ductility

  • Recently, we have developed a novel Cu-Al-Mn based shape memory alloy with high SM properties and with a ductility twice higher than that in Nitinol . Furthermore, this novel SM alloy needs no die for the shape setting and is fabricated with relatively low cost. Very recently, we have successfully developed a device to cure ingrown toenail by using this SM alloy.

Very recently, we established a fabrication process for the Cu-Al-Mn sheet, wire and bar with 0.1 - 20mm in thickness or diameter. We hope to conduct collaborative research with a willing company for a practical application with this new SM alloy.


Graduate School of Engineering

Ryosuke Kainuma

Novel CoCr-based superelastic metallic biomaterial with low Young's modulus

  • General metallic biomaterials, such as stainless steels and conventional CoCr alloys, show a high Young's modulus ten times higher than that of human bones. This is an unfavored feature because it causes the so-called "stress shielding effect" when they are used as implants. β-type Ti alloys have a relatively lower Young's modulus, but they come with a compromise of low wear resistance. The current novel CoCr-based alloys are a breakthrough; they exhibit both a low Young's modulus similar to human bones and a high wear and corrosion resistance. Moreover, they exhibit superelasticity with a huge recoverable strain over 17%, also showing promise as shape memory alloys.

It is the first time that a low Young's modulus, a high corrosion and wear resistance, and a superior superelastic behavior are simultaneously obtained in a single material. The current novel CoCr-based alloys are promising for biomedical applications such as total hip or knee joint replacements, bone plates, spinal fixation devices, and vascular stents.


Graduate School of Engineering

Xiao Xu


A novel crystal growth via controlling an energy relationship between crystal and melt with applying an electric field

  • This lab is concerned with the novel approach mainly for the growth from melt by studying the relationship between the interface dynamics during growth and properties of grown crystals. Special interests lie in the growth of new crystals via the imposition of an interface-electric field. Nano-scaled control of crystal growth is executed in an electric double layer of ~nm thickness that is induced by applying an external electric field on the growth interface. Some of our growth results brought by applying an electric field are;
  • 1. Growth of Langasite-type crystals for the pressure sensor at high temperature by manipulating the energy relationship between crystal and melt.
  • 2. Easy nucleation of protein crystals that are normally hard to crystallize.
  • 3. Formation of Si crystals with desired structure by manipulating the interface instability of Si.
  • Crystals developed this way will widen an opportunity to collaborate with industries in the field of the piezoelectric, magnetic, optic and other fields related to the highly-networked information society.


New Industry Creation Hatchery Center

Satoshi Uda

[Si semiconductors]

Development of Interconnect Materials and Processes for High Performance and High Reliability Electric Devices

  • Electronic products can be operated not only by semiconductors but also by metal interconnections attached to the semiconductors. Required properties for the metal interconnections are ohmic contact, diffusion barrier property, adhesion with semiconductors, and low resistivity, corrosion resistance, process reliability. Our group has committed ourselves to develop new metals and processes to meet the needs of wide-ranged device producers with consideration of cost performance. Topics of our research include (1) Cu alloys to self-form a diffusion barrier layer in multilayer interconnection of Si devices, (2) Cu alloys to form a reaction-doping layer in IGZO oxide semiconductors, (3) Nb alloys to achieve mechanical and thermal reliability with good ohmic property for SiC power devices, (4) Cu alloys for transparent conductive oxide such as ITO, (5) screen-printable Cu paste lines for solar cells, etc..

Our research efforts are targeted at metallization and interconnections for advanced LSI, flat panel displays, touch panels, power modules, solar cells, and other electronic devices. Collaborators include material producers, equipment vendors, and device producers in the entire value chain of electronic products.


New Industry Creation Hatchery Center

Junichi Koike


Development of Recombinant Inbred Mice with a Genetic Predisposition to Collagen Disease

  • Eleven strains of recombinant inbred (RI) mice derived from MRL/lpr and C3H/lpr mice were established. This RI is the only one in the world that randomly develops lesions such as nephritis, arthritis, sialadenitis, vasculitis, and production of autoantibodies in each strain. The genomes of the two strains of mice are randomly held in homozygous condition, and the phenotypes of each strain and the effects of administered drugs could be compared based on their genotype maps. It is possible to identify the regions of gene loci involved in the phenotype and drug sensitivity.

Development of diagnostic and therapeutic agents for autoimmune diseases. It can be applied to the elucidation of the mechanism of onset of immunological adverse events caused by immune checkpoint inhibitors and the development of drugs to prevent the onset of such events, and industry-academia collaboration with pharmaceutical companies, test reagent companies, etc. is possible.


Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering

Tetsuya Kodama

Development of McH-lpr/lpr-RA1 mouse, a study model that spontaneously develops severe autoimmune arthritis, vasculitis, and sialadenitis

  • McH/lpr-RA1 mice are recombinant congenic mice descended from MRL/lpr and C3H/lpr mice and develop arthritis, vasculitis, and sialadenitis with high frequency and severity, with severe pannus formation similar to rheumatoid arthritis, polyarteritis nodosa, and Sjogren's syndrome. On the other hand, McH/lpr-RA1 mice do not develop systemic lymphadenopathy and severe nephritis as seen in MRL/lpr mice, so they are easy to breed and maintain and can be used for long-term drug administration experiments.

Development of diagnostic and therapeutic agents for collagen diseases. It can be applied to the elucidation of the mechanism of onset of immunological adverse events caused by immune checkpoint inhibitors and the development of drugs to prevent the onset of such events, etc. Industry-academia collaboration with pharmaceutical companies, test reagent companies, etc. is possible.


Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering

Tetsuya Kodama